[DAO Discussion] - Continued Treasury Management by Sifu

I find it hilarious how many people think they know better than Sifu and Daniele. The human ego is unreal. Morons who don’t know they are morons are only half the problem. Whales with a ton of TIME who would be willing to run the project into the ground and walk away will always vote for the short term gains.


Totally agree let Sifu lead us to greater things. If the masses get to decide it will go bad as the majority haven’t got a clue


that is IF Sifu keeps on charge, or am i wrong?

This the easiest vote. Yes. Sifu is the goat.


I Support the continued Treasury Management by Sifu.

After seeing the degens in the Discord I think it wise Sifu makes these decisions.


He clearly should be able to continue managing the treasury. However, we need more transparency. Treasury wallets should be public.


I’d love to see a “roadmap” or at least an emergent vision of where we might be heading. That said, Sifu has done a great job so far!


I support Sifu’s autonomy over the treasury.

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I agree about the clear roadmap. With understanding that the vision and opportunities change dynamically and some details have to be omitted to ensure the treasury is not put at a disadvantage/front-run.
Other than that I’m pleased with all the work done so far by Sifu, Dani and the rest of the team and I don’t mind little communication with holders as long as the team keep building and growing the ecosystem behind the scenes.


Yes continue to let Sifu manage.

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I vote for Sifu - active management is necessary and opening it up to vote on everything would be too cumbersome.

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Release the RFC already

I’m 100% on board with Sifu continuing to manage the treasury at his discretion for the time being. However, I think a second vote on this issue should be scheduled at the same time this is put to a vote, maybe 3-6 months in the future. In essence, I would be in favor a continued delegation of authority for a set period of time—something long enough to permit long term planning and implementation of strategy—with a new vote on whether or not to extend that delegation scheduled for a reasonable period of time before the current grant ends.


Does this even need debating!

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No debate. Yes I support Sifu continuing to manage the treasury. More detailed communication, transparency and analysis regarding strategy could be beneficial. But as treasury manager in a volatile market I understand you always have to be laser focused on the market 24/7 and don’t always have time to constantly communicate every move. Perhaps Sifu could use an assistant.

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I by and large support Sifu and I think he has done a very good job.

I would still support an accompanying discussion / vote on investment principles and framework. Very broad and general themes that will still allow Sifu (or someone else) to have discretion in development of the treasury.

One point that I think should be clarified is any “related party” investments, including investments in Abra, Ice etc. I hold Spell and Ice as I believe in these projects, but I don’t want Wonderland to subsidize them. For people who unlike myself do not own any spell or ice, this strategy is bad.

So I think certain decisions such as deployments that benefit other projects of the team should be individually supported by the Wonderland DAO.

Probably there are other frameworks / constraints / principles that are worth adopting - separately and in addition to the personal discussion around Sifu.

Open it up for comments and thoughts


And what is the alternative?

Who else is there?

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I firmly believe Dani and sifu should maintain full autonomy. They built this house they want to grow it. Very few if any of us have the insight or data they are privy to they are experienced and dedicated to seeing this project through. The treasury and dev team are their domain we should respect that. As for our roll in the dao we should focus on grass roots projects to grow our brand and promote a healthy culture of support and education within our community


We need to keep Sifu where he is, so my vote is yes to keep.

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