[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

Agree. Let’s do it and move forward.

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Also, some of the mods, Alice included, were whitewashing the RQ and banned those, that were pointing that out.
So we should have other community members applying aswell, to fight a consisting monopoly of a potential mind making group.

We don´t need people that simp for each other. The team has to be consisting of critical minded individuals

Also we, as a community, need to have a tool to control how often a mod has been online AND WORKING during a month in total.


Totally agree that mods needs compensation for their hard work! And Alice shouldn’t pay from her own pockets for the bots! It’s a shame !
But like several others I think 3K a month is way too much, maybe because I work my ass off 12H/day in a dead end, high technical job, that needs qualification to get for around the same… Will happily convert to be a mod if it pays like that haha…
If one mod in WL discord was also taking care of social media, doing youtube videos and so on, allowing the part of the community that doesn’t use discord be well informed. A proper CIO/CMO actually then yes, 3K or even more would make sense…
But I personaly think 25K MIM per month is too much sorry. I would also appreciate a proposition where the exact wage per mod depending on the work done was clearly stated…


I am impressed at your analisys. Well done.

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That’s the idea for fulltime capacity, we are covering all communication channels 24/7 from moderators on all timezone.

Also, some of the mods, Alice included, were whitewashing the RQ and banned those, that were pointing that out.
Bans and timeout actions are taken based on the rules particularly FUD.

Please read the whole proposal again, it’s not about job application.

That is a fair point, Dani already pointed out that inactive moderators are not going to be included on the payroll. If there’s an online clock-in clock-out app you recommend we can use that.

1 month ago they were banning or muting most of the people in the server and now they want money? lol


Thank you for your input, this is a proposal so the number is not ultimatum at this point.

Not just one moderator but all of us will be working on those platforms, all communications will be for us handle and direct comm with core team as well.

That is part of the job, we still ban and timeout users if they are breaking the rules.

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Obviously, considering where we are with the price/market cap, the amount is way too much for what is primarily a volunteer position across defi.


I believe the proposal gives that role to Alice as head moderator, well deserved.

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I can`t believe this is up for discussion at this time when the priority should be getting this project back on track and rewarding the thousands of loyal holders! Feels like the mods have highjacked this project at this time to fill their own pockets! I am not opposed to some sort of recompense to the mods, but not until the ordinary frogs have had their revenue share sorted out. When this is done, and not before, should compensation for this volunteer role be considered.

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I support this! Additional suggestion: Lock 3 mil. MIM in a robust stable coin vault paying >10% APR and use the gain for the payment.


I 100% support. I think this is needed to make a step forward… without communication a protocollä is nothing. I even thing that the salary should be slightly higher for the amount of work these folks put in.


Absolutely yes, good job → good compensation!

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I believe the onus is on the Mod team to also propose safeguards to prevent potential abuse of their position. We need an open channel where bans are listed with a write up with mod reasoning for each one. A strike system. An appeal channel. A grievance channel for the mods where people can write up their issues with a particular mod that everyone can see. A monthly report with number of bans, overturned bans. A code of conduct for the Mods should be written up as well. If this is going to be a Job, we can’t have mods having Not safe for work discussions in general chat, nor can we have people banned for civil disagreements with mods.


While I do agree with you on these channels mentioned, open public channels with these many number of members will be target for scammers, that is why we have the newbie pond for new member joining so we can check for scammers before letting them into main chat and access all member list.

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I’m fine with the proposal and compensation for moderators but I have a feeling that we neglect other channels of communication other than Discord and the forum.
Have you considered including active communication on Twitter in one of the tasks of the moderators?
I also suggest that one of the moderators take over running the official wonderland Twitter community. Obviously, the core team don’t have time for that and it’s sad how much it seems inactive and abonded.
Also, the official documentation on the website is totally inaccurate.
Personally, I am very bothered by the amount of inaccurate information on the website and it is a big red flag to any potential new investor. I know that most of this can only be done by developers, but I think that a good part of the documentation could be done by the moderation team.
It would also be a good and bigger presence on reddit because it seems to me that a large amount of FUD is spreading right there.


I think they 100-% deserve it: I wouldn’t have held on this long to the project if it wasn’t for the mods who guided me and helped me make informed decisions during the darkest and most uncertain times, specially when fud was prevalent in all the channels. Special shoutout to @ smilbur @Bamchicka and lately @NalX who were very patient and professional, they made me want to stay and give wonderland another chance! :pray: :muscle: :rocket:
Excited for what’s to come!


Guys come on, if them mods are going to take moderating wonderland properly, then let them get a proper pay. seriously 25K per month for the whole team is not much if they ended up steering all conversation and focus to the right results. Thats what we dont have right now. Johnny (a made up name) is currently talking about inverse bonds while brad (another made up name) is talking about moonshoting wmemo and if nobody going to stop these people spouting nonsense and organize all priorities and discussions, then seriously we are fucked. How bout this, lets them do their job for a month, take the 25K and pay among themselves and see how things go.


@smilbur I couldn’t tag you but thank you for helping me back in November!