[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

So, I’m a small fish in this pond. Here are ways this could be improved, from my view.

  1. Specific job descriptions with KPIs. You are basically creating an employee. That needs specifics.
  2. Find a way to give the numbers of the “behind the scenes” stuff you’re doing. We all know this exists, but you want to be paid for it…you gotta tell the “boss” what you’re doing.
  3. Someone made a great point about salary based on international pay scales. Not sure what to do about that, but seems worth considering.
  4. I don’t spend much time on this discord so have no comment on quality of the mods. But if they were somewhat randomly assigned, I’m unsure that is fair to others who might have wanted to do this if they were getting paid. This should be addressed.

Finally, we should approve a…moderator (?) budget. Then the head moderator is required to have quality work done within that budget. She (I believe) becomes responsible for pay scales and quality of work.

This proposal may be a good idea. It may be time for WL to mature. If that is the decision, awesome. But it should come with maturation of the roles and responsibilities. The mods are, essentially, becoming salaried employees and this should be treated as such.

Again, this has nothing to do with this set of people. It has to do with the proposal to bring on what, on the face of it, sounds like salaried employees (BTW: Might want to look into employment law to make sure you don’t create problems somehow).

Yall who are more involved should decide if this is the right time in WL for this move and if this is the right way to make the move.

My 2 cents.


Best to compensate in Time or wMemo to ensure that the compensation is earned and not given away as charity.


Give them some love. They have been so extremely helpful thus far. They deserve a paycheck for their hard work.

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Everyone is doing a good job. 100% deserve

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what I am thinking and want to drop here is:
Are the people (we are here talking about to pay for) the same as from the beginning of the wonderland project? Than I fully disagree- because it should be an intrinsic motivation to share, inform, teach (with a lot of patience) and push the right information, fight the FUD and try to get people involved - I haven’t seen much in the past what I would declare as moderate.
my 0.02 cent of comment and please apologize my bad English it is not my mother language after all.

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I support this for sure. Let’s get going !

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Seems like a good, productive idea.

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I do not support this.


Yes!!! 100% agree with this. They do a magnificent job and is totally deserved, please implement this!

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They banned me for suggesting it wasn’t a priority.

They want their money and will remove you if you stand in their way.

Imagine a company where a shareholder can be banned from participating in AGMs because they disagree with the board.


I can’t even get access mate wake up trying to get into discord everytime saying I don’t have permission to do this

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Wmemo price and Time is tanking we need to sort treasury manager 1st otherwise from where the mods got paid?


I think we only have to look at the price action to see how popular this idea is.

-20% since we started talking about it.

Let’s focus on things that are going to bring value to investors.


They want to make a quick buck from the treasury so they can get out.

If you stand in their way you’ll be removed from the discussion.


I cannot even get on the discord (never could get invite to work) but I fully support moderator compensation!

what a joke wonderland has become🤦‍♂️

another round of giving out peoples money to strangers. Its always easy to spent the money of others. Spending like 2-3k for a moderator is delusional. Especially that these people do this for free. Not saying they should get something, but paying every month 25k MIM for discord moderators is a punch in the face for longterm holders who got screwed over by daniele and sifu.

wonderland is so lost.

most of these moderators are pushing for an echo chamber and fighting everyone with a critical opinion. This is insane


Start getting the incentives for investing in wonderland underway then put this to a vote. Hell, put the vote up at the same time as the revenue share vote. I fear if you vote for it now, alone, its gonna be a no. From me and others.

We need to see money as investors before we feel like we wanna start giving it away.

The reason being…There is more important things at hand than paying a couple people $40,000 a year to tell us to behave.


@million stop making baseless accusation. As far as I know you were already unbanned.

@Danielolteanu I already asked you to make an unbanned request so we could look into it. Without your Discord ID, we can’t help you.

@xlnoobiam make a post in the support section with your Discord ID and we can look into it.

The irony being that even if I am unbanned, I can’t rejoin because the discord is so trash that the invite links don’t work.

@million try this

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25,000 seems a bit too much in this period … wars, crises, the price of wmemo that continues to dump inexorably … and what about you?

“Let’s give 3 thousand dollars to eight people”,

It seems a little too much, I’m almost regretting not having done the rq. Think about how to carry on the protocol SERIOUSLY that already the treasury has been halved and the price of wmemo will continue to go down if you don’t do something.