[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

in general. on a discord that is impossible to get access to. instead of on the official forum where discussions should take place. great.

you are essentially asking for more than 3k bucks a month while you havent even been able to fix the discord in half a year.

This is so frustrating. wMEMO is down hard. There’s virtually no impactful action to bring more investors. Now there’s this proposal. I remember Sifu also took 5% from the treasury as a founder of the project. Let’s give our mods 10k per person per month and wrap up this project, send the rest to Dani’s wallet for his contribution. It will be better for most of the investor’s mental health.

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it is soon april 1st, so maybe this was just a bit premature.

You’re not really making any sense. “Impossible to get access to”? What do you mean by that. Are you banned?

If you are complaining that mods or dani have internal conversations, you may be a bit misguided. Dani doesn’t make a post on the forum when he needs to talk to a developer to make changes to the website. I don’t make a post on the forum if I need to ask Alice to do something mod related that I don’t have access to. Internal comms are just as important as external comms. Anyway, hope you understand.

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I remember Sifu also took 5% from the treasury as a founder of the project.

Sifu just like the other project core team have access to their allocation amount at any time.

Let’s give our mods 10k per person per month and wrap up this project, send the rest to Dani’s wallet for his contribution.

You’re going a bit overboard don’t you think? Lets keep it constructive. I know emotions are high for everyone because the price is down.

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If you are having trouble accessing discord please report here in the desgnated thread and we can help.

We have been “running” this discord with limited authority and possibilities since the original comms team left without notice in the first days of Sifugate. We are asking to be more flexible, have direct access to information and get compensated for a job, previously run by a paid team, so we can improve the comms situation for everybody. This does not influence the progress the team is making on working on finding a TM, revenue share or other, important things.
There is only so much we can do as of now and it´s obviously not enough as communication is one of the big issues.

the verification process is broken since like half a year. thats wildly known. next to everyone trying to get access since then cant because the verification bot is broken. that has been reported hundreds of times over the last months. everyone knows this. its literally on every twitter post from dani as well.

and how about getting all you need to do and run it as test for 2 to 3 months to see if things improve and THEN talk about money? right now all everyone sees is that everything is in shambles and the first thing that gets talked about is giving away money. dont have to tell you how that looks.

We have been trying for 2 months. Not being part of the team has limits. We have been asked to make a proposal and here we are.

While I agree with the timing - it has been mentioned since 2 months now and isn´t a new issue/discussion. The situation can´t go on as it is now, we are not only wasting our time due to having to repeat the same things over and over, instead of simply being able to setup proper, structured info channels, for example - it´s stressful as well for the community and makes everything harder for everybody.

so why havent you been given what you needed to do what you wanted to do? and how does receiving payment suddenly change things? when it has been 2 months and you still couldnt get access then i have my doubts that adding payment is gonna change anything. why would it? or did you all refuse to do what you wanted to do because you didnt receive payment?

i just dont see how accepting payment is suddenly making things possible that wouldnt have been possible without.


Being hired as Team includes payment and guarantees access - it´s the Team above volunteers, simply put. It´s not adding payment to what we do now, it´s expanding our position and giving us compensation for it, we are not asking for any backpayment.
And it´s not up to us to have access or not, that´s why it´s in the proposal. We didn´t refuse to do anything - the opposite actually. Even the bots are paid by Alice, that should give an idea of how commited we are and were.

still dont get why you couldnt have received the needed access before but i guess its Danis fault.

anyway, the compensation is MUCH too high. like half of it would already be high for the work involved. over 3k bucks for a bit work from home on a discussion board? you would essentially be earning more than likely 95% of the people invested in here. with all of them being down 90% that just doesnt fit. realistic would be 500 to 1k but definitely not over 3k.


I agree with this.

@AliceInWonderland , @Bamchicka, @0xDjinn , @NalX , @ruian11 @Wilson , @Smilbur @Vayu : would you do the job for 1k / month? Would you do the job for wMEMO instead of MIM?


