[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders

It has to happen. Get this done quick, and move on, whatever result. 7 days too long IMO, but then again, maybe it’s good to get this done definitively. Don’t want the losers to come back again and again.

Sadly there are lot of whiners. Can’t see them moving on but hey, nothing anyone can really do about that.

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READ this guys:
Ragequitters will get a backing of 35-38k per wmemo (we exclude bsgg value).
Backing with bsgg is north of 45k$.
If 20% of treasury ragequits, that brings up the backing including bsgg for holders to 55k+ … just let them ragequit, win for us holders, what are you guys whining about??? And bsgg will only grow from here


I wish people realised this. Free profit!


Everyone STFU and listen,

Rage quit is the only way we can move forward! Rage quitters are going to dump on our asses anyways as soon as price gets to their required amount, so i’ll rather just give them a way out right now, and start wmemo afresh from backing price.

I understand that many people are concern about whales who bought after sifugate just to abtr, i can recall dani saying that there will be a few variables to consider to be eligible for rage quitting.

I doubt that Dani will be that stupid to just offer the treasury to everyone and anyone to just come in and take a piece of it. My only worries is, why he did not include it in the proposal for clarity!

So My Vote will be YES! Because we long term holders will benefit the most for our loyalty to the protocol.

And just to add to this, we do not need billions in the treasury in order to be successful, just in case you are getting it twisted.


Can you Just come back with another wallet? What’s the point of this??


Yes on 1,
No on 2.

More for me,
Less for you.


I will be supporting Rage Quit and will not be participating in the whitelist. I hope that people will see this is ultimately the best for everyone because those who wish to leave amicably at the promised price can do so, while the rest of us can move forward in a better position. It is hard to know what the best answer is, but in my opinion this is it. I want us to get past this part, and make Wonderland great.


Strongly in favor of this proposal – let’s get this over with!


if I buy wmemo now. I am going to be eligible for rage quit? If the answer is yes, then this is hugh loss to frogs who have been holding for long time, there is no mention of who will be eligible and from which date to participate in rage quit, provide some dates.


It isn’t a loss, you get more for every rage quitter. Bigger fish in a smaller pond, but net holders profit. People need to realise this…if you still want to vote no, fine, but vote no knowing you miss out on free money


I presume no-one will want to sell at below backing post-ragequit, that wouldn’t make any sense.

Plus as you say, if people rage quit and can still buy below backing, they may well do again (meaning price go up to backing)

If we do a rage quit, then we need to do it for the people that were holding before we went below backing price, whatever day it was. It would be bullshit if someone bought at $25,000 and makes a quick buck scamming our treasury


Not to mention the remaining community will be stronger and more unified if they allow their fellow members to leave with their share. Frankly I’ve been amazed how so many feel this urge to inflict damage on one another just because they find themselves down as well. “If I can’t win, then no one should win!” is not the sort of ethos that will find lasting success.

End of the day, the smart money understands the reason why this token has value. Voting against them and that reason will not end well. Frog Nation is Not the successful heir to Occupy Wall Street, I’m sorry to say.

This is quite literally a vote for - Do you want wmemo to be worth anything at all, or don’t you?


Well if the rage quit passes, this wont change trajectory. Without real innovation you wont see any difference because its a value proposition. Where is the value? - the treasury and that’s the problem. If the value were in the token, no one would be wanting to “rage quit” We need revenue sharing so that the value is transferred to the token. Right now we are a project with a gimmick, nothing else. We invested in a few projects but those are long term benefits. Near term should be LP provisioning and farming until the market conditions are risk on again.

We burn the liquidated tokens, if rage quit passes we burn those too. we reintroduce backing 25% below whatever value increase we get from burning all excess and we call that the bottom we defend and we make sure the new team continues on a roadmap and not deviate every five minutes.

You want to fix wonderland its really a simple fix, nothing technical TLDR or cosmic.


Snowbank all over again, that worked well for them! now post up “but we’re 10x what they are” because that makes a huge difference right lol

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So, what in this proposal stops this idea:

Whale buys $1M WMEMO when it’s at 50% backing (simple math). Uses this to get $2M. Then goes back and rebuys WMEMO. Isn’t this just a simple way to double your WMEMO?

Or rebuy $1M WMEMO and take $1M profit.

I know Dani is for allowing RQ because he wants FUD and non believers to leave. I want to get rid of them too… But personally I am more toward voting no because except whales wanting to arbitrage, the only other frogs who would like to RQ must be absolutely stupid except if they properly DCA or bought a lot of wMEMO at the same time that the whales… But that would make them arb too… Otherwise they are just loosing money… There is only up from now, and if you don’t believe in the project you should have sell a long time ago or shouldn’t even invest in the first place

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Fully in support. This is the only way that Wonderland can move on in a healthy way. Let my people go.


Definite no is coming from me that’s for sure

Snowbank is an excellent example of innovation and value transfer from treasury to token.

No rage quit. Do you want to leave? Just sell your tokens. Where do I vote?

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