[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Moderator Compensation

Now I’m stuck in the Captcha bot with 186 other people.

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All things considered yes. From there comes next level improvements, transparencies to be created etc. Pay is generally in line with full time Aust mid level management role.

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Jade has a paid Communications Public face. He has done wonders! I am sure he is compensated to do so. If you like you could do this job for us.

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Definitely a yes. Frogs helps Frogs,


Happened to me in other channels. This stuff happens. You have to take initiative and work it out because they don’t know you’re outside the door. Locate an admin contact which you should be able to locate on right hand panel. Friend request and DM them your issue.

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ONE thing at a time otherwise we get no where. The money is safe and in the treasury it aint running away. This is a need and priority. The communications team will than be in position to manage communications from Treasury to people and back. Order of priority.

It says in MIM and I think that is practical as a stablecoin. Come from expansion. We want to back our team to do a freaking awesome job. How would you like to be backed?

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I agree with a compensation, but too much money.

Every person start to do this for free, so they have another job or are rich people.

Now they need 8 hours to make this job?

Start with 15000 k month and give evidence of the results.

After that we can discuss of a raise of the compensation.


Yes the proposed team can individually each draft their value proposition. Their role job description, KPI’s etc as an analysis and summary they’d present their supervisor in asking for pay rise or promotion.

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would be nice to see some kind of rewards for holder that didn’t rage quit. A reward for the faithful. What is stopping people that rage, then repurchase wMemo the lower listed price. and getting the same kind of rewards as the faithful. Just a thought.

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Totally agree. for the amount of fud they fought.

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I’m curious: where are all the mods from? Which country?

What if we can find mods who would do the job for less? From Eastern Europe or some other low cost country?

(For example, I make about 1k USD / month, I would do the job for 1k MIM / month…)

I know the goal of this was to keep things simple but I don’t think this is sustainable.

Is it fair to compensate these people? Yes. But why are we listing individuals by name here? If we want to compensate moderators we should simply create specific titles for the different roles outlined here and set the compensation by title/role, not by person. What happens when one of these individuals needs to walk away from the role? Do we do a new proposal for the next individual to become a moderator? Let’s set the rules for moderation moving forward and make this proposal sustainable.

I also don’t like the idea of giving the Sr moderator sole discretion in setting compensation for the different roles and presumably having the ability to distribute this money differently over time as they see fit. That doesn’t align with the objectives of a DAO. It would be fine for the Sr mod to define the initial compensation breakdown but that should be transparent, listed out for everyone to see, and static. If that compensation needs to change it should be voted upon.


I don’t like this. 3k a month for minimal work? How do we evaluate performance and kick mods out that suck?

As it stands currently, WL has shown extreme incompetence in managing this DAO and being transparent. Every other discord that I’m on prepares updates regularly and are smaller than WL. None of them get paid. Since sifu’s departure, this DAO has done nothing to prove that they are competent at providing good communication and are undeserving of any sort of payment at the current state. Show us you deserve this compensation plan before we give you money, because right now I don’t want what you’re selling.

Also, before we waste any more money, I’d first want to see the org structure of the entire DAO to ensure that resources are being allocated to the high priority areas first — having a treasury manager, more developers, etc.


I do agree, in general.
But would be nice to understand the standards for that “based on performance”, just to be more transparent and avoid future misunderstanding.

I’m just afraid that all other users, and some with long existence on he protocol and with good knowledge, then just stop helping at all, just because “now there are some Pro Mods, to do that job”.


maybe backpay could be performance based as an incentive

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thank you Wilson but still not working (also not for others), it says “Unable to accept invite” and I have never been banned/removed from WL discord as never been on there :slight_smile:

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Come to WAGMI support, I’ll grab your IDs and see if they have been autoban bot our antispam bot.

They do, by a lot, but that does not mean that they do not need fixing, troubleshooting or that the (take airdrop message, for example) doesn´t need to be written and added to the bot commands. We also try a lot of functions that can benefit/improve not automated processes, or they get developer updates and need to be adjusted.

Is a complete incorrect assumption, it´s normal maintanance, formerly done by the community manager team we had and one of the responsabilities we took over, when they left.

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