[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

What money back??
I buy TIME at 22/11/21 when TIME price was $8.830 and at 3/12/21 when TIME price was $7.300
Now you give me back what??? my TIME tokens @ $430 ???

If he abandons wonderland then it’s clear it was intended to be a slow, strategic rug all along and he’s 10000% done in defi… NO ONE will go to abra or popsicle… or any project he tries to get into in the future.

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Frogs, please DO NOT vote blindly as many whales bought tokens after the crash, and now they want a bigger piece of the pie. Please please please make sure there is a detailed outline of everything before a dissolution vote is on the ballot.

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But there is multi-sig. He knows how to build and make money, a rare and exceptional skill that extremely few people have. He clicks with Daniele , take away any chance for him to steal and let him work his magic. See your point though. I got done for football hooliganism.

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For give my previous posting - I’ll try to modify it. I read this and then I read Daniele’s Mirror posting. This one sounds like Daniele want’s to close down the Treasury while the Mirror posting (here: https://mirror.xyz/0x8A7f7C5b556B1298a74c0e89df46Eba117A2F6c1/s7haxQQE9lhDxoBws97vsyGlrOi768xtGB-z9vLLQAw ) says he CLEARLY wants to continue and fight for this new idea of an investment DOA (with professional management). No where does he say that if a counter proposal is not provided in 5 days that he would unwind the treasury - this is confusing. I want it to continue but I have to admit these two postings seem to be saying two different things about what Daniele wants - and it does make a big difference since it’s his project.

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Voted no to the winddown but this was a straight escape cop out…Whales buying up the coin that some helped crashed and then get more vote power and on top of that get double for what they buying the coin back for. And the devs or who9ever made this “winddown” proposal couldnt see that coming? come on man.

Dani is a scumbag, let a multiple convicted felon handle the funds without anyone knowing. Couldnt even tell about sifu before he was voted in, dirt bag.


Frogs, please DO NOT vote blindly as many whales bought tokens after the crash, and now they want a bigger piece of the pie. Please please please make sure there is a detailed outline of everything before a dissolution vote is on the ballot

Frogs, please DO NOT vote blindly as many whales bought tokens after the crash, and now they want a bigger piece of the pie. Please please please make sure there is a detailed outline of everything before a dissolution vote is on the ballot. So read read read

he was in on the scam from the start

Please read. Frogs, please DO NOT vote blindly as many whales bought tokens after the crash, and now they want a bigger piece of the pie. Please please please make sure there is a detailed outline of everything before a dissolution vote is on the ballot

Guys. Frogs, please DO NOT vote blindly as many whales bought tokens after the crash, and now they want a bigger piece of the pie. Please please please make sure there is a detailed outline of everything before a dissolution vote is on the ballot

your’e a complete moron. This was an inside job and still is

is it better to sell now or hold? I mean if this is full fledged scam then is it smart to wait to get paid back? and if we do get paid back will it be more than if we sell now?

Dude thats not really the problem…he made 1 bil for treasury. The real crap play is this windown proposal. Whats the Point of getting rid of sifu if you going to make this wind down proposal next? What was the point of all this voting him off then? No Point! This proposal was horrible. But now it will be said that welp the people voted…yeah those whales that bought the coin dirt cheap on the low…smh. Come on …anybody can see through this.


so do you sell now before it goes to 0?

the “winddown” proposal is a scam more than likely we are going to verfiy all the addresses who bought time today and see if we cant trace it back to any of these clowns

I am totally fine with my wMEMO going to nothing because I knew from the beginning what I was getting into.
I haven´t invested any money I need anyway. I would be ok even if I lost all of my crypto since most of my money is invested outside of crypto.

Take this advise:
DYOR BEFORE entering a project, never invest if You don´t have conviction in the project, never invest when You´re emotionally affected by the market, never invest more than You ok to lose.

Bro, this hurts defi PERIOD. fuck the money its about the vision. THese fucking assholes are going to ruin defi for everyone while at the same time preaching “FUCK THE SUITS” they’re scammers and this is insanely disgusting

Agreed, unfortunately from the current votes it seems most of the large holders wanted to wind down Wonderland for good and get their slice of the treasury

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