[WIP #7] - TheSkyhopper+Bastion Treasury Management

Electing one or even two candidates to oversee the entire treasury is absolutely bat shit crazy and will turn out to be a HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE (language for emphasis). I believe the urgency is related to the obvious inefficient deployment of our capital, but we should not compound this with a major blunder, stumbling from one decision to another without anticipating what will happen next as our decisions have a 50/50 chance at being good or bad. Those are horrible odds.

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I wanted to get this out there and the rest will come in a few minutes…

They are asking to be paid based on profits made with a conditions to recover from their losses from the previous month (since current proposal is monthly) before profits is counted. Not based on the treasury size.

Maybe I’m miss understanding what you mean ?

Where we go from here includes Skyhopper and The Professor, but most importantly, the PM’s (portfolio managers) we hire, should be selected from a rich pool of candidates and each one should be allocated a trading line with which they can work with with, and a compensation model that is entirely “eat what you kill”.

We have gone through a lot, and have come along way, we are farming rev share, the rebase has not stopped, the token price, while not flatlining, has at least stabilized, which tells me the market is serving its main function: Price Discovery.

The DAO is optimized to handle a structure wherein it is a hedge fund, a proprietary trading desk, early-stage venture capital, liquidity as a service provider, and vulture capitalist at once.

Because of its trustless nature, it can succumb to extreme ineffectiveness. It is this trustless foundation which enables crowd-sourced governance. Where the foundations begin to crack is when “trust” is introduced into the equation. A DAO is not designed to coexist with centralized leadership, or where the members are suddenly thrust into a situation where they must rely on trust in order to feel at peace.

We are being asked to “trust” Skyhopper, trust Bastion, trust The Professor, because we are all losing our minds as we watch the WL saga unfold slower than paint dries. In the hyperloop of DeFi, this is driving us all mad.

We should allocate a limited portion of the assets to each manager, and additional capital will come based on performance, but we keep recruiting additional managers…

If the concept of “high water mark” has been introduced, I did not see it. I admit I did not read the entire chain from 3 different threads.

A “three month trial” will not work because it affects the way the portfolio manager thinks. We commit and then cut the PM if risk parameters are violated.

Ah then yes, a high water mark is being proposed.

As for the rest of you of comments, these are fair points :slight_smile:

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This approach to selecting a manager for $200m seems wrong and I am going to vote negative. Wonderland should invite proposals from multiple managers and have a group of people with experience in asset management agreements provide an analysis of the proposals for voting. Why would you only consider one service provider for something? Is the treasury not an attractive AUM for someone to manage?

Further, who is going to monitor the fee calculations on a monthly basis? Does Bastion (or whomever Wonderland chooses) just send a bill with their calculations and it gets paid with no review?

Lastly, how many people who are voting have experience in setting up and managing the details of a proposed contract such as this? Only a portion, I would guess. There should be a full vote on parameters for a strategy, but we would all be better off using a different procedure when it comes to something as specialized as setting up a fee agreement. That is not a disrespect to the average holder. It is just a recognition that this involves questions where having some specialized professional experience can very substantially increase the chances of positive outcome. Many people can drive a car. Some people who own cars have chosen to learn how to fix them and some don’t. Those who don’t benefit from having a mechanic help with the car. No different here in reviewing proposals/contracts.

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We are pleased to inform you that WIP #7 voting has now closed, and passed with over 97% in favor. Please welcome @SkyH as the new Treasury Manager for Wonderland!

His initial contract is for a period of three months. We all look forward to working with him and his team as Wonderland continues to take its next steps forward!