[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders

Was a snapshot issue. There was a lot of traffic recently and it struggled. It was on and off a lot.

I do agree, that it is annoying.

As far as we know, yes. No mention of blacklisting wallets.

If that is the case, i now see no reason why everyone should not ragequit, then buy straight back in again, should they want to stay. It will gain them a little more than what they had…

What are they gonna buy into if there is no treasury left

how do I put myself on the white list to rage quit?

There will be a vote on snapshot (5.2). It will be announced. Just vote yes, when it goes live.

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Has the rage quit contract been developed yet? Can we review the rage quit contract before we vote?


Not a single vote yet above 14k time, where did all those massive votes go, if they are not entitled to vote on the whitelist, they should not be compensated at backing price

I just had this same problem. Wouldn’t connect directly to metamask. I used the [wallet connect] link and connected to Metamask through that and then I was able to vote. Hope this helps! :frog::+1:

If people do not rage quit, will their positions be worthless or will they be rewarded?

I missed the vote proposal for offer a rage quit option. Is it still too late to get on the white list?

Could i possibly ask the the people in charge to put me on the whitelist

oh…ok…i just vote on 5.2 and everything sorts itself out. Sweet


I’m in for the long term, though I missed out on the vote.


Where do I find the link to get on the whitelist?

It’s in the WIP, can also find it on snpashot.

Can anyone explain why the length for the whitelist period got doubled? I am truly sorry for the Ukranian people but Daniele is delaying RQ by a lot and not following this proposal timelines which clearly harms the project as decreases trust and inhibits the ability for the project to survive going forward, thereby negatively affecting 99% of the other people that are in the project that aren’t related to the war, can we at least expect the contract to swap to be done before the whitelist period is done? I literally got banned from the Discord group from asking this very same question, how come is it taboo?

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Seems like you have the same info we have. Dev team is also affected by the situation in Ukraine, so that might be a way to give them more time to work.