Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

It’s an ok proposal but I think it’s overkill. We don’t need all of that overhead in my opinion. We will need to submit a different proposal with a similar intent but cut the dead weight. We don’t need C - level people in some of these cases. We need advisors and mid/senior level people who know how to crank out work. This shouldn’t be either dissolve or hire a bunch execs who will then need to hire a team for them to boss around.


can someone explain to me why the treasury amount is greater than the funds amount…and also greater than wonderlands bundle address accounts and also why the funds account has gone down by about 200 million in the last couple of days. Cheers

Many factors and to be honest I dont have all the answers. I know buy backs price change of treasury holdings and such all affect it. I do know with what I am proposing with a professional team running it there would be better communication and transparency to these types of things

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I vote for dissolving this project, eating our loss, and moving on.

What was the famous quote that everyone was using a few weeks ago? “We invest in people, not projects”
Clearly, neither Sifu (who I said many many times in the past should disclose his identity) nor Daniele is a good leader. Daniele has not once owned his mistakes and taken responsibility. I still see a lot of excuse tweets. That’s not someone I want to further entrust my money with. I’d rather lose it.

And besides that, there are way too many people calling themselves proud degens. Just kids who don’t know anything. These votes are meaningless when the majority just do what others say. It’s a stupid echo chamber.

I’ve been saying it and said it in the past. Education is key. Enforce the Wonderland doc on everyone and enforce an entry exam testing people’s knowledge before they are allowed into the Discord server.

Sounds extreme? Well… nobody in human history ever succeeded with being average and not doing the extreme.

And if anything, new mods are needed. Unbias new mods who ALL disclose their real identity! No more 24 hour time out because people are speaking out.


I see your frustrated and rightfully so. However take the emotion out and read the proposal. Having a proper team who are doxed with back ground checks would give confidence back. In addition a proper marketing and PR team would improve communication keeping us informed of all that is going on and ensure the proper roll out of airdrops and news etc


I do not believe in paying out ppl from the snapshot. This rewards fear selling. Basically the same as sifu offering to make whole the liquidated. It rewards impulsive trading and .riskier moves rather than buy and hold.

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I dont either. I believe that a proper team running this would get the price moving in the right direction. People can decide at what point they want to sell or even change their mind when they get their confidence back

Once again a closed question vote so not a true reflection on community consensus. Come on people. If you wish your proposal to be legitimately recognized, don’t create closed questioning votes.

Its a simple vote based off Danis post of moving forward with a proper management team or dissolve. Clearly more want to move forward with a proper team.

Eventually will catch back up due to APY and positive price movement

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Agreed it wouldn’t take much to turn all this around. Address the management issue and the marketing and PR team could do official press releases to repair the damage to our reputation. Once a full audit of the treasury is done create a roadmap and mission of how they plan to move us forward. Marketing and PR create solid lines of communication to relay clear messages to the community and work with the dev team for smooth rollouts. Confidence will be restored and new investment will come

Audit might find the 130mil of liquidity that went missing lol

Agree on a new team, not necessarily a team aligned to the centralized financial system…

Or find it isn’t missing. We dont know until a proper audit is done

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Please check Siam Kidd’s recommendations for the future of Wonderland. He is an incredibly experienced and educated trader who is involved in Wonderland from the start. His 18 point document can be found via his youtube channel > community tab. I urge you to take a look at it and consider his points.

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Siam Kidd puts forward some good proposal’s. However he personally does not appear to hold the experience to execute. Nor is it a white paper as such. I do believe all the pieces of the puzzle have been highlighted across the forum. Lets hope Dani can piece the right votes in taking us forward.

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As I stated on discord a while ago. Once the people that are just speculating and want a quick buck are out, this will bring a new era for the project. This needed to happen IMO.

Hope it brings some foresight.

I’m totally down for a rebuild of the project bases.

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Great proposal getting formed here! I’m a small holder but loved the project. Wonderland had a great plan but it was poorly executed. These are some ideas I toss in:

People should stop thinking about buy backs and increasing the token value artificially, but starting to act with strategies that bring real value to the project. There’s no need to reimburse anyone, this is crypto, you buy and sell whenever is convenient to you. Buy outs at backing price also don’t make any sense, if someone wants to buy out just sell whenever the price suits him.
The concept of the backing price should be marketed differently to decrease the possibility of bad actors to take advantage such a way.
The treasury is huge. We should transform the project in a Faas, forget the wmemo for a while and the rebases. Borrowing with wmemo is actually a great idea but I think it was deployed way ahead of its time.
Anyone holds time and stakes it into memo should get a dividend of all the farmings and DeFi strategies in place, and give the choice wether claim the dividends in some asset (eth btc avax ftm or whatever) or in memo to increase position(maybe wmemo could be used here for tax?) . If you have different claimable assets you also can monitor the demand for one network or another and improve the strategies in place. There are already many projects like that but with a treasury way smaller compared to wonderland’s.
Keeping the VC action for additional value and exposure to different projects is also a great sell point.
We also need a new DAO structure with some sort of sense and have an incentive plan for holders and stakers (like Rome dao ). The idea of having professionals dealing with the job and let developers and DeFi designers doing their thing is a very good idea. But I think those should be took from crypto sphere pros. There are many talented people around.
We need also to bring back the minting of time so new people can get in bringing extra value to the treasury and to the project all together.
We also need a new governance structure because clearly having a bunch of people managing everything is indeed unsustainable. (Not talking about the faith in these people here).
We became too big too quickly and the team members were caught unprepared.

I’m really hopeful that among all the people here we can handle the situation. I personally am a very small holder, I didn’t neither borrowed anything nor panic sold. Just very down on a small investment. But I’m still not even buying the dip yet.

Thanks everyone for the effort!!

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IMO, As a step before this, we need to run an audit of the existing devs, dani, and sifu, and all transactions from the treasury from some professional 3rd party. Need to know these people involved today are clean themselves, not doing anything nefarious, and are worthy of being including in whatever happens going forward.

Yea of course an audit is mandatory! I wander why we didn’t ask for it earlier!!