[DAO Discussion] - Continued Treasury Management by Sifu

I vote “YES”, Sifu has been great and knows what he is doing. In the meantime, the beginning stages of Wonderland, we need stability and to make sure we are acquiring the correct assets.

This goes without saying that he should be doing a quick PR release on each move/new position explaining what’s the purpose and expected growth.

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I belive in Daniels and Sifus work, it’s the reason why I will stay with wonderland in long term. But I would appreciate to have more info on decisions made and future plans.

‘YES’ - Sifu should stay in control and continue active management of treasury.

Hell to the yeah! Sifu for the win!

Yes to Sifu, yes to roadmap (provided it doesn’t telegraph anything that might be front run)

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yeah I’m totally in this idea, Sifu has done a awesome job and I dont think anyone else has potential to compete with him.

I think this wil be the most YES voted discussion on this DAO, I dont see reason why not make things in this way

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Yes with full support. Thank you.

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It’s all on the blockchain… you can checkout any of the trades/transfer to/from the treasury addresses. There are over 11k wonderland members on discord and now this forum. What other methods of communication would be better?

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I also agree, we need some kind of strong and expert decision-maker especially when we are so early on. Worth mentioning - decision made collectively not always the best possible decision. At some point in future we might need some democracy and meritocracy, but for now I am completely satisfied with Sifu’s and Daniele’s work! Keep going guys!

wtf are u talking about

The sale of AVAX and purchase of CVX could be tracked on blockchain but they felt the need to announce them anyway. I want a place where all transactions like that are announced and the rationale behind why they were made is given. If we’re eventually going to be a mainstream project they need to spoonfeed information and be completely transparent with their moves.

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A wholeheartedly YES for Master Sifu


I’m in full support of Sifu maintaining his position over the Treasury and the Protocol.


I will echo what has already been said: yes a roadmap would be a wonderful thing to help put my mind at ease over what happens once we start moving away from rebases / high APY etc. But as far as Sifu remaining at the helm, I wouldnt trust anyone else to do his job. He and Daniele are responsible for creating this amazing experiment, and now would be a terrible time to shake things up at the top.

YES Sifu!

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Expecting to be spoonfed information is pretty ridiculous imo. When you buy into a managed fund they don’t announce every trade with rational behind why the trade was made. All of the information is already 100% tracked and auditable by the public at any time

Sifu is doing a fantastic job. Just a bit more transparency on where the funds go and what they want to do with it would be great.

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I support Sifu must stay he is good for this job

Up and down this forum you’ll see people calling for more transparency and better public relations. What I’m proposing is nothing radical. Agree to disagree.

if you really know what is crypto so you already know that EVERY SINGLE TXN is registered in the blockchain

about the communication, I agree that we should have some kind of weekly update in what happened in the week somewhere, could be on discord or on twitter. It would help to calm down people’s heart

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Sers, we are in stealth on a large-scale metaverse project. Who should I talk with regarding a partnership with Wonderland $TIME for our tokenomics??

Wonderland is still too young to use a DAO treasury which is to slow for fast moving DeFi. Yes!! Keep Sifu and Dani!

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