Dani asked us in the Discord general to make a proposal. A day or two later he came in the mod channel and asked if we had the proposal ready.

We did, we sent it to him and he said “looks good to me” “can you post it into the forum”.

The only reason why i brougth that up is because the person I was replying to said to submit it to Dani so he can make the call.

We can ask Dani to give his opinion on it, publicly, but this is just the first step, the proposal will change.

I assure you that it entails way more than “a bit work on a discussion board” - we all have been around endless hours, 7 days a week and if I were to actually calculate hours it would put each of us at under $10 per hour, excluding the fact that after taxes and all I (for example as it depends on country) would have less than half left, without the benefits of a normal 8h/5 days job, without any of the normal job benefits.

It´s not an unusual amount in this space, we are also not asking for individual salary, but asking for a lump sum to be distributed between active moderators, as well as to pay for all costs that occur.


I, for one, am not a fan of wMEMO as payment in general. I was also against it for the Liquid Staking proposal.

  1. It adds (limited ofc) sell pressure. Instead of buy pressure if they want to get more wMEMO.
  2. Has the potential to create FUD every time someone sells to take some money out.
  3. Can make a realistic salary when things are down, but could make a ridiculously high one when things are looking good.
  4. Gives moderator additional voting power by default. Which, after a long enough period, could create extra FUD about mods swinging the votes of we don’t cash out.

To me having a lump sum in MIM means we are being given money for the work we do/want to do/need to do and not based on the success of the protocol. Which, we would help, but are not the only factor. TM performance being a big one.

As for 1k, I’ll refer you to @Bamchicka’s answer above.


Everything in this proposal is more than valid. The biggest issue I have with this whole topic is that we are required to vote on it. The reality is there were mods before the drama. They were paid. They abandoned the project. This crowd of volunteers stepped up, they were told they would be paid, they’ve done a stellar job. They’ve stuck around for the highest level of drama. They jumped in when others were bailing. They should simply be paid from the same source that the other mods were paid. They certainly should get backpay to the date they took over with funds that were already allocated for that purpose. This is not new money that we’re throwing at some new concept but rather it’s money that’s already been approved, allocated and historically in place. That initial process of approval and allocation is being ignored in contrast to a promise made. It really does show bad management and bad leadership. I understand Dani has his hands full but forcing this proposal and inciting enhanced drama when we were on the verge of something that resembles calm was incredibly foolish. Promote the mods to a comms team, pay them and move on to making money. Those who are shortsighted enough to not see the value in this are probably shortsighted enough to sell at this wildly below backing price and the community will be made stronger for it.


I have watched the moderators for the past few days… I am not impressed. And many seem to think their potential salary of 3700 a month is a small compensation in comparison to what they are offering. The treasury should be used for activities that generate income… none of what these moderators do generates income. This is highly wasteful. Get me back to Kansas!

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The amounts suggested for compensation are insane, and it follows inline with the quantity of hands all pulling on the rug. Clean out whatever there is left in cash. This DAO is not generating any value and is tanking each day. The mods are not contributing in anyway to increasing the value of Wonderland. There is actual work required to get Wonderland moving again and it cannot be done by answering general questions on a chat. This concept is about us dumb as getting paid to contribute to a knowledge base.

I pick up garbage when I see it and throw it in the trash. I have never considered asking the city to start paying me their full-time garbage collector rate for my contributions, just saying.


disagree, all they have been doing is banning ppl who have invested when asking whats happening, also lack of communication, twitter posts, announcements, where are the weekly sessions, discussions? but to plan your compensations y’all must’ve had several meetings, does the DAO generate income to pay them? if so, then why the investors haven’t received any? and why MIM and not wmemo? i just got banned for asking these questions respectfully, one mod (bassalona) even called me an ass, how can they ban investors like this? they are very rude and toxic, who will hold them accountable for these actions?