[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

Let’s do it. I have been pushing for something like this for some time and I’m glad to see it coming to fruition now. I think majority will be on board. Community is important, and worth the investment. The ROI will be huge.

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You were basically harassing them and being disrespectful. Plenty who don’t agree are still chatting about it.

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We could also remove this post for FUD, but we don’t abuse our power :sweat_smile:

I support this action. I am in another project which has a strong community much of which I attribute to mods and quick communication. To be blunt, Wonderland has a huge array of members some of which need a strong mod and communication piece.

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I haven’t spread any fud whatsoever.

All I have done is question:

  1. the timing

  2. the salary amount

  3. the number of mods required

And I was banned.

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I 100% agree with the proposal. A salary for services is a great step in the overall future developments of Wonderland.

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  1. the timing is due to Daniele requesting this proposal. It is one of the first things he wanted to get done.

  2. the salary amount is up for debate, that is what this forum is for. This is stage one, it can be changed if the community thinks it should be.

  3. the number of mods paid is based on the size of the server and activity. That’s hardly more than 2 mods active at any one time all 7 days of the week. If people were only working 40 hours per week that figure would sit right around 2 at any given time.

Cool someone could have answered like that on the discord rather than banning me.

Don’t worry, I’ve only put about 250 hours into that place since last October.

Could have learnt Mandarin.

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100% needed. What project does not have a paid team?
Incentivize our growth and keep our community strong.

We are literally re-building Wonderland from the bottom back up to the top. It’s going to take $TIME and leadership, but Frog Nation still lives :frog:


Tense time with price action and this proposal, I will ask about getting you back on

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Good idea,but seems the compensation is high for what is traditionally a volunteer role and there are too many people to handle it.

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100% that wonderland requires a good team to go forward and having the mods in here for communication have been very good,

In saying that I don’t think that this needs to be an immediate pay out for $3k a month at the time of writing. The price of wMEMO has been on a downtrend and there is no revenue sharing yet, if we pay mod salaries now we would be slowly draining the treasury with the possibility that the price continues down.

Even if the total amount of the treasury can LP this amount back to cover the S300k in salaries I don’t think this is a good idea until we can see results from the team cause that technically also eats into all of our profits in revenue sharing

I would like to propose that the $3k a month salary is still is withheld and released in tranches.
When Wonderland price hits certain milestones they are paid out a portion of the yearly 36k for example:

  • Treasury hits 800m, 1b, 1.5b etc…
  • wMEMO hits 50k, 100k, 150k, etc…

Each milestone releases like 6k

Where if it does hit these milestones only then are they paid the amount for the time they’ve spent being mods during this period.

Paying them earlier before any true results I think is a disrespect to holders who are still expecting to recoup losses

I think before we even begin to discuss compensation for mods, we should first get our priorities straight. First we need a Treasury Manager with an investment/research team to work with, to secure deals like BSGG, roll out rev share, get the people who invested last year to start making their money back…

then we hire a communication/PR team and while that is happening we can make a new proposal for mod compensation… i am sure almost everyone will be totally fine with paying Mods via treasury once things are FINALLY looking good… its to early for this shit, makes things seem unfair.


Sure, But if tokens holders are paying you, you shouldn’t be able to ban them from the discord. outside of racial/sex related slurs or threats of violence.


WMEMO sliding into the abyss and the mods are worried about a salary? How are we going to pay them if the treasury is depleted? No for me until this project changes direction…


I can appreciate that to an extent, though it’s up to us (collectively - mods, community, etc) to decide what makes sense in terms of requirements for the role considering the DAO will be funding this position.

This is voluntary and should absolutely not be an expectation for any team taking on paid responsibilities. There should be a set amount of weekly time commitment by anyone on the payroll and it should respect labor standards of 1st world nations ideally. Anything more than that is noble in intent, but not something we should be idolizing. If the current operational load truly requires that level of commitment from the existing team, you’re understaffed and will likely burn out before long.

In traditional business structure, this would be something you would normally want to correct as soon as possible.

Totally understand that. It meshes well with the idea of being a side gig rather than a full time employment model.

This is where I believe we differ in opinion. The DAO needs to identify what activities it wants to pay for first, then we should start deciding what’s fair. As far as many of the tasks that are invisible to the community, I’ll wait until the mods provide some details on the standard effort that goes into these tasks prior to providing my own concrete assessment. Right now, it’s hard to be fact based without having that info.

As Alice mentioned earlier - the current mod team was hand picked by Sifu. All I’ll say on this point is that if the process for their selection was not transparent, it’s difficult to quantify the performance and value that led to their selection.

Since you were the primary author, I would encourage you to think about the core functions required for Wonderland to flourish, what would be nice to haves, what should continue as voluntary activities and what should require compensation. This will help us align as a community on the expenditures from the treasury (personnel, tooling, or otherwise) and how these can most effectively be deployed to best benefit the project.

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After a long exciting chat in our great wounderland discord shifting though all the information I agree to this and see that it is a needed service.

