Allocate $$ to marketing/communication tools

Is the same idea that im talking here, if we make a little group dedicated to this topic, something amazing could be done

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TIME as brand is genius, (money is time, and time is money)ā€™

keep it simple simple

deprecate wonderland, brand TIME as the HOURGLASS

(wonderland dao being next step down rabbit hole)


Marketing is definitely necessary, but Iā€™m not so sure what gets the most ROI in terms of marketing dollars in this space. We donā€™t want to just add noise to an already noisy space.

I jumped in recently after seeing the interview with Daniele on youtube, because what I saw was a flavor of down-to-earth intelligence and vision which I find impressive. A leader trying to build a community is how you really bring the inspirational energy that can make massive moves, not just the greed riding a single wave. I think this is key. Think of Hoskinson and Cardano. We need to build Frog Nation, not just another DAO.

In short, whatever marketing initiatives are born, I think the vision of Frog Nation has to be the heart of of it. Otherwise, in the eyes of most retail investors trying to figure out this space, weā€™re just another crypto project.


@malagacity very much agree

simple consistent brand will onboard faster

  1. $136/mo lease to own (5k buy now)

  2. ^ try simple ui, cheerful/friendly like abracadabra

  3. make the dao, one step down rabbithole


Apple simple, clean branding will help a lot

imagine us w 1m wallets (weā€™re only 20,000 now)


All things that need to be done. I know the team is currently working on a dashboard improvement with charts etc a la OHM website. They use Dune Analytics, but there is no Dune for AVAX, so they are building their own from scratch (which obviously takes more time).

Tutorials are a good idea. Wonderland is the DAO choice for a lot of people who are newer to crypto & itā€™s terminology, many people would feel much safer investing with professional & accessible videos explaining how it all works.

As for marketing, how we present ourselves on the website, this is a work in progress. We need to have our direction determined: are we just a rebase protocol? Are we VCā€™s? Do we invest in IDOā€™s w XAVA? Or are we a metaverse frog RPG? This has yet to be fully determined. Perhaps we are all those things, the central hub DAO for the Frog Nation with various tie ins to the ecosystem. We will learn more & more about this direction in the coming days & months as we vote on proposals.


Yeah, I think the landing page is outdated at this point and could be worked on.

Branding and communication are fine. Iā€™m not sure if you realized this, but Daniele has over 193,000 twitter followers. And the team is always communicating updates via Discord and Twitter.

I donā€™t see any need to spend any more of the treasury on any of this right now. Iā€™m sure money will go toward marketing in the future when plans are solidified.

Realize we are the biggest after Olympus. Seriously, who hasnā€™t heard of TIME Wonderland?


Barely anyone. Few people are in crypto, fewer still are in alt coins, fewer still are into DAOs and fewer still are in Wonderland. Massive amounts of potential, why be second place to Olympus, why not be 20 times the size of olympus. Branding, marketing, communication are not ā€˜fineā€™ who wants ā€˜fineā€™ anyway?!

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I donā€™t know if we should be reaching out to people who are still not even in crypto. We are deep in the DeFi scene, and still in the bootstrapping phase. I think itā€™s wasted money reaching out to people who are only in BTC and ETH and other popular LVL 1 alts.

Olympus is older and admittingly more mature as they already know their long term goals are. Wonderland is young and still finding itā€™s way. Marketing will only be worth it once we have a more firm plan for the future. Itā€™s better to rely on organic growth that weā€™ve had.

Youā€™re still very early to this project. Donā€™t forget that.


this post is inline with this
i think that not only would it be great marketing for Wonderland (depending on the size of artists we could attract) but it would also provide immense utility for $time which would only be more encouraging to new members.


Im a marketing expert and would love to be involved in creating a strategy for maximizing wonderlands reach, we need to market ourselves as a sophisticated decentralized hedge fund rather than unorganized vigilantes.

love this idea !!


I would love to see a reasonable amount of funds put towards a contract for some targeted advertising and maybe some shill posts on YouTube/Tik Tok. More Wonderland-specific interviews from our fearless leaders in Defi specific channels would be great also.

(We should really find the damn Youtuber/Tik Tokker who somehow convinced everyone magical rebase-hopping whales existed- that guy needs to shill our project for free as an apology. LOL.)

Since the Staking/APY model can continue as long as the project keeps growing, doing this naturally benefits us and should be pursued.


Spending some amout of money in to marketing would be good . Also some one on main page online employed so can help peeps with basic question and showing way to mechanics be great. Ther is so many questions not unsweard example do we lose compaunding interest when bonding and back or taking same amouts of memo out im sure Dani twitted saying it resets apy compaunding . Also why are we not braging and advertising that we have such a good project in our hands and getting more people to invest.

This shouldnā€™t even be a topic and already be implemented. $1-2mm in marketing will go a long way for Wonderland. I vote ā€œYESā€.


We need more educational marketing, provide basic explanation and help people understand. Information that can encourage participation in Wonderland.
Simple and short video for the general public, not just the youtube influencers.
Step by step how to join, buy and state.

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I dont think it would really help, the metaverse is so overhyped. We should have $$ incentives in educational content and make $TIME a utility token for other kind of things, outside the metaverse.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I want TIME to get into the metaverse, but in the far future when things are actually good and not just hyped for the money factory possibilities.


well, i guess there are 2 sides in a coin, i find the chesire cat design way better than the clown they had in earlier stages, alice falling into the rabbit hole is the plot of the movie, going to a wonderful place with lots of interisting characters, i think of alice as ourselves, being able to make great things, and the hourglass its time being money and money being time.
As i said, i dont believe your take is wrong in the least, its just different ways to see the same thing.


Biahaza talked about wonderland. how much more marketing do you need haha

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I mentioned about it in the official discord and frognation, but you definitely touched all the crucial points surgically. All these points are urgent needs for us. We need a brand, a stronger, clearer, cooler and more attractive identity.

This is the Way


Give the man > @andreigh33 < a chance.

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Wonderland has been growing in popularity over the last month. It would be a waste of valuable treasury resources to purchase marketing time. Good projects stand on their own merit. Tesla, Costco, Trader Joe are just a few of extremely successful businesses that do no marketing.

When we see marketing about crypto, its normally meme coins. I believe marketing would cheapen the appeal of Wonderland.