Wonderland Dedicated YouTube Channel Proposal

We believe a dedicated YouTube channel is needed to introduce and teach existing/potential investors about all the incredible things happening at Wonderland. We need a place where we can direct all existing and potential investors who want to learn exactly how revolutionary Wonderland is and will be.

This will help the project in so many ways so that Sifu and Daniele don’t have to keep answering redundant noobie questions and can focus on their key strengths.

There are already so many great videos/animations on YouTube done by different channels. We just need to consolidate and update our community with our own YouTube channel every time something new is happening with simple to understand content. We could also consider this to be the space for Daniele to do scheduled AMAs, if needed.

Here we list below all the potential Themes / Playlists we could have on the YT Channel:

They are listed below but you can also view it via this Google presentation link:
Wonderland YouTube Channel Proposal (Google Presentation Link)

(These will be 2-5 minute videos for new users, each question answered in its own video. Doing it in 2-5 minute videos gives mods in Discord the ability to share a link to a specific question)

1. What is Wonderland and why was it created?
a. Short-term (3-6 month) vs. Long-term (6+ month) vision and roadmap
b. How does Wonderland generate revenues?
- How much revenue is Wonderland generating daily?
- How can I track the treasury and investments?
c. What is a rebasing DAO and how does it all work?
- Rebases explained
- What is the APY?
- How does Wonderland plan to reduce inflation?
- How can I vote on DAO proposals?
- What votes have been passed already and what do they mean?
- What votes are coming up with short explanation of impact of each
- Can I create a new proposal to be voted on?
d. What does the backing price mean and how can I track it?
- What are buybacks and how do they protect the protocol?

2. What and who are the Frog Nation?
a. Intro on Daniele, Sifu and Devs with twitter handles
b. Explain the ecosystem and how they all work together
- Wonderland / Abracadabra / Popsicle / Sushiswap / MIM
- DeFi leverage and liquidations explained

3. TIME / MEMO / wMEMO Explained including current/max supply
a. Why should I stake my TIME to MEMO?
b. What are the benefits of wrapping my MEMO to wMEMO?
c. How can I track my rebasing TIME tokens when I’m holding wMEMO?

4. What investments has Wonderland made?
a. Betswapp.gg deal details
- Airdrop snapshot and revenue share plans and timing
b. Cross the Ages deal details

5. What is Liquid Staking and why is Wonderland investing in it?

6. What chains will Wonderland be on why?
a. What are the benefits of wMEMO on Avalanche / Fantom / BSC / Arbitrum?

7. Tutorials
a. How do I buy Wonderland tokens?
- Official links and wallet addresses
b. Sushiswap tutorial
c. How to use zapper and debank to track Wonderland Treasury
d. How can I use my wMEMO to borrow safely?
e. Is the Wonderland calculator reliable?
f. How can I bridge my wMEMO across chains?
g. How do I navigate the Wonderland discord channel?
- How to find previous messages from Sifu / Daniele / etc
- How to see pinned messages
- How to track latest announcements
- How to suggest new ideas
- Overall Discord etiquette

There is already so much great content on YouTube about Wonderland from channels such as:

  1. Defi Magick
  1. Degen Defi
  1. Defi Daily
  1. Aaron Mullenix
  1. Price Time
  1. Siam Kidd

And many more…

And great twitter accounts documenting so much for us such as The DeFi Edge https://twitter.com/thedefiedge

The content is out there, we just need a consolidated and dedicated YouTube channel to educate and keep existing/potential investors informed of the exciting things coming to Wonderland.

We have a strong and passionate community who I believe would love to be a part of this initiative. We are currently setting up the team to get this done with the support of @MattMacGyver and @infinitetest

We hope this proposal gets the community’s support so we can take our communication to the next level.



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