[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

Then maybe u are the problem? Why would they ban u for no reason?

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This is absolutly ridiculous proposal 100% voting no, sort out a treasury manager first.

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This needs to be postponed immediately


This should be the way.

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How will getting paid fix the communication lapse between the mods and Dani?

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I do agree that mods should get paid/compensated for what they do, but 3K/month each?
Please don’t get offended but I think that’s a bit too much…

This is my perspective:
How many deals/investments WL will need in order just to cover all these new expenses, remember this is not a “one of payment”, it will be a regular expense to the treasury!

Let’s first get a treasury manager and him/her/team should be the one deciding how much money we can allocate to Discord mods.

Again, I’m not against mods getting paid!

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good question + plus 20 letters

This post already shows an improvement in communication style over some other posts / proposals that have come out in the past. A world class protocol needs a world class team and we clearly can afford this well structured proposal. Or, to say it another way, we can’t afford NOT to have a world class team and so my vote is AYE!

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I don’t know where to begin…

First things first I’m so dumbfounded by the fact that mods want a salary before the project has gone in any direction, we haven’t even got a treasury manager yet, let that sink in! Let me just say this too I’m all for mods getting paid. BUT, we have our priorities completely wrong, and the fact that I have to say this shows you why this project is failing the way it is, NO ONE HAS STEPPED UP, unfortunately.

There’s no direction of where the project is heading, terrible communication to stakeholders, there’s no professionalism. But, in the proposal, they will improve communication when they get paid what changes the communication between Dani and mods? now you tell me if that’s a joke cause that tells me at the start of the project you didn’t give a shit about it until money is now involved. if a person has been given a role and isn’t fulfilling it you sack them don’t you? and replace them with someone else who wants to do it and will prove themselves, remember competitiveness exists these mods can easily get replaced for less and can be better, its best to tame egos.

This project is on its last two legs, and this salary for mods will bleed the treasury (0.1% of the treasury every month is way too expensive) it won’t have a future people are already dumping and the small frogs like me are finished, I thought we are the ones who will be treated better, I guess not…

Myself and others don’t wanna see a salary proposal till when stuff changes and we’ve seen that these mods have proven their worth then we can vote on a salary that everyone will be satisfied with. FOR NOW, send the project in a positive direction so it gains traction otherwise this will be a tombstone for many.

The money can be used elsewhere for developers and data analysts to help the project gain value instead not on needless things if anything Dani should be paying out his pocket for discord mods, not the treasury.


I’ve noticed lots of criticism giving mods a salary, why don’t we instead compensate mods with wmemo allocation? The devs and team doesn’t take salary why should mods? Give mods % allocation of wmemo, it incentivizes the mods, properly compensates them, and costs us and the treasury nothing. Problem solved.

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i think, before compensate volonteer role they should compensate the community for holding the shit while they do who-know what with our reserv currency.

I didn’t RQ to let a chance to this protocol to revive but when i see kind of things like this i just realize that everyone try to get as most money possible from thi project before leave.


0.10% a year, not month. As far as I know, we make more than this in LP fees. As for the TM, one does not exclude the other and no one is arguing a TM is not the biggest priority for the protocol. However, the section one is probably better communication/structure.

We specifically included communication with the team in the proposal because without it, their is just so much we can do. Voting on these duties mean the DAO decided that mods and core team member should have regular meeting. Dani has already been showing up more to give us quick update. Althought stillnot enough to the level required, Dani is not the only team member that could keep us updated.

As for mods proving their worth, well, it would be nice to know what criteria you would consider so we can help with the transparency of what mods are doing.

Voting on these extra duties means the DAO is asking the mods and the team to have meetings and a direct line of communication. Something mods do not have right now.

Ok fair enough but does it have to be from the treasury?

