[DAO Discussion] - Continued Treasury Management by Sifu

What if Sifu as a “whale” managing the wonderland treasury in a way to grow it and outcompete other DAOS would share some of the strategies with the frogs so we could ourselves invest also on Defi in a way where instead of having a whale dumping on us, we would have a whale with us increasing even further the power of this whale while making profits too… We may be doing this already by investing in TIME but right now it is hard to not admit that a big chunk of our investment money has been gone with the recent price action… Power to the treasury but hope that we will also have results at the end as big contributors that we are all to the size of this treasury…

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I’m agree with more of you.

When time will come I’ll vote yes to keep Sifu where actually he is. He’s making a great job and spending lots of time for us.

I just would like to ask for full transparency and a clear roadmap.

I support this, but echo what a few commenters have said about more disclosure of information relating to the health of the Treasury, asset allocation decisions under consideration and overall performance.

There’s a fine line between informed trust and blind faith and I’d like to believe that Sifu and the community have a common belief in providing enough transparency to strengthen that trust already earned.

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I’m okay with Sifu with treasury management as long there’s proper communication between everyone, to be honest in a first glance I can tell Sifu working really hard and efficiently. But there’s a growing number of panic among investors regarding the entire market at the current moment, I’m sure it will pass too, I’m all in for stable and study growth where everyone gets to win.
It would be childish to say I trust everyone so early, but day by day I’m building trust on team and ecosystem. As long as we don’t do any immature mistakes I believe everyone agrees with this proposal. So I vote YES.

Is there a chance to work with the team to learn about what and how you are doing it? I currently manage a VC fund and I would love to learn more

Yes, agreed. Sifu should keep doing what he is doing best.

I think this is a great move. DAOs are great, but we have an exceptionally successful lead on this now that has generated significant value for all.

Isn’t it risky to give “full autonomy over changes to code and treasury management” to just one person? What exactly does it mean?

I fully agree with, what appears to be the consensus. Yes, Sifu should absolutely continue as treasury management. I would like to see additional transparency in treasury management direction (perhaps as a channel notifying about transactions made) and I think it’s not unreasonable to have a set of agreed upon KPIs.

Also, for the sake of redundancy and future decentralization, I do think it would be beneficial if Sifu would work with a few individuals to bring them into a core decision making group. That way over time we have the ability to shift treasury responsibility between individuals or pursue separate investment opportunities. I certainly hope Sifu stays SAFU, but I think having a few additional core members is vital for the long term health of the protocol.


Agree, we should have a core fund management team. Sifu should lead and make “final call” for the moment. At the very least, transparency about transactions in the moment they’re happening should be implemented.

Seconded. Having checks and balances without severely limiting speed and agility is also important.

In SIFU WE TRUST, Keep the money comming in please :slight_smile:

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Yes let such manage👏

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Yes for me! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Sifu stays. Let’s go!

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That’s a yes from me

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Sifu and Daniele 4 life. nWo


I can be an alternative… BUT A BAD ONE, please don’t vote for me :sweat_smile:

These guys know what they doing so let them keep up with the good work.

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I vote in favor of this proposal. I am fully confident in Sifu and would like him to continue to manage the treasury.


100%. He needs the freedom to make movements without the DAO being frontrun. He has proven his ability and knowledge.