I would add something to this but I honestly don’t see what the big deal is paying for mods to cover community as long as we get this boat sailing again.

Right - my question was directed towards someone who is going to be getting a cut from the treasury, as I am genuinely curious about his contributions to each of these topics he took the time to list out.

Maybe you should be on this?

I’ve seen your work and was somewhat disappointed that you were not part of this initiative.

These were excellent by the way.

The best way to start measuring this is by listing out the direct contributions as you’ve done, so the community can see them and start making informed choices. This speaks much louder than most of the content included in the Mod Bios of the initial post.

Time and effort, as you’re probably aware, are how you can justify your labor costs. This is essential for the community to understand why we need x now that we’re going to be paying for it. The high level descriptions are not sufficient in this regard, we need details similar to what Wilson provided.

Now that we have the start of something we can work with, we can start gathering evidence about the effort this truly represents.

Most of what you posted above does not fall into that category though, at least, by the standards I abide to in a professional setting. IMO, the only one that falls into that category is the website you created. Everything else you listed fits better elsewhere:

The visualization and the stats are probably Compiling protocol information when new initiatives are started by the team or Finding ways to display or convey that information to educate users

Debugging the website is Compiling user feedback/problems/bugs/sentiment and passing it to the leadership team

Helping people with whitelist/problems in DM’s is Discord problem & resolution

No question there. It’s overdue and there’s certainly a need to compensate the mods who continue to contribute to the community. My point is that with the information available today - I disagree that this is appropriate compensation structure for the mod team.

I would be tempted to suggest that the active QG and CC need to also be compensated for their time and energy going into WL, as the purely operational moderation and support tasks seem to be the heavy lifting here, but I will wait for more data, as I’d like to take an informed position.


Again, as the 80K members differs in opinion, there’s only 1 way to settle this. Let’s put this up for a snapshot vote. If we all vote then nobody can challenge the result. @NalX I think you should create RFC already for this. List out:-

  1. The compensation structure
  2. Responsibilities of moderators
  3. Service hours guaranteed
  4. Immediate items to moderate if appointed

Honestly, I cant believe there are people out there asking them to mod wonderland for free, while the spend most of their time working a good salary elsewhere. Also mods are just moderators, please check dictionary for what that word means. If TM not appointed, that’s not their fault. If our treasury not working, it’s also not their fault. If WL not looking for a new alpha, also not their fault.

It will become their fault if they don’t moderate all conversations and discussion towards getting those things discussed, decided on and executed. But if they are working for free, where’s the motivation? they are hodlers as well, just like you. But they have to take craps from all of you, for free?

But I do understand some of the points where motivation should go both ways. So maybe some of the compensation should be in wmemo instead of all mims (like total compensation is 15K mim 10K worth of mims in wmemo to all mods). That way, it become mods interest to work on getting the dao improve as well.

Come on, put up the RFC and get this done and over with, before you guys got disheartened with some of the bad comments I read up there.


I definitely believe this is what’s needed in order to make an informed decision at this stage. The DAO needs to understand how the mods currently spend their time, given the invisible work is not quantified right now. Then, the DAO will need to decide whether all these activities make sense for us to pay for. A great topic to start with is Discord bots mentioned by Wilson in one of his Line Items below:

• Bot configuration / testing / problem discovery & resolution
• Creating useful bot commands & lists to help users, mods, or devs to do their jobs

Bots are supposed to make your life easier and bring value to the community. If the effort required to configure, support and evolve these bots is greater than the value they bring then this is a bad investment of time and the DAO should not be wasting resources on this. Even more so if the bot is something we need to pay for. (the value is relatively easily quantified by the time bots save the mod team, which in turn, saves the DAO money by reducing expenditure on labor),

What appears to have gone over the head of the original poster, in this case, is that using this as an excuse to justify staffing requirements already raises red flags about how the mod team spends their time.

Imagine being a contractor and saying you will need a special set of tools to accelerate your completion of renovations. Sounds great to the person paying for your services, but what they don’t know is that you have limited experience with these tools and they keep malfunctioning. It turns out that you will need to bring on an apprentice now to help you complete your job so you can continue focusing on getting these tools to work in order to do the job faster. Because of this, you’re now charging your client for 2 resources, plus the cost of these tools that actually ended up being detrimental to the entire process. The DAO is the client in this story and they would have a right to challenge the needs.

What should have happened in this scenario is that the contractor, in order to do his job more effectively, should have requested a demo of the tools, experimented with them on his own time and come to the job site with the expertise in order to complete his job faster and save his client money. This part is akin to voluntary efforts by the community.

That’s fair. I would really like to differentiate between what should be considered voluntary work and what should be considered compensated work at WL - so that we can better understand what we’re paying for. As one of the mods mentioned elsewhere, “any idiot can ban offenders from Discord”, but it’s the extra work that makes this a difficult job to do. I look forward to hearing specifics about the invisible (non-operational) tasks that make the Discord Mod so heavy so we can start deciding whether all of it should remain on the mods shoulders or if we should scrap some of it to focus on different tasks.