Dissolve the project, return the treasury money to the frogs

deluded. kill the goose, pick something from its bones

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actually i would and did. and voting to dissolve before the audit is a stupid fucking idea lol

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Best way forward for everyone is this proposal and then look at the project buying those out who want out. Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

stupid idea. you have 2 options: option A is lose 90% and win 10% and option B is: maybe lose 10% or win 200%+. and you guys are pleading for option A like the degenerates most of you are lol


They haven’t delivered on a single promise. Sifu is the straw that broke the camel’s back. This was always a scam. If the market had recovered after new years they would have strung it along for longer.

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Take a look at this proposal I think youll like it. Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

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the merger is giving you revshare, which sspell is already getting. you could have the same or lose 90% like a retard.

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Dead project. Incompetent devs never delivered a single air drop. Liqudate it. Salavage some of Dani’s career.

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they did deliver 50% of the airdrops lol…

but yeah, throwing away 90% because you are afraid to lose 10% is a smart decision. for people with an iq of <80. you are practically guaranteed to at least double your current money in the coming 4 to 8 weeks.
in the end it will likely be like they said, everyone who wants out will get the option to do so and everyone else and the remaining treasury will move over to abra and merge. those who kept in the game will double or tripple their current holdings and will be laughing about the idiots that sold at the bottom.


Dead project, not reading your deluded ramblings. The first red flag was when they removed MEMO for WMEMO. Complete figure fiddling scam. Or Dani just panicked. Ohm trundled along at around $230 for months and it rebounded. He fiddled the numbers like some kind of soviet dictator.

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okay. be one of the idiots who cry about losing money. the only one at fault is yourself. this is the exact moment where smart people make money on the backs of idiots like yourself lol. enjoy being broke for the rest of your life.


No one’s voting to keep this wreck going.

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if you read my reply you would know how stupid that comment was :-/
anyway, thanks for actively making me money.

I’m actively making you money but voting to liquidate the project and refund you something. Most people have seen the light now and agree with me. You know SIfu was complicit in laundering money generated from child porn? This is beyond the money at this point.


you do realize that the merger does exactly the same, right? refund you with spell for the backing price. the only difference is that dissolving might give you a stable and the merger gives you a token with revshare. the price you get is identical for both. merging will likely even get you a better price with how they are buying far below backing currently.

Do you know I’m literally using you to reply to my every comment, thus giving this liqudation proposal more visibility? What an literal tool you are, no wonder you’re a fan of Daniel, he’s using you as well.

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funny how you dont have any argument for your position. guess you noticed how stupid you were. gratz :slight_smile:

Keep replying. Bump this thread. Let’s liqudate and salvage something. Wonderland will be in series 3 of Dirty Money. We already have a Bloomberg article. Dani needs to reimburse us or his reputation is ruined. I didn’t mind this project going to zero, but not due to incompetence on this scale.

Lack of airdrops and switching to wmemo during a bear market was incompetence. Employing literally the biggest exit scammer in crypto history, I don’t even know what that is. I’m gobsmacked. There needs to be legal repercussions.

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stupid is wanting to continue with 85-90% losses, we have 3x just to break even… let’s get our money back we lost time and some money but not all in the hopes and dreams of something that might not even get better with the type pf management that we have.

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This project is radioactive, it’s never coming back. Even Avalanche itself is tainted by Dani boy. Might spill over into crypto itself and bring in more regulation. Well done Daniel.