[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders

lol. cos less money makes more money, right? absolute numbers and percentages n all.

Wow, 4 Italian days is really long…

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absolutely no on rage quit option, sell at market if you want out


Larger liquidity positions make larger yields

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This will get a “No” from me. I believe it’s better to use the money to massively boost marketing and help the price get back and above the backing price, thus giving everyone a chance to sell then and also help grow the project again.

A “no” vote from me even if I’m 90% down.


I dont see the value for a rage quit. People will arbitrage the hell out of wMEMO. People that invested in MEMO should ride it out. Look at it as funds lost and if in 2, 5, 24 months the project recovers then they can HAPPY QUIT and not rage quite. If you wanted stability and safety you should have kept your money in the bank…


Not a fan of this, don’t want to drain the treasury. We are wasting valuable time with this bullshit - we already voted to keep going - WTF? If you want to quit, quit…Get the treasury earning again, get the strategy moving, get the team in place. STOP FAFFING AROUND WITH VOTES FOR THIS


Disagree… Don’t like the idea of a rage quit proposal

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I am all for removing those invested in the project by offering them a way out that is fair, but that needs to consider us Frogs that have been long term investors of the project, wish to see its continued success moving forward and that are fully behind @WonderlandTeam not those that are in to make some quick money, have no vested in seeing this project reach its full potential !

Some have put money in, when the Sifu scandal was released as they saw the offer of the backing price promise, those that came in on/after that date, should not be compensated with a higher price, they knew what they were getting into and should they wish to cash out they do at the current price, only fair on those of us that have been on the journey, stood by the project through the beginning ! I have no interest to cash out, I am in long term and cannot wait to see where we go from here.

Lets not allow these individuals to take advantage of @danielesesta kind nature, they are in it only for themselves and not the good of the community or project, lets get them out, not at the expense of the Project !!!


Why aren’t we going with the Professor’s plan?


Very close to Backing price now…
All you that would like to RAGE QUIT should get the fook out soon. if it reaches backing price, this discussion should be removed and never discussed again


I say yes. Let the rage quitters quit. They’ll keep holding us back if we don’t let them. Remember them being around means they have power to vote on other decisions and can hurt us.
Besides treasury belongs to frogs so if some frogs want their cut then those frogs should have it.


so, let them take a massive cut of the treasury, then buy back in for more, influencing the voting even more, great idea…


The only reason it’s close to backing is precisely because ragequit option is here.
If you say stop the ragequit we go back to the abyss.
There is simply not enough liquidity for all ragequitters to exit on the market, ragequit is just a big OTC trade.

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is there any information on how they calculated the backing price? cos it doesnt fit one bit to what it should actually be. and i also find no information on if dani already burned his and if the said backing price includes this or not. it seems like they calculate the backing price from ALL coins and not just the coins in circulation, which is obviously extremely stupid and wrong.

will be funny to see dani and sifu on the whitelist vote.

Has it been addressed anywhere that a huge part of the treasury value is in wMemo?
How is the treasury going to do buybacks without selling it’s wMemo?
Or is the plan to leave that for those of us who stay in- leaving us with no buyback option later?

One major flaw with Rage Quit is that it doesn’t address the large percent of the treasury that is in wMemo. If treasury starts selling wMemo for buybacks it is sure to crash the price of it. That is if anyone is buying. And if they only use the other assets for the buybacks, those of us that stay will be stuck with no buyback option because the treasury may then have a majority of it’s holding in wmemo.
What am i missing here?
Please let me know.

I choose to continue, Frogs United.

ok guys, the vote is up and if you have not noticed our whales and big bag holders are voting yes.

Since the proposal did not change, meaning anybody who bought in since even yesterday/today can “rage-quit”. I put quote-unquote there because the whales who bought yesterday obviously just using this to make tonnes of money tomorrow.

Anyway, since 90+% of our whales and big bag holders (100 TIME tokens and more) are voting yes, there is a possibility that they are done with this project and are just wanna ransack the treasury. Possibility ya, possibility.

So if that’s really the case, then nice knowing you all and wish you all the best.

well, we know sifu is our biggest whale right now (43K TIME tokens) and he already voted yes to rage quit. Next, we’ll see if he also gonna vote yes to whitelist. If that’s the case, then we already know why rage quit proposal was proposed in the first place, nehhh?