[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

Compensation should be tied directly to the profitability of the treasury to ensure that everyone is earning from the community equitably and fairly. As someone mentioned earlier, the mods would be earning at a higher rate than the community. Considering that many of us that didn’t buy in at the very beginning are upside-down in wMEMO investment, paying mods doesn’t sit well with us.

Should mods be compensated, yes, should we be discussing this now, no. Wonderland is currently sitting on its hands essentially without a treasury manager. I can’t support bringing anyone onto payroll before a manager or management team. We should revisit this after that point

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Absolutely agree with you. The $3125 USD seems too high for community moderators despite most of the cases they don’t have any impactful information to provide to the members.

I don’t disagree with the necessity of the proposal but this is absolutely rubbish way of arranging something.

If we move towards a paid service, we need to ensure more information and be transparent. The article lacks to explain,

  1. What will be the specific responsibility for each of the members of the moderator. I only see “appointment of Alice as senior moderator”. What are the KPI? Don’t explain we have an internal channel bla bla. Community needs to decide based on what they can see and observe. Nothing more. You are not supposed to reply to any DM.
  2. How 24/7 support will be provided based on the different geographical positions of the moderators.
  3. If the treasury is paying for a moderator, they need to be KYC’ed with a good institution. In addition to the KYC’ed by a reputed institution, they also need to come to live stream and show that they are real human beings (not 0xsifu working as Wilson or NalX). Each and everyone needs to have solid experience with a proper CV for the application. Since after sifugate we cannot assign random personnel as a paid entity of this project.
  4. Also these are the moderators who are already “mysteriously” elected in a non-DAO way, also, especially by 0xSify era. It was ok since they were doing it voluntarily. If we are paying for professional moderators, why don’t we also call for a MODERATOR application? Based on the applications on the market we can select the best possible options.
  5. What are the access that will be granted to the moderators? I remember PhantomGalaxy got hacked and lot of people lose money because hackers advertise a sale of a fake NFT site. We need to be transparent about the access permission of the discord for the moderators.

Unfortunately, although I agree with the sentiments of your post I disagree with the reality of it. This project, since becoming a DAO, has shown itself incapable of handling more than one decision efficiently. You could argue that that is a feature of a DAO. I believe the overwhelming priority, above all else, is to make the community confident in the future. The only way of doing that is to install a TM and progress to Rev Share. Nothing should get in the way of that, supplant it, or share in its immediacy. Once that has been done, I think youll find the whole community supporting a compensation package for the Mods.

Again, unfortunately, this proposal itself, has made this an “us against you” situation. It will make an elite number of Mods earners, whilst the rest of the community rests on 90% losses. What better way to divide a community? It will also bring into question the motivations of the Mods; are they for the community or for their own pockets?

There`s also the question of how the Mods got their vaunted, valuable positions in the first place? And why is this not available to other members of the community? A paid position requires vetting and disclosures, otherwise we could end up with another Sifugate scandal.

If things are not done in a proper order, I think you will find that a large section of this community will be against this proposal.


First of all, hats off to you for your contribution. I really appreciate you.

I’ve visualized and updated the timeline for the WIP #5 for users to be able to understand better what’s going on.
I’ve tracked all the votes for WIP #5.2 whitelist snapshot, I’ve logged them and I’ve created a website page for users to be able to see if they’re eligible or not for the Redemption, how much wMEMO they whitelisted and how many they’ve claimed at any given moment.
I’ve provided numbers/statistics, post Redemption, about Redemption which you can find in Dani’s and Nal X’s announcements so the community can feel and be well informed of what happened.
I’ve debugged multiple times the website for issues and errors, providing solutions for the devs and troubleshooting for the community so they can access it, especially during the redemption period.
I’ve helped personally a lot, a lot of users with their Whitelist and Redemption problems in DM’s.

Some of these are not the moderator’s job. These are dev works. Why are you bringing these points? Also, these points are not mentioned in the proposal.

Surprisingly if wonderland moderators are doing this, this is a very unprofessional way of doing so. A discord moderator should not have these levels of ACCESS. Especially I am scared that as a discord moderator you have access to the domain or the official dev team of the wonderland website. Debugging a website is not your job. These are not the responsibility of discord moderators.

AGAIN AGAIN, you are not supposed to reply in FUCKING DM.

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It’s really disgusting . @danniele, if you don’t want to continue wonderland, please give way to someone else, such as harry who is interested, stop fuck soft rug!


It seems that danniele moved on from this project. He is not even commenting here. He brags about Governance but at this point, he should have come here to discuss the issue. What is more surprising to me is that current discord moderators are proposing this…!!! Each and every discord moderator are replying here.

This proposal should come from either dani or the treasury manager.

We are in such a low position that, our moderators have to fight for their compensation. Each and every reply here shows their desperation and anger towards free work that they are not supposed to do.

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On a 100% remote job, they can live wherever is the most tax efficient.

All of the work they had to do was because dani and sifu hid something from the community and it caught up to them
now we have to discuss on paying for their mess niiiiice


Dani is the one that asked us to draft a proposal.

