[DAO Discussion] - Continued Treasury Management by Sifu

I’ve never had a letter form any mainstream investment firm spoon feed information. Much less give access to see every transaction made by the whole organization in real time you are reaching man and it shows mainstream or not they are making solid plays danni is the front man and while there isent always an immediate explanation of why something was bought it comes to light quickly if you feel that we need notice before the move is made maybe the space isn’t the right investment for you as every move made would be front run costing untold millions the transparency is there just because some can’t see the long game doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be allowed to at our


I’m definitely not qualified to judge Sifu’s work or even suggest that someone else should be doing this.

That said, given how early the project is, I think it would bad for the project to remove the main guy from his position. It makes sense to vote for him to stay.

However, I think it’s clear from the comments here and the discord every time a move is done that people want to know why and what it implies. Sifu usually comes in the discord and address this, but it quickly gets lost in the mix. 0xWicked just mentioned that he is working on a blog, so hopefully the reasoning behind those decisions can be posted there (after the fact obviously) so we can have a fixed source of reference.

One thing that should be clarified before a vote is done in my opinion is this part :

Right now we are voting for the man, but we don’t have a concrete idea of the changes or long term roadmap that goes with Sifu’s plan. So if we were to vote him to stay and then we don’t like the plan, we’d have to restart the process. Hopefully, this can be put in the blog also.

The lack of communication has been one of the main critic of this project. It is getting better, but hopefully we will be able to get a bit more to know what we are really voting for unless the plan/roadmap also gets voted on in the near future, but we don’t know that.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, Keep Sifu

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A no-brainer for me, the guy knows his shit and is a steady hand at the tiller. I trust him.

100% yes from me. Sifu is incredibly talented at what he does.

You clearly didn’t read my comment that mentioned the rationale for moves AFTER to avoid front running. How many people claiming Sifu is the greatest ever has actually studied every move on blockchain? Very, very few. And what I need personally is completely different than what I’m proposing for the longterm growth and health of this DAO. Eventually the degen money dries up and you need mainstream adoption. Being mainstream means stepping out of the shadows and doing things differently. Simple as that.


Sifu doing a hell of a job so got my vote

It seems to me that the most important thing is experience, responsibility and having asset management strategies. Personally, Sifu has been quite active with the community via Telegram and Discor d. My vote is “Yes”, because Daniel and Sifu have a vision and perspective of this project that, as a result of its birth, was accompanied with challenges and that in just 3 months that Wonderland has we have with managed to be in the sights of many investors around the world. I finish by congratulating the team and Sifu and I hope that a proposal is made to optimize the future plans that Wonderland will have. giving more content to our Main Website. Thanks! :100::tophat::tophat:

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Literally asking to be spoonfed information that is already public may not be “radical”, but it is pretty ridiculous imo

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You just want to argue. Do it with someone else. You’ll see once they start actually communicating and implementing the PR ideas that many people are asking for.

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I’m at a A+ for what Sifu has done so far. I’m at a C+ for communication about the direction and road map for the project. Keep doing what you’re doing, just find a better way to communicate it to to HODLers.


Nothing new to add to the discussion here - Sifu is doing a great job. Would love a roadmap. More transparency would feel nice but I’m very happy with the way things are running so far. I do worry about the work load on Sifu’s shoulders but not sure if he can pass on some of the responsibilities! We need him at 100% so he can keep crushing it!


I think the discussion shouldn’t be if Sifu continues managing the treasury, but rather how to have clearer communication and strategy plans.
I also think Sifu should have his/her own advisors and consult on best moves for the treasury. Thinking one person can manage everything is not realistic as the platform continues to grow. Having additional points of view/diversity of thought is crucial for all fast-growing companies to maintain momentum.
My two cents.


Gave this a like but I’d like to echo it in words. Treasury wallets should not be personal wallets. Keep the business wallets separate please.

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Sifu has shown major skill in managing the treasury. I’m not sure if this is even a question but if we leave treasury management decisions to the DAO it would never work. These decisions need to be made in real time as we have seen. I also think Sifu being replaced would be a catalyst for many to sell $TIME. A roadmap, at least at a high level would be welcomed.


All I can say is Sifu Forever


Yes on continuing to have Sifu manage the treasury. Great moves thus far. Great job with community engagement.


I don’t support this proposal until Sifu provides a clear explanation why he’s selling off >$200k of $TIME every day. I understood these are his private funds but it’s not a good look and not something I want our treasurer to do. Can Sifu validate this is his wallet? In the Discord he mentioned he needs it to cover family expenses, but do you need $200k daily for family expenses?


Sifu and Danielle have done a great job managing this project. I believe this project is not currently in the condition to survive without them.

The primary argument I could see towards removing either of them is that centralization might result in it being declared a security. However, everyday we are continuing decentralization and slowing going away from the security umbrella.
Just like with this proposal: in the end we have the decision making power. If we disagree with their management: frankly we should just leave then right? We invest in new projects because of their leadership and plans, you take a risk on those people.
But I completely agree with and support their management. It’s been making us money without us even knowing. They sold before the big dip and bought at the bottom, timed it perfectly.

Tldr; Sifu Danielle are awesome. Let’s keep them uwuuwowowo


I want SIFU managing the treasury

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