Progressive rewards to avoid rebase trading

I agree with and really like this idea. Until this forum I never thought about rebase hopping, but I understand the concept. I do not think it proper for my investment to sit for 8 hours and receive the same benefit as someone who just drops in minutes before the rebase then pulls out again. Hopping must be beneficial even though so many claim it is not. The rewards structure should reflect the concept of staking is good for the project and selling is bad.

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Good idea but what this means is that people can unstake at any time during an epoch. This makes the price more volatile. My vote is “NO”.

To me this is effectively shortening the rebase epoch from 8 hours to to 1 to 2 hours. Probably a better solution and less controversial? But I am not sure whether this is a feasible change or not.

You sell High and you buy low and time the market like most proffiecient day trading whales. If you think people aren’t sophisticated enough to read the market and charts (usually whales) then you’re in a little denial.

Okay, cool rebases aren’t the issue from what im gathering and this community is so amazing to point it out.

However, people who know how the market works would still trade the protocol understanding that they can buy more TIME for their buck as per market movement. How does that impact liquidation?

When these whales sell price of TIME drops, further liquidating borrowers. This accelerates the price down.

There’s no clear cut answer. People are sitting on two sides of the fence. But remember this is still a new project and an “experiment”, It’s not the perfect protocol, yet. It has opportunities to improve.

Stability & utility will ultimately drive the long-term success of this protocol. Hopefully, these ideas being put forth do all get considered and reviewed.


I’m glad you came up with this proposal. I’ve thought about it myself, folks should get rewarded for the amount of $TIME that they stay staked, all pun intended! I believe it’s time to put an end once and for all, to all these damn trader’s who are only seeking to game the rebase system.

Whether or not this is a non-issue. It seems fair.

Fully supportive of this, pro rate the rebase reward by the minute. Just need to write the code. This should be the industry standard! :grinning:

This could be better first solution for people staking before the rebase and unstake after the rebase. I like your idea.

I doubt this would be easy to implement when you have to determine the time someone staked

Rebase trading is not an actual issue as has been stated by Sifu and other mods on discord several times.

The fact you added your wallet address is cringe.


I’m not sure what the hatred is for rebase hoppers. They add funds (fees) directly to the treasury each time they move their money into and out of the protocol. In many ways, they bring in more income directly then the stakers do. Every eight hours they are directly adding fee income into the pool twice, where as stakers are only helping with residual income from the liquidity fees over time.

Let’s move on to topics that would improve the overall health and growth of the protocol. Whether that be marketing or outreach to major exchanges, we should be using our focus to add real value. What about upgrading our protocol to incorporate a (4,4) type mint like HectorDAO is using. If we did that, I think a great deal of people would move over to us from Hector just so they don’t have to deal with the fantom network.


I’m surprised it didn’t actually work this way.
Today I just found out about it. I think this is a good suggestion.

To reward long term stakeholders I think there should even be a possibility for people who want to stake/lock for longer periods. in return there could be higher rewards.

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I think actually we need to move our strengths in topic where we are trying to add value to the project.
Wonderland is really young, the rebase mechanism for the next months is more than ok!
The selling pressure after rebase is very very little absolutely negligible, i can’t see something different in the graph.

But if we can do something in future i think this

is the way: not modify rebase rules but add a little random incentive.


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Proposed the same idea few days back on the discord. Here is a chart of how I imagine what I call Yield Decay working. Per block decay of reward yield within the epoch on an s-curve. Those who claim & autostake off a mint that was minted throughout the entire epoch would also qualify for the full yield.

This is becoming less and less an issue with TIME however so not sure it’s a fit for TIME. And besides the trading is good for the treasury.

i think that is a great idea proposal…

I dont agree, your just digging for more and being greedy. The “reward” is playing the game correctly and just staking. The reward if you stake 10K right now even if alot of metrics drop is 1 million plus. If your patient and have faith your reward is more money than davey crocket. What needs fixed is degens borrowing and getting loans for time. Thats how the housing market crashed. Gotta find a better way to fund the treasury. Its almost predatory knowing that nearly everyone here a degenerate gamblers. No more borrowing.


Perhaps they can claim and stake after the rebase period, which they will get 100% on the next period, a bit less but still profitable

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What is the advantage of keeping your MEMO unstaked and then staking it right before the rebase?

there is no benefit to this



The small amount of rebase trading we see does not hurt the protocol. Zoom out of your 1 minute chart and chill. People will always try to buy before to make sure they get the rebase. And people use the rebase as a point/time to exit. Again, no impact on the protocol or you.


i think people should not also read the post but some of the comments down below, i like this idea but 1. it needs some tweaks since it could hurt more than help because of minters (6,6) (9,9) strategies looping and some other things 2. since rebase tradings isnt really a problem in the first place because of slipage, if you do this every rebase you loose more than win, this should be done at least every 2 rebases to take a 0.2% in profit (it dependns on the slipage% but im puting a 1% as an example)