[DAO Discussion] - Continued Treasury Management by Sifu

Go Sifu, go!! Frognation for lifešŸø!


I support this in principle, though I believe there should be an amendment to include an automatically scheduled revision of treasury management every 3-6 months.

This would give Sifu the leeway needed to continue his great work while also giving the users the opportunity to share whether they are happy with the choices that have been made. Think of it as an election each 3-6 months, where all users are able to vote on maintaining the status quo or on making changes.


Idk if itā€™s possible, but perhaps to the extent that a particular deployment of the TIME treasury benefits investors in the extended Frog ecosystem more than it does those who only hold TIME, the TIME-only holders could receive a pro-rate distribution of the benefitting tokens to bring them into the ecosystem and make the TIME treasury management equally beneficial to all TIME holders.

Sifu, does Dani know you wrote this?

Kidding. Sifu seems to be doing a bang-up job - my only complaint is that I donā€™t know what heā€™s doing, or what his vision is. As an investor, I would prefer not to be blind.
Wen Roadmap?
Wen Report?

Based on some of these forum topics Iā€™ve seen posted, itā€™s a no brainer to keep Sifu in his position.

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Sifu has done great work so far, I say yes to keep on letting him manage the treasury

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BIG LOOL ofc Sifu the guy is giga chad and long term visionary look how he bought cvx for bribes
Sifu or nothing

Yes, If ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix it. If something is performing or functioning well enough, thereā€™s no need to change or interfere with it for me. Just need the transparency for the fudders out there waiting kekw

I want to see his audited track records. What does the ROI look like? And I also want to see the roadmap. I know Sifu is good. But I want everything is transparent.


I think the logical step right now is to vote ā€œyesā€. The management of the treasury has been solid and to the benefit of TIME holders.

I also strongly agree with the proposal of having some kind of roadmap written down, both for Wonderland and for its treasury. Regarding the roadmap for the treasury, I think it would be beneficial if the overall ideas on how the treasury should be managed and why it should be managed that way could be written down. I have no doubts that Sifu understands how to manage the treasury better than most but sharing those general ideas would benefit the community and bring more transparency to Wonderland.


Definitely yes! Sifu is doing a great job Iā€™d love to see the tresury address and how exactly the funds are managed in the near future

And what exactly are we basing this vote/decision on? Has every single treasury management move been logged so that the DAO members can assess? We can all ASSUME a great job based off purchase/sale announcements on Twitter but we need full access to all moves after they happen (to avoid any frontrunning). This INCLUDES the constant sell orders of TIME from Sifu.

Beyond that there needs to be a much better communication method than answering questions on a Discord that 90% of holders donā€™t use. If weā€™re to be the biggest DAO on earth we must step out of the shadows.


Sifu has done an amazing job, and I believe he should continue doing such. Would love to hear from the TIME leadership on their vision, as they have not really been too public about this. I think it would provide clarity and drive trust into the community.

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This is a definite yes, Sifu is doing an amazing job so far and the only reason for reconsidering his position wold be if he didnā€™t

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For me is a big YES, all of your team doing a very good job so far! Total support for Sifu managemant but i would to know every changes to code. I also would a clearly roadmap for this amazing project.

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Fast forwarding a few weeks, I believe that most of us will agree to keep SIFU in this position. Thats the WHO.
Maybe we can help elaborate on HOW. and build a team with the the tools he needs to take this from 2B to 10B. and from 10B to 100B. and beyond.

We all have the same 24hs per day, and its imperative that the ones making a contribution to Wonderland can make the best out of their TIME (pun intended).

IĀ“m available to go further down this path and provide my time and brain to this project.



100% agree. We need to be empowered to make this decision. This vote feels a bit disingenuous otherwise.

Thatā€™s a Yes from me. Wonderland wouldnā€™t be the same without Sifu.

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Where do I cast my ā€œYesā€ vote?

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Sifu has done an incredible job, but I feel this should be a yearly or bi yearly vote. I canā€™t imagine anyone other than Sifu doing it, but baking it some form of consistent election process would be best for something like this. Bake in the democracy, even if we choose Sifu as our treasury master for years.