Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

I agree, those who want out should be able to leave.


Agreed we need to go into damage control. Solid professional team is the first step. Next buy out those that want out which will go far from a public relations stand point. Next the team would draft a road map and mission statement to post publicly. Any investor facing communication would only be released once it is properly reviewed. This would ensure that things like air drops and other events happen as announced and not delayed which cause FUD


So based on comments and some of the details it sounds like we want to establish leadership and maybe an entity that is liable for the DAO? Arenā€™t DAOs technically illegal? I mean thereā€™s a reason Dani doesnā€™t want anyone with the multisig to be in the US. Iā€™m not sure we fully understand the risks we are asking people to take on. Regulation is coming in the near future and it will most likely not be friendly to crypto before they give in and listen to what the world actually wants.

And that is why we need a Chief Legal Officer. I know of one not US based and I am sure there are plenty of others. Bottom line is it is possible to let people out who want out and continue on However to navigate what is going to be rough waters we need those with the proper skills


Hmm this is tough. I think we are on a time bomb. Dani and his team move fast and they need to to maintain our market lead. Will we hold them back while vetting future staff? It is going to take a long time to find the right people because I honestly think 90%+ of the people who think the are qualified are definitely not. Only person I would trust to know what/who we actually need is Dani. People who really know this environment arenā€™t your standard C-level people. The ones that grew up in this environment and are geniuses in it are people like Dani and frankly like Sifu. Finding a version of Sifu with a sparkling reputation is going to be a pain. That goes the same for the rest of the leadership team.


I think you might be surprised. Much of day to day operations is true no matter what field it is in. Im not saying I am the ā€œguy for the jobā€ but am retired military and have run tech start ups and marketing companies as a COO. Some best practices, policies and procedures can be universal. Things like clear properly reviewed press releases, new investments, and functionality not being announced before all moving parts are ready for deployment are universal. A properly managed treasury is also universal. Dani the VP and CTO would be the ones looking at and having high level meetings with potential investment groups. These are just some examples


All great points, very logical and adult discussion.


I think this proposal should be combined with my proposal:

I propose a combination of Siam Kidd and myself to manage this, fostering a partnership that focuses on all aspects of cleaning up the management of the treasury and DAO. I do not believe any one individual by themselves is the best path forward here, and for the scale of Wonderland, there are more benefits we can realize by allowing multiple thought patterns to coexist.

Thank you. I really feel there is a way out for those that want out AND a way forward for those of us that are in this in the long term.


Other courses of action are possible but I feel we have very important short range moves that need to be made first. To pull out of our current situation we need to put people in a few key positions to stabilize the project. Once we have stabilized we will have the time to have the discussions necessary to determine the best way forward with trusted, skilled individuals which have back ground checks.

I think this is a sound proposal. There has to be more accountability if this project is going to survive. I believe in people being given a chance to redeem themselves but at this point confidence needs to be restored and Sifu must leave for that to happen. If this doesnā€™t happen I will have to cut my enormous losses and move on.

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Sorry to hear about your losses and understand peoples frustration. I honestly feel this is the best way forward to maximize our chances of making up those losses and potentially turning around the project for profits

Agree, this should be the way going forward so we avoid future Sifus

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agreed! This is the way forward

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Agreed. Iā€™m still believe there is future for Wonderland since we still have a strong treasury. It needs to rebuild the reputation with a new team.

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Definitely agree with this. The roadmap is promising. A dedicated team is whatā€™s needed to bring Daniā€™s vision to life.

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Agreed This needs to be run like a business to be profitable

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great how do we move this forward?

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We need help spreading the word to get people to like it and comment to show support and move it to a vote

iā€™m agree with the Background checks of all wonderland team,agree to Have a VP working with Daniā€™s vision
agree with Chief Financial Officer (replace Sifu) Chief Operating Officer,Marketing & PR Director,Chief Technology Officer,Chief Legal Officerā€¦

Few months ago Dani came with this new project Wonderland ( his new vision of DAO ) but what is a vision without Moneyā€¦ a Dream!!! never forget that WE came with the Money,
no ā€œFrogsā€ = no treasury
no treasury = no investment
Honestly i hate the term ā€œfrogā€ it can be fun for certain person and i respect them but from start to finish we are INVESTORS!!!
I invested my money into Wonderland for a better retirement and i really feel disappointed and all kind of different feeling when i see the money i invested going down 90% when some staff at Wondeland see their money going up by million.
Talking about the staff how many people work for Wonderland ( youtuber included ) , how many have a salary,how much are the salaryā€¦ all these unanswered questions!!
Wonderland work as a company, and i have never seen a company without real name,identity and background.
i can not imagine that the name of the CFO of Amazon is Goofyā€¦ no his name is Brian T. Olsavsky and not Sifu or Mickael or Omar who stole several million a few years ago,changed is identity several timeā€¦

i can not imagine that the name of the CFO of Tesla is spongebobā€¦ no his name is Zach Kirkhorn and not Sifu or Mickael or Omar who stole several million a few years ago,changed is identity several timeā€¦

Another point if the price go up iā€™m pretty sure that iā€™m gonna lose all my money why? because of the whales that gonna cash out in a finger snap!! ( we need to find a solid solution for that )

sorry it was long but iā€™m gonna finish with a last thing.

my job as investor was simple by Avax then by Time and change it for memo and play with the lambo
but since Wmemo to today iā€™m sure that i didnā€™t invested on that!

i wish you an happy new year :crossed_fingers:

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