[DAO Discussion] - Continued Treasury Management by Sifu

This is a big YES from me too. We need a master treasurer. Maybe we can even implement a trainer program to help other would be treasurers get mentored in the ways of the sifu.

Big support for keeping Sifu! (or Seafood now? :laughing:) It has been a pleasure having him to manage the treasury, i.e. our money.

Having said that, it will still be good to have more transparency for the status of the treasury. People have been asking for more details but it was still not very well addressed. I understand this is partly due to Dune not available on avax and the team is working on creating something, so maybe the action is the team need to make this the top priority.

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Without hesitation, 100% yes. Has managed it extremely well.

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Wonderland has been my entry point into the defi universe. I have been consistently impressed with Sifu’s availability, patience, respect and candor with the Discord community.

I am not the most informed voter here. But I would undoubtedly vote to keep Sifu in is current role.

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Is there a reason to vote no?

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I support he the decision to keep the current management team in charge. I would also like a clear roadmap of what this future vision of TIME is.

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Sifu is a brilliant steward of the treasury, making excellent decisions to build and protect our funds. I don’t think we could find a better person for the job, and I would vote “Yes” with all my heart.

Sifu is also responsive and patient on Discord. However, non-Discord communication is extremely lacking, and I think Sifu should hire someone to maintain a weekly blog and post daily on the Twitter account.

The weekly blog would talk about the roadmap for Wonderland and the vision for the treasury, and it would summarise treasury moves for the week and explain their alignment with the roadmap and vision. The Twitter account would post daily about Wonderland-related news (which will increase in volume as Wonderland deploys more of its treasury into other projects).



IDK, the fact that leveraging and borrowing was allowed in the first place by the management team, with their own projects and products to bolster the treasury and artificially inflate the price was a terrible idea. Obviously. I had no idea how many people were invested in the project with money they didn’t have expecting they would be rich in 2 months and could pay off their debt and get a lambo. Whatever has been going on the last 4 weeks did not have to happen the way it happened. Time would still be down with the rest of the market but i dont believe it would have hit 2700 from 9000 in that span of time if that kind of leveraging and borrowing was not allowed. Now your going to have people jumping back in and doing the same thing with whatever money they have left after being liquidated to recover some of there loses and its going to keep going down. If this doesn’t stop we will hit backing price and hit it soon. Saying dani created this new thing and is some kind of financial wunderkind is wrong, This is a copy paste fork and there are like 10+ of them now (this is called creating descent in the community instead of debating an idea btw and i will be banned by tomorrow) So far the treasury strategy has set the charts down like a paper airplane with a rock tied to it. If you print money “MIM” and then lend that product you make to someone so they can go buy another one of your products “TIME” at a premium just to build your treasury. That to me seems like poor asset management. And as much as i like Dani as a person from all the interviews i have seen, his views match my views on personal freedom and future of finance. He is admittedly a hot head and from what i have seen a very much shoot first and ask questions later personality. Would it hurt to bring someone on the team at their level that can be the straight man? Someone that could have said a month ago “Hey, if you keep lending like this and the price drops 3k all the people that borrowed are going to get liquidated and your going to have a liquidation cascade”? The top had all the data and metrics. Looks very much like 600million of tvl was borrowed and the stakers wrote a check their ass couldn’t cash. And if that is what happened, that is %110 on management being shortsighted. We went under 3k earlier. As much as that is my problem, i am not the one that caused it. This project needs a “treasurer” to manage the treasury and how it retains its funding.


yes of course he should! I appreciate everything Sifi has done for wonderland so far. He helped achieve a bigger treasury than Olympus in just 3 months! His track record speaks for itself.


So this is why Sifu was selling their TIME…

They wanted to give up their votes for the proposal.

Bullish. Will buy more and vote.


Definite Yes. I would like to see the Roadmap outlined but yes for this proposal.

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Why are we deciding whether Sifu stays on or not, shouldn’t it be decided by Dan The Man. If things go pear-shaped then who does it fall onto ? Sifu or Dan?

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Please use no way as way, and no limitation as your limitation. May the force be with us.

In Daniele and Sifu we trust

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Sifu has my full confidence and support, and I will gladly vote yes

I think many might agree that if we were to vote allowing Sifu to continue his craft, that transparency is required. While he may not be able to explain his works in depth, at least a summary of changes made and explanation as to why would create more trust in the DEVs from the general public and those investing in the Future of TIME.


We would like to know a plan along with this proposal.
A clear roadmap or at least strategies that will be considered for short-term (next quarter) and also medium-term (for the next year).
The TIME token holders depend very much on the treasury and the backing per token.
If he wants to “incorporate his ideas and vision of Wonderland” we would at least like to know what those are before we vote him in.

I vote yes. Sifu is teh GOAT

Everything i am reading is extremely cultish. Someone outside of sifu and dani needs to watch and control the treasury. I don’t know who but from how i am seeing it handled currently. It isnt being managed properly. Just look at the last 12hr chart. Even the people that were worshipped in the past had their own managers and treasurers. Steve jobs stepped down and let some dink from pepsi step in and he was worshipped like a god

As for now, Sifu is doing a great job. So i vote yes, to keep managing the treasury. But keep it at epochs or after milestones, because noone is gonna be taking the right decisions always. And some decisions might be hurtful. So far so good, support for SIFU, he showed great ability to act under pressure and with no emotions.

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