where is the link to the vote?
found it, very sneaky
So, again leakage before the vote is made live, not sure if you are all a bunch of fooking criminals in charge of this project…
I see now. The only reason the price was up, was because the fooking whales already knew, that a vote was coming today, criminals, all of you, leaked again. oh, do i get my over $6k backing per memo that you offered when i first got in? i fooking doubt that, hail the whale, i do hope there is a massive investigation into this DAO, i will push for one
I have been reading very carefully and we all have options. If we trust in the universe that everything is working out for the better good of all then TRUST. Remember why Crypto was invented, to build a community of common good for all. For those who need to get out then respectfully exit. For those who believe that the risk is worth staying in then stay in. My vote is NO. Wonderland will survive and we will all profit.
Thank you for reading and with gratitude, I express my humble opinion.
If we take option Rage quit :yes and whitelist : yes … do we have to use the whitelist option … because:
due to the major losses ( in know for SIFU etc… it is peanuts) - 15KUSD here, I want to get a rage quit option - than consequently I need to be on the whitelist - BUT … I want to decide at alter stadium whether to leave really or not… can this be an option or is it, get out and if interested back in?
hopefully someone here is so kind to react … and give their opinions straightaway … open, transparant and honest (wasn’t this a part of the frog nation?)
Snapshot would have been a yes for me, but as it is I’m a strong NO! There was plenty of time to add a snapshot date to RQ before this vote. Now the big $ that bought at 200-300 is getting their way and all the reasoning of how the treasury will be better for a smaller group makes no sense when you consider that treasury holdings are like 30% wMEMO. Treasury has to dump that on the market at some point either to do buybacks or to invest with after RQ. Either way that will hurt the price of wMEMO.
And the ones who bought the crash at the end of Jan are going to be killing it. Hoping for a miracle turn around “no” vote like the one to wind down the project. To me this is a clever disguise of the same thing.
If anyone wants to take a look at the wallet of a whale voter. I guess I can’t be angry at degens for taking their opportunity at making a huge profit. The problem is really on the system and people maintaining it.
The few people that can benefit from this the most are the ones with the most power to vote it through.
@WonderlandTeam Maybe consider implementing votes in a way that caters to whales less?
One thing I know from trading stocks is: You never lose until you sell at a loss. We need to ride this out, not give up on it.
Makes no sense?
[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders
wMEMO backing price is estimated to be $38,298.00*
*Due to treasury including volatile assets, the final numbers will be assessed more accurately after the whitelist vote is completed.
So there is gap to change the price even after people take a NO or YES vote ? stupid!
38k backing price and then what? multiplied by your TIME ? or wMEMO - what , how , and as at what date?
you are in favor of what ?
It completely seems to be a corrupt vote anyhow, its bs.
how the hell can it be 95% yes
Well the big whales vote yes. we need to masses to vote no to overcome that
This is the same offer or discussion been made way earlier on. Its ridiculous.
how the hell does 38k multiply your current wMEMO as at when ? and then i mean its the same garbage as selling for a loss and or giving up. It voids the previous votes being made.
Agree - Worried if all large holders rage quit and let’s say the treasury drops to 100M is it really worth hanging around? Feels like we need to know more about what happens next.
Not everyone that voted yes will have burn their wmemo. A lot of people are agreeing with this WIP, to allow Wmemo to be burned. Therefore, increasing the price for holders. If people then choose to buy back in (taking up the reserve) the price will increase accordingly.
I think you should, as it would be the honest approach, but I don’t believe it will happen. BTW when did you enter, i.e. when was the backing at $6k per memo? Not sure where I put my tracking list.
*** Despite hundreds of suggestions for improvement, the wording of the proposal has still NOT been changed! ***
The following things needs to be confirmed by the team right now:
- The “bought before date” must be stipulated
- wMEMO and MEMO holders must be included
- Tokens traded in must be burned
Is anybody from the team upright enough to do this?