Progressive rewards to avoid rebase trading

I really like the idea of a tiered reward system, however I would make it by the day.
I would do a 1-10 tiered system, breaking down the current apy so that those who are staked for the shortest time get the lowest apy.

Tier 1 would be those that only stake for 24hr. (perhapse something small like a .5% 5day roi)
Tier 10 would be for those that stake for a minimum of 10 days. (this would be the maximum apy reward, 9% 5 day roi, or whatever the current 5 day roi is.)
This would incentivize people not only to stake but to remain staked for at least 10 days to get maximum reward.
If at anytime a person unstakes, the tier level would reset back to tier 1, for that person.
It would also be cool to use caterpillar from wonderland with his hookah for the image. using the hookah for the measurement of what tier you are currently on. Dividing the image up into 10 sections perhaps black and white or something, and colorizing it as you advance through each tier. This would add to the marketing of the whole wonderland idea.

Just some thoughts.

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That is a good idea, Jade is doing something similar to this where they will disqualify you if you unstake your coins.

I agree with this. Low rebases initially, increase rebase % every 5 days staked.

We could also just increase the frequency of rebases. Then only long-term holders will reap the benefits, people buying in and out will pay more fees over the long-term, and it will actually be riskier / less profitable to do it.

This is a great idea. To expand on it, I think progressive rewards should be based on the TIME staked to eliminate the value in rebase trading. This would make the system fairer for all people, and not just favor the whales, early adopters or people with bots who can trade algorithmically or in anyway exploit or game the TIMING aspect of the current rebase model.

RebaseReward = NextRewardAmount * ( TimeMEMoStakedSecs / 28800Seconds )

Rebase Reward is calculated down to the Second and is based on the Next Reward Amount % divided by 28800 seconds (8 Hours)

This would offer partial reward allocation based on how long you are staked inside of the 8 hour period. This would also incentivize everyone to stake which is how we all win.

I hold until lambo. Why sell when part of fam?!

it has been posted already many times the reasons why rebase trading isnt bad for us, and it harms more the whales than us (since the slipage is % they end up loosing more money if they do it every rebase) also i wouldnt mention the early adopters, we all came here to make money, the DAO is nice, the objective is nice, but without the idea of pouring money to get more money we wouldnt even know about all this projects.
What i mean to say is that its fair that early adopters have more, or were more lucky or whatever you want to call it, this is the nature of investing.


Very bad idea. I & also Sifu love rebase hoppers, bc they get rekt and make us money through slippage and price movement.

No need to establish some kind of system to avoid rebase hoppers. Let them do their thing. Its like Casino, they will loose over time and we are the ones who profit.

Please read the hundreds of messages that Sifu wrote in the Discord about rebase hopping…


Especially once the whole Frognation ecosystem is in place it doesn’t matter what they do as the fees remain in the ecosystem.

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