[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

lol. great question. completely forgot about that

If you already sold…why you here then telling us 90% in loss to just take scraps?


When it comes to money, trust and money go hand in hand. Given the situation we are in, trust is lacking and therefore the return of funds, I think, is the only feasible approach.

However, what is proposed here is not good enough. I sympathise with the turmoil Dani must be going through, but the bottom line is he knew about Sifu and did not tell us about it. Therefore, from the date he knew about Sifu, this became a matter of deceit. I dare say a lot of WL investors would not have invested if they knew a convicted fraudster was at the helm in charge of our funds.

In light of this proposal, we now have people who sold now re-entering in the hopes of at least gaining some of their investment back. The only morale and fair way to resolve this is to take a snapshot from that date Dani knew of Sifu’s identity. If Dani wants to help preserve his reputation and most of his other projects, I dare say he needs to ensure everyone is fully re-imbursed their initial investment. Now, I’m a realist so I accept this probably won’t happen, but at a minimum, each account who held at the time Dani knew of Sifu’s identity, regardless of whether they held, fully sold or sidestepped, now need to be included in this re-imbursment you propose.


agreed. lets make this happen!

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Yeah clean slate. Because the top people already exited selling all their wMemo/TIME before this :slight_smile: Leaving us with this hot potato while we wait for voting proposals.

Honestly I still like Dani and team to continue with the project. Why isn’t that an option? I think there are many of us that would to continue with this project as it is, without sifu of course.

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I’d say damage to the protocol is done, no recovery possible. Everyone will exit the protocol the second they recover enough investment so they would be excessive downside selling pressure for the foreseeable future. New management will never ever regain the momentum needed to be successful. We are in a crypto winter, who knows how long it will last.


wonderland is damaged goods. Its over

I’m not sold that winding down right now is a valid strategy.

If the Treasury wallet bundle in Zapper linked to on Discord is correct., too much of the treasury is made of wMEMO, TIME, MEMO or related LP positions (wMEMO/MIM pairs) etc

There has the be more beneficial ways such as:

  • Stop emissions
  • Slowly liquidate non-Frog nation assets and turn them into a yield-baring assets locked up for 12-24 months.
  • OTC deal for the Frog nation assets (spell, mim, mim/LPs) and the UST.

Those that want to exit still can trading out as the price settles into a fair market price away from Frog nation uncertainties.

This would take away some of the uncertainties about whales who bought the turmoil dips. Or snapshot to pre Sifu news holders to cash out first.


just take your distribution and invest it elsewhere. Safely!


When you say wMEMO held in the treasury is not part of the distribution, where did it come from? Was the wMEMO acquired with investor funds? Are any airdrops included with these assets? Does this distribution exhaust all assets down to zero?

Yes exactly that! Refund ist just stupid. Helping the rich getting richer and is an easy escape for the people who fucked this up. Take responsibility!


Vote for my proposal Please


see so many comments here from people who want to have their cake and eat it too… you’ve been liquidated and want your original investment back or you want to be paid back at your initial wMemo price. get real. Investments dont work like that. you made an investment that didnt return. suck it up and take some responsibility for your decisions. the market is down in general, this has compounded everyones stresses and the position we are in today. the value of the treasury has shrunk in line with the market. as a token holder they are giving you the opportunity to own your treasury % directly rather than through wMemo. you do with those tokens what you please, sell them down to a stable coin, swap them or hold them. the choice is yours and just because that’s what you want doesnt mean others do too. they are not going to pay you a specific $ amount for your wMemo. they will give you the assets from the treasury, these fluctuate like in any market and the best available $ value for reference is the backing price. if you dont own wMemo/Time/Memo you dont own any % of the treasury so your not going to get anything. no snapshot is required. if your a token holder you have a claim. its pretty clear.
obviously this project cannot continue because without the founders and Dani (who clearly want out), the whole ecosystem cannot be developed. that is what we were here for. those who actually knew what they invested in anyway.


Just to be clear they’ve said we will give our tokens back. It won’t be through an airdrop of funds. That is unfair to anyone who got wrecked or who kept buying into liquidations to say you continued to add to your holdings by dollar cost averaging but don’t get the reward from continuing to add money to the project.

With these two options I’ll be voting to liquidate and just be happy to recoup some of my losses from this project.

Live and learn

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Why would you allow people to buy into wMEMO below the backing price before the snapshot, only to then pay them out at the treasury backing price? The snapshot should have been conducted the instant this proposal was made.

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Please provide calculations on how we can work out how much of the treasury we would get for the amount of wMemo held.

A shame for the project and most of us with huge losses, but it is a sinking ship and I presume the team do not want any further involvement so they can save Abra, Popsicle and Sushi without the implications that Wonderland would now bring.

If we could bring someone like Tetranode to manage the treasury then I think that’s the only way to turn this thing around.

I agree if you got liquidated thats the price you pay. Dani wanted to prove his word was real by making buy backs and what do whales do? manipulate that by force saling causing cascade liquidations and buying back at lows…smh.

Also this proposal by the team is a bunch of junk. Listen to your people they mostly would like to carry on with a doxed treasury management staff…what cant you understand?..stop the give up sentiment.


Option - Lock WMemo for 60 days - Lock the treasury. Allow the treasury assets to rebound. Distribute after 60 days.


I agree the project needs to be unwound and frogs who were a part of this whole debacle should be compensated for being lied to. The snapshot needs to be adjusted though. We were all holding on as price was going down waiting for the BSGG airdrop. THAT should be the date of the snapshot to refund holders.

So many people took huge losses after that, including myself. I was forced to repay my leveraged position at a massive loss so i wouldn’t get liquidated. Literally lost 10’s of thousands of dollars. So if the snapshot is taken PRIOR to this vote then I agree we should wind it down. If not, then it doesn’t seem reasonable at all.