[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

Is there a way to add it to the proposal to wind down?

The ‘core’ team member who made this proposal bought 210.49 wMemo on the 27th of January for an average price of $20,428.



I strongly support that. In case the project is decided to be terminated, the payouts should be proportional to the investment(cost of time/Wmemo at the time of purchase X amount of Time/wMemo held). Say the total amount all investors put in is $10000, and an individual investor had put in $10, and the current treasury is $8,000. The individual investor should get $8 as pay out. It will be fair to all, irrespective of the time point at which they invested. This would prevent sharks from taking advantage of buying below the buy back price, and would deter them from supporting the winding down. Is there a way to add this to the proposal of winding down? I do not know how to submit a proposal. Thanks


I Know. In the current form, I would not support winding down. It only helps those who bought below the buy back price. I do not know how to make changes to a proposal or to make a new proposal. Can you please help? Thanks


who’s wallet is that?

I understood that the snapshot of amount of wMEMO was taken 16 hours ago and you need this amount in your wallet in case of a “yes” voting when you claim your portion of the treasury… If you sell now before claiming you won´t get the amount you have… maybe I am wrong but thats what I read…

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What about the BSGG Air Drop and the other one? Is that just part of the treasury? Pretty sure that buyout already happened and is a holding of Time Wonderland now.


Agreed, well said sir!

It’s just amazing to me how this proposal is just FAST TRACKED on here…Why even call this a DAO when we as investors have ZERO say!

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I think there should always be the option for people to change there wMemo against their share of the treasury. There should be a tax for doing this which decreases over time (X%-> 0% after Y days).

The rebasing should stop and be replaced by profit sharing.

People should be able to Mint wMemo without any discount to increase the treasury.


If you look closely, the first three voters that are voting for YES have massive amount of time, approximately 57 % of votes. What is interesting is that these whales didnt even bother to participate in Sifu proposal. They just want manipulate the treasury and get huge amount of money. They want to kill frogs - they entered 3 days ago in this project. We need to change voting scheme.


It looks again likethe dev team and wonderland dont care about a equal vote…truely bad…that its a “head for the hills” proposal. They dont seem to care.

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Everyone that over leveraged themselves complaining that they should get taken care of is interesting. You guys were a leading reason for price crash but you should be taken care of.

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Agree on this. I messaged daniele for 2 days and no response.

Maybe not all leveraged?? I borrowed when wmemo was around 110k I got liquidated at 25k. Is that reckeless??? I dont think so. Backing price at the time was too high up. And liquidation ahppened at time it is 03:00 in my country so i could not even react to this.

I got this too. Seems like they dont want us to vote lol

What happens if I had my Wmemo on sushi swap bento box and I forgot to withdraw it to my wallet, will I still be able to claim my share?

Finally get good price points and market bullishness and Wonderland Team wants to quit when there’s billions to be made, WTF?

Me too. It’s anfair, we should continue

Hate this horrible situation. How can be possible for the guys who bought just yesterday thousands of wMEMO to take the decision of the real community? Of course, they just bought that wMEMO to put Wonderland down and get the arbitrage, is free money, they will be getting backing price. Fuk these bastards… hate how this social unadapted put down a great project.