Proposal - Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

wonderland will go up !! just a matter of hours/days !! Members of the frog nation unite !! the treasury is massive it is still the biggest DAO in the world !

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Not wise to assign treasury over to active trading atm. need to manage risk, especially now. keep some in stables for runway, stake, token swap a small portion, get into tokens that you can sell covered calls on. need a more fixed-income approach. not cowboy…“let’s hope these guys are going to do a good job” approach. treasury does not need a HF

thats not how math works.

Hey @TheSkyHopper, Can you please do a proposal for you guys to take over?? With a VOTE. I will start pushing immediately on the General server and other places :wink:

Let’s take control of this project and make it even better!!!

You can Message me also in private if you want. Ready to help and support!!

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We are all here to make money long term, so let’s move forward and not backwards, I am for keeping wonderland alive and investing the treasury! The guy is removed, Move forward! You have to believe the quick success of this dao was a threat to many others, anything you do, that going to be great is always hard, chose your hard! if I have to read one more time, I lost my money, we all know the risk, we don’t get participation trophy in the real world, WE ONLY Loss when we sell, at this point!
Why take huge losses with the market, I believe it can be turned around, I wonder how many wrote Coinbase or Coingeko or another exchange I Ve lost money I want it back ha ha !
Common sense tell me we need to just invest the Treasury recop or loses from the market drop! why wreck such a successful Dao ???


I approve of this proposal.

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Thanks, Masa. Assuming we do not vote to liquidate the treasury (and I hope all my fellow frogs can see the sense in not doing so!) … what is your high-level roadmap for VC investments?

Are there any specific targets you’re looking at? What is your overview of HOW Wonderland’s treasury should be deployed to VC opportunities?

Thank you

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Would you consider taking your early fees in wMEMO? This would provide you and your team with incentives to raise the value of wMEMO. And Wonderland to pay your fees with the wMEMO in the treasury.

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IMO, Let’s not rush anything I would start off with vetting for treasury & protocol advisors.

For the next 6 months, Wonderland WMEMO should be able to maintain the ranging asset price point trajectory with the markets help and if needed manipulate buybacks where needed.
If the Wonderland Stats are correct, Since yesterday Wonderland staked addresses has increased by 20k & MCAP $12M. I say give the current protocol a chance for 6 months & if we can’t figure it out, we can always hire a vetted hedge fund pro, pro trader, accountant or certified cfo.

Wonderland Example:

  1. If Price of Time stays around $1k for 6 months, equivalent to a ($1k Stablecoin) or (Ranging Asset $400-$1k), Everyone will reap good profits but not great profits at Compounded daily interest rate of 1.4%.
    WMEMO Range = $22k to $60k.

The 6 month time frame will give us enough time to reap the rewards or failure of Betswap & NFT game. There is more than enough on Wonderlands plate to keep us busy and focusing on the narrative of Wmemo price stabilization it would benefit the entire community.

WONDERLAND TIME/MEMO/WMEMO has mostly since October been in a Down Market, give the Market Economics a chance during the next 6 Month Period of possible bullishness.

WONDERLAND TIME/MEMO/WMEMO has mostly since October been in a Down Market, give the Market Economics a chance during the next 6 Month Period of possible bullishness.
Check Your WMEMO/MEMO Bags, you should see increased profits as of right now.
Everyone will have Lambo money of equivalent to $8k Time price. :laughing:

:hot_face:honk kong private company with connections on Bitfinex is worse than a anonymous Panama shell company. say NO :cold_face:

Fantastic writeup, enjoyed the read worth the time!

Confidence in this project is lost, price will continually bleed out trying to hang on is hopium. If anyone is serious about moving forward and continuing the dao they should only do so with a ragequit option. Trust has been lost, promises of protecting backing price and a lack of transparency have created a dynamic where investors were mislead and should be given an option for fair market value and those who want to continue can do so as well.

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yes, he’s with us and in favour of keeping the project on :heart:

This is the type of things we need. Love to Dani and also the Skyhopper for helping progress things and KEEP BUILDING :heart:

BS - nothing fundamentally changed, else confidence can come back

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@TheSkyHopper put this up for a vote so people can vote for this option vs winding down the treasury. Think what you can do with a $700-800M treasury (stable yield farms, LP fees, arb, etc). Easy way to grow the treasury and provide value back to the community.

This story is going to be blasted all over normie news outlets and paraded in front of regulators eventually. The market has already shown that there is no appetite for the price, buy backs are not a long term solution and the freefall is going to continue. The brand is tainted and it will get much worse before it gets better.

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I read the proposal in full, and I find it lacking in concrete details as to how investor confidence will be restored, new investment ideas to keep building up the treasury, etc.
Not to mention you can tell the author didn’t even bother with basic proofreading before publishing it.
It’s a pass for me.


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can ayone tell me why we cant logg into wonderland. The site has ben down and i cant see my funds