[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

That’s what we are intending to do once we have access to those platforms, at current state we only have access to discord and forum. We will however be handling them in the near future.

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I’m in the same boat as you.

(Also, I have lots of free time, so seriously, @NalX , if WL needs some workforce I’m available.)

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anybody that spends ANY time in the WL discord should know that these mods 100% deserve compensation. What they’re asking seems reasonable to me. im all for it.


I think we all agree on this, mods included. However, I don’t see why we can’t have both. Dani brought up this idea a while ago and asked us to draft a proposal. We didn’t just decide to take over. Obviously, with compensation comes extra responsibility. Part of those will be increase communication/organization to help things get back on track.

Liquid staking and revenue share are still being work on whether we pay some mods or not. Moderators are also some of those loyal holders you mention. It’s not an us against you situation. When rage quit was on going, people were asking why we were not doing anything else. Now that we want to do more than just wait, people are saying why don’t we wait.

At the end of the day, it’s about if people support a paid moderation team. If you’d be supportive of it in a few weeks, why not be supporting of it now and “get this project back on track” earlier if one doesn’t prevent the other ?


I think our moderators 100% deserve compensation! WIth what they’ve had to field and contend with over the last several months…, they have earned this!! IMHO


interesting how most of the accounts praising this proposal are new accounts just voting for this one and never ever checked anything else, have a great day <3 !


I’m totally fine with this. thanks for all your work.

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probably 1k per mod per month would be reasonable


If that’s what’s necessary to start seeing any results on this project, then let’s just do it asap! I think every holder is waiting for something to happen and start the “train” again.


I think this is a great idea. A lot of thought needs to be given to how the money breaks down. Each mod should be fairly compensated to the time and quality of work. If this is a full time gig for them and they are putting in 35+ hours weekly they need to be compensated as such. If this is something they do in spare time, obviously compensation should be less. I guess that’s something for Alice and Dani to figure out.

I think this move adds tremendous value to the Wonderland brand! Next we need to implement ways to add real value to the wmemo holders. Excited to see what comes next!


$3,150 per month

That’s a pre tax salary of $52,000, because presumably they won’t be declaring the income as they’re getting paid in crypto.

I’ll be expecting a lot from the mod team for that kind of compensation, that’s a good full time job.

40+ hours per week. Top level management of the discord, I’ll also expect some activity outside of discord, marketing work etc.


Can I sollicitate and how?

Ser, I pay my taxes :sweat:
Willing to renegotiate to 52k a year as I am a kind soul and appreciate your concerns for following the law.

@Sardoche this happens all the time when we make an announcement on a new discussion. However, if you were suggesting that we are using bots, that would just prove the case about how competent we are and have good technical knowledge. Thank you for your concerns either way.

Even paid in crypto but when selling on cex we still have to declare our capital gains for tax purpose.

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Depends where they live.

Will that be taken into account?

No, it’s the mentioned amount net, no addition, we each have to pay our own taxes.

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Our Mods are great - we have a huge community that are not easy to moderate and they do an amazing job at it.

This is a no brainer.

Also thank you to all the Mods for carrying on through all the turbulence - unpaid. It’s high time to compensate them properly.

Approve and let’s quickly move on to other important business.


Obviously some mods should have been paid for months already, but this is a DAO and everything takes forever to decide…

I feel like it’s a pretty hard decision at this point to hire a team of 8 mods without any clear direction on going forward. This should ideally be part of a full team outline, i.e. once we actually decide on a TM, CFO, COO etc… Once we know a strategy on how treasury is being used, what APR can be expected etc. We’re in complete idle mode now.

Kudos to the mods who stuck in this toxic Discord with all the FUD and complaints from people too lazy to take a minute to think for themselves or take any responsibility for their actions…


100% in support of this initiative, these mods stood up to the task when we most needed it. Let’s get this over and done with, it’s been talked about for too long.

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Im more than good with this. lets get this going so we can move forward onto Wonderland next steps and continue to rebuild this thing!

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