[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders

Anyone who wants to get out do it at market price. I’ll vote NO to Rage Quit to protect the only value we do really have at this point “The Treasury”. I don’t care if wMEMO goes to zero, having the treasury and with upcoming plan ,future can be built in our favor. Don’t want to stay sell at market price and get out in peace.

but holders profit from this, it is in holders favour to lose rage quitters without the value of BSGG. Holders get more!

I think an AMA would help, as many can’t seem to understand how this benefits holders. Needs to be explained to them, that ragequit will increase the backing price significantly for holders.

what the fark is this…a rage quit. Think the peeps who have raged should have quit by now. Sounds like we playing video games here …wtf is going on? It’s a No from me.

Each time you buy WMEMO its price grows… You also don’t need to buy $1M worth, you can buy $10 worth for the same effect

I have over 970 memo, I will be voting YES as it is time to move oN

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I say no to the RQ. I may change my mind if those who entered after the craziness are not included.

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Is those people who bought back brought back the treasury, as calculations have been done it would mean nothing significant to the treasury this whole rage quit, once people have freedom they will choose wisely. Untill its panic and a loads of negativity.

Ugh it’s just getting more complicated.

Im jealous baller, lol. Joking not jealous - i understand. Rage quit doesnt help us, and it may not hurt us if we are smart after the vote has concluded. If we continue to do what we are presently doing (nothing) then this rage quit will end up costing us treasury with no plan forward.

I honestly dont care how the vote goes but i want people to be informed on what, and why they are voting. How could we benefit? Well for start when the price starts to climb perhaps there are no sell walls, meaning price would accelerate and not capitulate.

If we start revenue sharing this could help us greatly. If we token burn, again could help us greatly.

How could this hurt… only if we dont have a team with their act together and this rage quit becomes the final action we perform for some time. Then the project gets complacent and falls into limbo directionless and people lose interest and it withers a slow painful death.

I get what your saying, thats why my position is neutral - but also understand the rage quit isnt about those liquidated, or those that sold the bottom, or even the old whales because they are all gone. This rage quit is about vultures.

The problem is those are the only ones rage quitting. Why would you rage quit for say 32k if you rode this down from say 60k range (the range pre-sifu event)

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Any rage quit that allows arbitrage against the treasury is a no go. People that want to get out, get out. When calls in the stock market expire worthless because the price went down, you can’t call your broker and ask for a do-over. The payout seems to be coming out of my pocket. If someone made you a promise, get your money back from them.


what a load of shyte, this is basically offering the whales a good portion of the treasury, vote NO


YES. Arbitrage is good.

Let me explain.

Whale buys $1M below backing price. Cool. He is now free to exit his position at a profit at the backing price, around $33k. Captures a nice 23% risk free profit, without slippage because he is executing this via smart contract. Trading pair would be suspended at this point. Those tokens he just sold no longer belong to the treasury, they are burned. Supply decreases.

*now suppose * that when trading resumes, we are still trading below backing price. Great! Those whales that just captured the 23% arb are now free to buy back their position lower and increase their wmemo position. This will behavior will continue until we are at equilibrium.

SIMILARLY TO A FUTURES CONTRACT if whales expect that by “expiry” (in this case, the day the vote passes and smart contract is deplolyed) that they will be able to exit their wmemo position at a premium, then we will continue closing the backwardation gap that currently exists between market cap and treasury value. When considering this in terms of futures contract terms, this makes sense. The closer expiry is, the less of an arbitrage opportunity exists as the market continues to price in that informed outcome.

If no ragequit is allowed, those whales hoping for a 23% risk free arb either exit now at a small profit, or worse, dump at a loss. With how thin liquidity is right now on wmemo/mim, it’s not to be unexpected that price could go back or even below 18k if those large players exit.

Fellow frogs, please think critically about this issue. Thanks!


While this is true I do expect a no vote on the RQ option, so an initial price pump followed by a serious price dump as you suggest once RQ option vote looks like it will fail. Then some price recovery over time as proposals are made but by then it is a long term play.

Fully disagree with this proposal! This will only benefit those who want to make short term money and bought into WL below backing price!!! Let’s vote NO and protect all the Frogs that have invested and believe in WL!


The only way that this could be done, is if a snaphot had already been taken before this proposal. If this is just a discussion, how many opportunists is this going to attract. if this passes, you are all fools.
Most of the whales have sold, do not attract them again

where is the link to the official vote?

Fantastic read. Now personally i dont believe they would sell at a loss now. I think they will hold for trajectory and the result will be a massive sell wall in the 32- 40k range. Now should they sell at a loss, we still have aplenty of liquidated Wmemo to be burned to inject initial momentum.

Also, consider the factor if introducing revenue share (has to be done) also the pump when a new team finally gets installed.

Yes near term we may see a shock if RQ fails. And i rather not be combating a sell wall either that zaps momentum.

Problem here is RQ is a symbolic battle right now. The people wanting it are not long term holders they are merely stuck vultures. We dont know what behavorial pattern will occur once the RQ argument is over. Do people recommence fudding at an even fiercer pace because now they dont have skin in the game, or do they let be alone? Who knows its pure speculation. I just know when you give an inch people come for a mile.

Im neutral of the RQ vote as i dont see a win or a loss near term for the long term holders. People have to be willing to hold at least 6 months or more to see a win.

VOTE NO TO THIS, I appreciate the effort of management to consider the option, but as a long term time holder this only benefits people holding over the last month, why would we spend any treasury to allow people a guaranteed return, anyone wanting to rage quit should do it on the open market and accept the price and GTFO! Management needs to start future planning and start presenting ideas on how we move forward, why are we caring about these rage quit babies and trying to appease them. Please don’t waste any treasury funds, the only way for anyone long to get our value out of our investment is to stop buybacks and actually utilize the funds to grow project to the benefit of token holders. Pricing will catch up and should be left to the open market, if people realize the treasury is there and the price is trading below then it should naturally normalize overtime. let the market do its job stop the manipulation we are only feeding into this problem.