Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

We simply need people who know how a billion dollar business is ran. Doesnt need to be suits, but people who know how to protect and preserve the value of holders. This PR is self inflicted none of it should have happen, a PR team would have been way out ahead of this instead of being broadsided. A team would have never let the communication be so broken, ‘one day its we are going to revenue share’ 24 hours later their is a proposal to merge under a lesser entity’ that is some serious “what the f#ck, over”

Point is thats the problem, and the solution. Let Dani do what he is good at, and allow him the ability to build a team to reenforce his weaknesses.


Agreed I personally have run a marketing company and the communication has been one of the major issues. Anything investor facing that is released should be fully reviewed before release by the appropriate departments. In addition supporting educational videos and documentation if applicable


Agree! The fundamentals remains and we have a massive treasury to deploy.


Siamkidd to oversee the treasury but of course with controlled access


That’s what I’m talking about. Let’s have a manager war for this position. We are the first decentralized VC, they have a reason to want to be in.


Agreed… this is the only way to strongly recover and move forward. Liquidating treasury only screws everyone


I don’t have anything new to contribute here - I agree with this concept completely and that we need people with experience, especially in re-establishing communication both in and outside the community (Again, Marketing and PR!!!).

More than anything, I just want to thank everyone in this thread for having this conversation. I strongly believe in the potential of DAOs, and the Wonderland system was on to something. We just hit a few too many potholes along the way, with too much confusion and mis(or lack of)communication. But despite all the cries to dissolve the project, I think there can still be something to build on if we can find a way to recover.


it needs to be a legal fiduciary entity and registered in an extraditing country. preferably in the us or eu.

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Thank you for your efforts. I am considering them, and the suggestions thoughtfully. (I have not sold but tbh I have been considering voting for liquidating the treasury). All DAOs are down right now for reasons we can all probably list. Perhaps this idea (as hammered out) could be the start of DAOs 2.0 where we rise from the ashes. We have been hit hard, but if we can remake it rather than abandon it as another statistic, that could be a benefit to all of defi.

In doing so, I would like to see a private discord to cut back on the mess that is in there. We can’t talk things through with the chaos that currently exists. I think admission to a private discord should be based on owning some real amount of Memo (not $1 but also not overly burdensome). Also I would like to see strong moderation with real actions if people use name calling, rude emojis, or people make rude comments about women and their parts. There also must be respect for people of color, various religions, and LGBT. Basically it has to be a safer place than it is now. We can’t go forward if honest attempts at conversation are met with the current levels of harassment.


I agree. I believe in the project, it has already shown incredible results and putting the project in the right direction will surely make all of us who have been hurt recover.


This protocol is dead, wake up people!

Your free to feel this way and take whatever steps you feel appropriate to exit in a way that benefits you most. This proposal is for those of us who still believe in the potential of the project and understand what needs to happen to recover and be successful moving forward.


I like this idea, take the investment “Raised” in the treasury and build a proper investment company/vehicle with leadership that can be vetted and trusted.

Let’s get investments moving, get revenue share going and we can use part of the rev share to support the price as well as to allow frogs to profit.


Perfect but who does the vetting and who is it that gets vetted to fill these roles. I almost feel they need to be known entities from “real” finance not MetaVerse candidates. Some of those roles might be better handled as troikas.

It would start with a respected VP or COO that would recruit, and have back ground checks conducted as part of the hiring process.

Are we able to freeze the DAO until decisions can be made?

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I honestly would support freezing any and all actions until a proper management team could be staffed, and a fully transparent roadmap and way forward drafted presented to the DAO members. I would say however that if there is a way to clear out those who want out by buying their tokens at an acceptable price I would support that while we restructure


This project lost trust of investors, that’s the most important thing.

Our ability to invest in seed/private rounds will be much more difficult.

Abracadabra, Popsicle and SushiSwap made a statement today, that they aren’t coneccted to Wonderland at all.

Best way is to make a snapshot of people that have been holding wMemo and give the treasury to those holders.
That’s the best solution.

We won’t save a sinking ship, that makes no sense.

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Agreed the whole team need to be change. We need a new narrative like right now!

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I think both can be accomplished. As part of this buy out those that want out. The treasury is enough to do that and still move forward with investments. Future investments will accept funds from where ever. Those projects made those announcements because of Dani’s connection to them and it was a good move on their part to mitigate damage to their projects. This can be saved but needs experience at the helm