Communication Targets:

  • Clear and transparent information behind the scenes
  • Have a page where we know each mod’s dedicated roles and a bit about themselves
  • Daily Announcements page, we need to see what is happening and what is being worked on each day to see progression of the project so we know the direction of the project
  • Need to show each mod’s impact on the server e.g. showing the number of messages and what they have done to help newbies come into the server with a log of it so it can be checked by anyone as a way to measure activeness and performance.
  • Mod’s need to set their own goals for the week in terms of what they are doing for the server and project (if involved)
  • Try and be more proactive with questions in terms of getting points of frogs across to upper team/ Dani if it is useful and make sure you get Dani’s thoughts and input on and make sure it gets relayed back to frogs

there probably are a few more that some frogs may point out but I think these points may help the current communication structure in the server. Might be shit or might be good Idk it’s up to you mods, hopefully, you take something from this and implement it.

Ser, please reread the proposal. It’s 0.10% annually, not monthly. It’s a fraction of existing Treasury yield. Want the protocol to start hopping? Start by being prepared to pay for people to do the actual work required to shape a community and a product. Are you volunteering to mod or dev for free?

Right @Simon87
I can find a lot of people for moderate to discord 7/24 (not a joke :slight_smile: ) for a 3K/month. I don’t have a problem with mods or somebody on discord but… BUT … We need to talk about the future of Wonderland, not how can we spread our money to somebody. Maybe 3k is average for USD but Wonderland has an international community. And 3K is very very big money for in most of countries.


I fully support this. Nobody should have to be abused by Karens for free. Some of the crap you guys put up with… You will have my yes for the full amount requested when it goes to vote.


When I invested in WL there was a team in place and a simple philosophy, those who invest and are committed will benefit. Since then the original teams disbanded, the rebase that rewarded continued investment was made redundant. RQ was implemented allowing people to short term arbitrage and RQ’ers to sell at backing and buy back in at market for gains. The project is bleeding financially and people keep making proposals that remove assets from the treasury, all still with no roadmap in sight.

If we are being honest if WonderLand had worked the way it was supposed to, all community members who had invested for a significant period of time would not need a wage as the gains promised were substantial.

There is still no leadership at WL with the community being expected to understand and competently navigate complex issues via proposals. And although I agree that people should be rewarded for their efforts in making WL successful, it isn’t successful yet.

Dani was wrong to ask the Mods to create and put forward this proposal at this time.

My suggestion would be to scrap this proposal for now. In its place a one off bonus equivalent to 2 months wages as proposed above, as a thank you for the mods for their commitment to the project through a very tough time.

Then before anyone takes any more out of the treasury the following needs to be dealt with:

  1. Leadership instated i.e Treasury Manager, PR/Communications manager and Community Manager. These roles would be delegated with appropriate budgets and authority to utilise those budgets. No need for community votes on day to day practicalities. And they could employ mods etc. as required to run WL competently. (I assume this is how the previous employed team members who have now left got their roles?)

  2. Clear information about the roles that Dani and Sifu will play. I’m a big supporter of both pre RQ, But its hard not to get the impression that the project is now an unwanted burden for Dani? And Sifu popping up in chat encouraging people to take advantage of ‘free money’ wasn’t in the spirit of the project and is a weird dynamic. i.e. someone advising the community whilst adamant they have no interest in taking a leading role. I think the, ‘ex hanging around,’ analogy has been brought up a couple of times. A Come back or move on option should be given for the good of the DAO.

  3. If the community is needed to implement employed opportunities those positions should be offered as such, not just an automatic transition from voluntary to employed role. i.e. Vacancies advertised and then people apply for the roles as any other job with regard to what they bring to the table and value they commit to providing the community. A simple transition from voluntary to employed is uncompetitive and does not access the skill pool within the community. Rightly or wrongly there are people that could provide value that are unable or not interested in an unpaid role. If the Mods are the best person/best value for that job at a given wage then the result would be the same as the proposal anyway and the community would be a lot better informed about what it is those people do and why they deserve those paid positions.

As with all things Wonderland related, no proposal is simple, it’s intertwined with the history and past drama of the DAO. I’m adamant that the current Mod team should get something for all their hard work! But this is the wrong proposal at this time and another misstep in community relations and DAO management.


Anyone thinking of disagreeing with this proposal….

Be careful, you’ll get banned from the discord like I have been.

There is money at stake for the mods, and they’ll silence anyone who gets between them and it.

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There’s been an ongoing debate in general for hours with plenty of people disagreeing. It’s important to be respectful to other members.

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