[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

We should move forward. The project concept and model is working. If we sell out now we will only be refunded a small portion of our initial investment as backing price is now sitting around $35k. We all lose if we wind down Wonderland.


It needs to be weighted somehow. Anyone who has bought in the last few days have received a disproportionate amount of voting power and its in their interests to wind down the operation for a profit. Massive oversight!


If this is what’s voted for in the end, it CANNOT be a case of what people are currently holding. It MUST be a snapshot; whales are buying every bit of wMEMO to then basically sell it to the treasury at double the price. Meanwhile the rest of us are getting even more rekt.


This is one reason why we need to keep Wonderland. We can all benefit in the long run, selling now just realises our losses. Makes no sense.

I also agree with this comment and would also like Daniele to stay on in some form

Unfortunately, it is not up to us. I suspect in the end the distribution is dependent on your share of wMEMO when claiming. So all the whales who scooped at huge discount will be rewarded, that is how it works. And the current voting is going extremely well for them.

I saw 2 whales buy wMEMO for $100k and $110k yesterday. That were 5.05 and 5.5 wMEMO at that time.
So they bought their voting power and then voting yes to wind down the project.
They will definitely get back their investment but all other frogs will lose their investment.


I’m missing option 3 the option from yesterday. The vote to go on with a new manager instead of SIFU?

With this 2 option only it feels like Daniel and the team are giving up. That is a bad quality to have. Once you start giving up on things in life it is a hard habit to break’ :wink:

How the f$$k is it ok for the trading of wmemo to stay open while this vote is going on?


are you going to sell now? Will it DROP? is it better to hold on to see what happens with
the treasury?

I know I just reread his blog too! I’m so confused because it doesn’t match this proposal at all?? He clearly states:

“For the option that I am for which is to fight and bring someone new and experienced on to manage the treasury”

We’ll just have to wait and see on the snapshot which way his wallet votes… it probably would completely sway the results one way or another because it’s such a large share


Why is Dani allowing this to happen :pleading_face::pleading_face:

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hmmmmmm i wonder why? The smartest cope-out ever. run for hills strategy ever. Okay lets try the sale the company with the “merger” proposal…hmmmm how about the “wind down” proposal? Whales win again and throw those “frogs” with not enough staking power BACK into the well…nice legal way…Protected with the “The people voted for this”…cough cough…whales…man pfft.

This proposal is submitted by WonderlandTeam however I’m completely unsure who exactly this is? Is this Dani making this post? Or Sifu? Or if a collective post, how many people are actively involved in authoring it? @WonderlandTeam , please clarify who specifically is speaking here?

And per the post above, why is this proposal worded so negatively when Dani’s blog (and his previous tweets) were much more in favor of continuing? I for one would volunteer to help a team of frogs help Dani. But to handover Treasury keys to strangers and have Dani walk away as this proposal seems to imply might happen also feels like a big risk.

Besides replacing Sifu and hiring a new Treasury mgr / multi-sig team, I’m very unclear what other changes to leadership would really be required from the community here?

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f0rc3 r3k7 … 5 days, take it over we can (yoda vox), fux0r3d you are… fux3d by wh4l3s . . Dani if let this ride fuck your life. Somone take it over, not sure that is possible… Fucked and rucked and fucked. TAKE IT OVER!

Agree I am also missing that option. That is the best option. giving it to the community is no option. Look at the discord it is full of people that only know how to panic that is no way to manage a project. Also winding it down looks like a good option to some people but i think that they will not be happy with what they get back. Option 3 keep fighting with new management is the option to go!

Yeahhhhh you see that missing huh? I wonder why?

You get shit back, fucks that fucked it get more, no suits my ass. Frog nation my ass. Fix it or fuck off with the rape and theft, hope you get fucked back, throw your hands up. Money rekt better than rep rekt for the thieves.

These types of comments are not constructive Ser.

Anyone who is unhappy that buyers at this price get a potential windfall if a buyback happens at Backing per wMEMO is free to buy some wMEMO at today’s price just like the whales.

Or if you don’t want a buyout, talk constructively about how to fix this community’s leadership?

Its not but people frustrated. The owner making he seems to wont to get the 9-5 er the average joe a chance at something great! However even as last chance to support that frog…some way the merger and now this proposal seems to favor the whales…I mean come on…sooo many ways to make the vote legit and fair…but not even that…they doing it by who has more shares…Which the whales bought at all time lowes voted "Yes " to dissolve then will sale it back at double to the treasury and those previous holding…get…crickets. Sad…no fight option just sad