Wonderland 2.0

I agree. Votes should pertain to elected representatives to serve as our voice and make decisions for us. Placing investment decisions to a vote will result in our investments getting front run. We will slow down to a crawl if every decision requires a vote.

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Make sure to input your comments in the RFC if they were not addressed.


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I think that’s a valid perspective. We initially made that proposal when it appeared the vote was going to be unwinding the treasury and ending Wonderland. We believed that would be the way to ensure the most people received the fairest payment.

Obviously, the vote went to not ending Wonderland, so the management of the airdrop can be done as it was announced. That avoids giving additional BSGG to liquidation and post-sifugate buyers too. Thank you for your feedback. We’ll likely update that language.

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I finally had a chance to look at your proposal. You had responded to my proposal for volunteer committees. I love what you have here so far, to be honest. It’s well fleshed out, and I am surprised you were able to put it together so quickly! I do think we should have a puppet and crayon version for those of us who struggle with certain concepts once you finalize for RFC.
I agree with OxVonBismark that voting on everything would be a bit much, but maybe if we did have committees who oversaw different categories, we could consider them representatives for the smaller stuff. I really appreciate your enthusiasm and initiative.

( Edited for grammar errors. )


I run a fund focused on NFT/P2E gaming and metaverse projects, and feel I have expertise that could add value to the frog community. I love the direction of this proposal, and would like to be considered as an investment manager focused on the NFT/P2E gaming space by the community and whatever oversight committee is selected by the DAO.


Shouldnt there be some incentive for people to buy wmemo now at these discounted prices? Unless I am missing something

The market currently offers a great price to get in if you want to invest longtime. We should not be giving a discount to incentivize people though.

I agree with this want to forward to a WIP

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to have everyone vote on everything is ridiculous nothing will ever get done, you need to empower people who are are good at there job and let them do it.


Agree with this proposal as well

I like the fact that something positive (IMO) is being done and the sentiment is to continue and drive fwd with a better V2.0 = good.

I will admit I am unsure regarding the underlying value of the tokens, I get that there is the tracker for wMEMO, and the 1 TIME = 1 MEMO = 1 gMEMO (pretty sure 1 TIME didn’t = 1 MEMO when I swapped, but that aside…), however, can we please stop working in fractional portion, to the 8th, 9th decimal place; why? I get the way this is worked out, but for the life of me, I don’t understand this unnecessary level of complexity going fwd. Can you please make it simpler?

That said, I like the proposal and hopefully some new momentum going fwd will gather pace.

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For the revenue pool, is the 30% performance fee a cut right off the top? Are they expecting 100% APY to make up for such a drastic fee?

I also can’t follow the “compounding” strategy. Can someone explain this section in plain English? lol I’m smooth-brained.

If you dont want to be here…why not just sale right now?

I don’t know if including the exit strategy in the main proposal is still the plan, but if so I have a question.

I don’t get the point of using a snapshot to select who can exit at backing. While allowing exit at backing benefits the treasury to some extent, encouraging whales and arbs to wait for the market price to reach backing and then dump on the project, thus putting us back weeks if not months in terms of price recovery, seems counter productive. Is this done only to please the anti-whales crusade?

I’ll take my situation as an example. I’m a long term holder, I bought enough after the dissolution vote announcement to break even if allowed to exit at backing. It seems what you’re proposing clearly oversees my situation, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who did that. So I won’t be included in your proposal, and when the market price will reach backing eventually, I’ll have to fight with whales and arbs to sell before they dump the price back to 20k.

Any thoughts on this?

P.S. : At the very least, if you want to use a snapshot, use it to whitelist wallet adresses that held wMemo at some point before the announcement.

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Yeah, I have 34 - was I supposed to do something with them?

This is worse idea mate just stop this nonsense is nothing wrong with the APY and Rebates we been here to take risks is the market.You can’t do a shite proposal only because most of us bought on peak is the same who bought at 200 are in profit now.
You want to scrap what’s best from Wonderland are you sure you’ll got the same exchange listings keeping the best one in Hotbit and Gate.io ?
Please consider the manly option you got nerve and you took a risk now because some of us lost money doesn’t mean that it won’t come back.
I hope people will reasoning and won’t follow this madness.
Losing important listings in exchanges only because some twats crying their loses without realising that the best way moving forward is let the market decide.
Ending the Apy and rebases you’ll have another 50-60%selling off again.
Good luck with your Mini Wonderland 2.
We need to find the best way to keep al together.
Just let the damn thing excacly how it is .
We need looking staking periods minimum 1 year
And most important burning mechanisms to keep the supply low.
In rest just let the market do its course take it as a long time trade guys learn to be patient in this game.
If you think to cover loses this is not the fix.
Getting more Time from rebates and APY and trading wise making profits on day by day trades yes this is the natural solution
Is called market solution
Please take this down really you do this because you crying about your loses I lost too once I’ve been hacked and now I’m down but what doesn’t matter as long as my Time grows is what trade makes your money :money_with_wings: back not scrapping what actually gaves you money is like shoot yourself in the leg.
U don’t agree with the Professor plan neither nor with Wonderland 2.
Guys let’s stop this , Time would get back on track if we keep it down ok .
Bastion trade cannot take over the treasury needs to come with a concrete plan.
If you want to scrap Time and Wmemo you’ll scrap the listings on Hotbit and gate.io now whomever proposed that had took this in consideration?

The proposal looks, in general, like a good foundation but I suggest adding:
Phase 0: Wrap up loose ends
I want to stick with Wonderland and move forward but we should address any unfinished business first.

@xXx_SOLVER_xXx , @Danielolteanu, @Izi, @Kyle_HODLs, @Lee77, @Nwcjackychan, @trydenfeld, @Krash1x, @na11111, @Lance_INF

Make sure to put your feedback in the RFC post so they can take it into consideration.



Closed to focus engagement on the RFC thread.