Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

After a proper team is assigned it would be the first order of business to do a proper audit as it would be key to see where the project stands and how to best move forward. It is why a professional team is key to moving forward

Still believe that the team should be coming from crypto sphere , maybe other networks , some great professionals are already here knowing what the whole mechanism is here, immagine having someone who doesn’t even know what an lp is

I don’t agree with you. People had the chance to get out at anytime. If they decided to stay was a personal choice. Either stay, or be bought out at current price.

Just shut everything down! People need to cut their losses!

I personally would tend to agree. I think both can be accomplished however. The price has seemed to stabilize currently. With a proper team they can get us moving in the right direction and improve the price at that point people can choose to sell out at a point that is best for them or stay in and see where we can take the project.

who’s doing the audit staff and the project? Can the community vote which firm to use?

Yea I agree, we need structure and competence… but allow me one question , is this very topic of any help? I mean who decides what to vote, what to put on snapshot?

I’ve been reading very chaotic and unorganised proposals, ideas, suggestions etc… both here and on discord…

We should gather everything in one place somehow

I would hope so but for the best PR we would want it to be an outside third party so the results dont appear to be bias

I wish. I have no power to do so. I based this off Dani and his tweet of the vote he plans to present. I wanted to show those of us in the community the silent majority outnumbers those who are being the loudest and spreading FUD. When the official vote happens I strongly feel we will be moving forward with proper management

agree continue with project with doxed management.

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Daniele create wonderland he will not be kick out of it. He allow us to be apart of it. If he leave the hold team leaves with him. You dont understand blockchain at all. Just go be in traditional finance because this is what it sounds like you want to be in. Defi is not the place for you.

Please read the proposal we would not be kicking Dani out we would be giving him the proper team of professionals he needs to run a 700 million dollar treasury properly.

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I think overall the best is to make this protocol the best we can and hopefully with time we can get a better value, there is no guarantee that the treasury could give us not even 50% of our losses. I’m supporting your proposal.

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We supposedly had an audit in place with Paladin, but then Sifu and “team” kept stalling giving them what they were looking for. That should’ve been the first redflag for all of us.

I genuinely believe there are PLENTY of qualified people right here within the DAO that know the project, and have the passion. We wouldn’t have to look far, or even have to make some super-expensive deal with a marketing firm. We need to start taking a page out of Sushi’s community’s page. They pooled talent from within the community where they could, they head hunted talent outside where they had to.

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Yes let’s do this , we just need to know how we will . This is the one way dani can redeem himself if he really cares

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In my opinion the only way to save this project with a new team is to be able to halt trading of wMemo while the transition happens. If we vote to continue without a full stop on trading I think we are just asking to have our price manipulated and probably suffering one final liquidation cascade. We halt trading and allow anyone that want to exit, to do so at backing. Anyone left will be the ones dedicated to the project…. While new team gets fully transitioned we begins revenue share, then allow holders the opportunity to purchase additional wMemo before trading resumes… that’s how I see it, but I have no idea if something like that is even feasible. I also like Siam’s suggesting to need to be a minimum 30 day WMemo holder to qualify for revenue share… ensures anting purchasing when trading resumes will need to hold for at least 30’days to participate in rev share driving price up.

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The question is… Would he even consider staying on board??? Didn’t sound like it from his proposal, but he made it seem like that’s what he wanted yesterday, so I really have no idea. I really don’t like the prospect of this project moving forward without him. Especially if we don’t even know if Wonderland would be welcome within the rest of the ecosystem… I do want us to continue, but we need to have answers for the hard questions.

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Yes, this is 100% feasible. We are protocol owned liquidity!!! This is what is revolutionary about where we find ourselves. We can just vote to remove the LP from sushi and lock it up until we get our act together! Yes, someone else gets it!