Also, you are misunderstanding a lot of this, @Catalyst does not have access to anything any member of the public doesn’t. It’s an example of how some of the mods go behind just muting/banning people on Discord.

If we need to vote I’ll say No.They voluntarily offered themselves besides is like 0 benefits anyway


I support this fully and having a fairly compensated staff should be part of the future Wonderland plan. As an investor, would like to see a complete operating plan that includes team compensation instead of solving for one specific group in addition to other planned revenue and expense. Other thoughts:

  • Should part of the comp plan be paid in wMEMO or whatever future token(s) Wonderland comes up with? Maybe 90% paid in MIM and 10% in wMEMO per month?
  • Should wMEMO be used as a performance based bonus for the team?

Either way, I think the team needs to share in the success or failure of the protocol as part of their compensation.

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Dani is the one that asked us to draft a proposal.

Then he should have posted it here. Why you are posting? I am not sure why it is hard for you to understand that when you guys do “self advertise” your contribution for payment, it shows a very bad image towards our community.

Also, you are misunderstanding a lot of this, @Catalyst does not have access to anything any member of the public doesn’t. It’s an example of how some of the mods go behind just muting/banning people on Discord.

Thanks for the clarification. But I would still say, these are not the points to be considered as “Discord Moderator” responsibility.

I think that there should be a way to incentivize the community to participate to the Dao. I agree to pay the senior moderators of wonderland, but there should be a way to reward normal people for their commitment to the Dao. This will incentivize the community participation for some mim in exchange.
I believe that it’s better to have dozens of people rewarded 100mim once or twice a month rather than 15-20 Full time 3k/month moderator. Because there are many people who would love to care about the Dao just to see their investment growing.
I propose to deserve 22,500 to the senior moderators and 7,500 to something like community rewards. Test this logic some months and discuss if senior moderators deserves more or the community is self-sustainable

Okay let’s elaborate a bit on this because you got this wrong but afterwards let’s focus on the actual topic of this proposal. I’m not included to this proposal, I don’t want the attention to be redirected to me.
I was just making a point by mentioning all that and considering your reply I feel that I’ve failed.


  1. I don’t have access to the website domain, website files or the protocol. You don’t need access to find bugs, to report them, suggest solutions and help users with their problem If you can. Everybody can do it, you can do it too. Make sure to use the appropriate channel in Discord or make a post here in forums and we’ll make sure the dev team to know of your findings.
  2. My job is to provide assistance to the community however I can, this is what I was doing and I will keep doing it. I’ll be always there to assist whoever needs my help.
  3. A lot of users doesn’t feel comfortable sharing information about their problems if a transaction is involved or something similar, WE WILL NEVER DM YOU FIRST but If a user have a problem and he or she prefer to keep it in private messaging I won’t deny it. To make this clear, I don’t encourage people start DMing moderators for their problems. I’m only saying that during trying times I’ll be there to help.

That’s all, let’s return to the actual topic of this proposal and leave all that behind us. :heart:

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Im just confused on why we are focused on funding the discord server when we don’t even have a treasury manager yet. Shouldn’t this all come after we have functioning investments in an investment based project?


I don’t have a problem with this proposal. I just think the timing stinks. The paint isn’t even dry on RQ yet. Every frog left has to be patient while we wait to hear from Dani and see the path forward, to gain a little confidence back, and soldier on. Mods should do the same. Wait a month to put it to a vote. Otherwise its poor form. It’s like asking for donations for Ukraine at a homeless shelter.

With that said, I commend the Mods for the work they’ve put in. I hope they stay, improve comms, and we all get paid.


Why should I agree if tihey’re banning me everywhere from Discord


@0xM12Z We did consider this, but it could be revised. The main point was to try to make it simple and avoid potential “mods are getting paid too much cause wMEMO is 200k”. Cleary, that hasn’t work that well with salary alone lol…

@kryptonyte41 It’s not hard to understand. I understand it, we even discussed it. The main issue is, the core team need people to help them. Posting this ourselves, helps them focus on other priorities like the Liquid Staking and Revenue share timeline. Also, people on the forum post their own proposal all the time. That’s what it is for, regardless, I understand what you are trying to say.

While Discord is our main focus right now, the proposal is asking to let us do more. Right now we have limited access to anything even in the Discord. Yes, we are asking to be compensated, but because we want help the protocol grow and to be given some access that we don’t have right now.

@Stygian Both can happen together. What if it takes 6 months to get a TM ? We don’t move on anything for another 6 months ?

@redpill420 That’s a fair point, I will quotes Alice’s message in Discord to explain the timing:

We’ve been waiting months, since January when Dani first said we needed to be paid, to submit this. We thought the search for a treasury manager would be faster, then we didn’t want to submit it as the war was heating up, then we wanted to wait until Rage Quit was settled. In the meantime we all keep working full time hours for free, and we have lost as much as every investor here

@Danielolteanu I don’t see anyone under this name banned. Make an unban request in the support section if you want us to look into it. Either way, if you are not happy with the mod’s performance, that is as good as a reason to vote (no) as any other.

100% deserved. Been in the discord for a while now and all the mods have been nothing but polite and helpful. I agree with this.

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