[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

A few things.

  1. We have no line of communication as we are not part of the core team. The proposal is asking to have one established for regular updates.

  2. We don’t have access to the twitter. If this proposal passes, it would make sense for us to have it to increase the communication level.

  3. We are not allowed to make authorization without permission from the core team. This proposal would solve that.

  4. Also don’t have the authority to schedule discussions/weekly sessions.

  5. We did not have “several meetings” to do this proposal. It is a very simple proposal and we coordinated together writing the document and leaving comments.

  6. The DAO does not actively generate income right now, but a timeline for revenu share is being worked on.

  7. For my reasons of MIM over wMEMO, you can see this reply:
    [DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation - #245 by NalX

  8. Bassalona is not affected by this proposal, but you are not banned. I understand you didn’t like his comments to you (he also did NOT call you an ass), but you asked him if he had family problems… I’m not sure I’d say that’s being respectful.

I think it’s past due. Great team assembled. Wage is fair but I think some people think they did it for free in the past so why pay now? It’s because this site needed organization and people know official people to go to. It’s a much needed improvement. I see a lot of videos on Wonderland and learned a lot. Maybe official videos on the Wonderland site to help lessen a lot of questions.

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A big NO for me as the price of wmemo is going down everyday we should be focusing on building value building revenue not spending money to pay mods. I’m sure people invested would do it for free I would. We want to build value mods do add value but not revenue. If in case we were to pay the mods we would not pay over 3k per mod each month that’s just crazy. First build revenue add value to the investors get a treasury manager then we can talk about hiring a marketing team not mods. We need professionals lets hire a professional marketing team to turn things and take care of communications as well as the socials. Mods have been volunteering for weeks I’m sure more people would fill those mods spots if they left due to no pay. 25k is too much for mods a Professional marketing team would be a lot cheaper and save us money.


Has anyone suggested making the mod compensation contingent on activating rev share and liquid staking and a new TM? I am all for compensating mods but would like to see those things done beforehand.


Maybe a grace period with a sliding scope if things drop.
We should add a community group member to the mod team. Isthatlowfat is my suggestion.

So us the HODL what does the future look like

Thank you everyone for your comments and feedback.

The RFC is now live with he modifications and provides additional information.

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