Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

I think so man. Defi is brand new. It’s lime 2008 for btc. Nobody though it was gonna be this big through it’s ups and downs…

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This is a well thought out presentation for some kind of actionable plan that could potentially move things in a constructive direction. Assuming Dani is not absolutely complicit in scamming all of us, which I’m still not convinced he isn’t, he needs to take drastic and immediate measures to earn back the trust of whoever is left in the community. I would like to see a plan like this followed through upon and no more half baked waffleing between “what if maybe” potential scenarios that just cause more and more convoluted confusion, which at this point appear in hindsight as though they were designed to do exactly that. Dani needs to prove to us that he can get his head on straight and LEAD with absolute accountability in a direction that at least attempts to make whole the people who have been holding all along and believed in him and his vision. Feels like this is only fully considered to be a DAO when the people at the helm are trying to escape any and all accountability of their massive fuck ups


Feel free to submit a resume. Just realize I’m going to be absolutely ruthless with vetting every candidate. First time anyone in the management team oversteps I’ll submit a proposal to replace them. Too many opportunists trying to say “yeah I can manage a 700m treasury company”. Yeah right. I might volunteer to help Dani just to keep the leeches off him. My distrust for anyone taking advantage of this situation is more than my distrust for sifu.

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Agreed trust is essential to earn back.


I vote we remove dani as well as sifu

both him and dani have been plotting for months to merge with abracadabra and do away with wmemo and time/memo. we raised funds and lost money in the process. now its worth virtually nothing. the roadmap the put out the other day was all a lie if they’d been planning for months to do the merger and go to sSpell. would have bought that 3 months ago instead had i known that was the end goal, meaning they lied about the cex listing, baited us with airdrops and revenue share, dani knew a month ago about this and they risked it. sifu refused to entertain anti whale mechanisms…the writing is on the wall.

I dont think wonderland should be dissolved but efforts should be made with investments to pay everyone back from day 1 that has lost money. Use the investments of the “1 million a day” to drip feed everyone in stables. No point taking 40k wmemo…thats a huge loss for a lot of people. then theres those liquidated through dani and sifus lies and schemes to walk off with the funds regardless


Please make this a proposal

Just give me my money back and everyone else who wants theirs back and the rest of you can put your money into another ponzi. Idgaf but I want out. I have been holding all the way to the bottom. Wonderland is over!

I by no means am saying I want the job. I do have a solid resume but I am happily retired. I just know what it takes to run a successful company and my job before retiring was saving failing startups

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Dude I’m going to be polite in my response… No. Dani Stays.


You are better off helping us get a solid management team together to properly run the project so you can earn your initial investment back and maybe they can earn your trust back and make you some profits.

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dani is just as guilty as sifu. he knew this and they baited us it was a lie from the beginning

I agree with all your points, but have to talk about one. I think the treasury needs to keep its promise of buybacks. You said we stop buying at backing now until backing is about 68k. I think it would be better their their treasury to keep it backing as it is now and do buybacks. Those who want to get out will get out and treasury still profits from buying at these low levels.

In the mean time they start revenue sharing which should help the stability of price.

And slowly we could ease in your idea with the apy reduction based on wmemo price as revenue sharing profits slowly increase with time and people get interested and start coming back and pushing the price higher and getting the apy lower.

I think this would be better as people need to see that while we team is working on delivering promises, the promise of buying at backing still stands. Will give more trust short term if we continue buying at backing.

On everything else I totally agree with you

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100000% agree man. You seem to know what you’re talking about. How can we move forward on this? What are the next steps?

Do you want to create a separate discord / channel for investors who still believe in Wonderland so we can coordinate together, vote on proposals in unison, eventually vet candidates together, come up with strategy without all the FUD in current discord?

There are a number of ways a new CFO and team can make money with the treasury.

Let me know how I can help you with getting the sound minded investors together. Clubhouse sessions maybe?


if u get out now, u sure to take a loss… if we all give chance to the new team to work and by knowing how fast can crypto market jump up, i see more chance to recover then getting to a situation worst then now…


exactly. remove dani and everyone involved with him and sifu. then use the remaining funds up to vote and funds permitting if everyone can get paid their initial with the option for those to get “revenue” share through treasury funds with liquity pools, mining, investments like what should have happened. maybe even a partial payment option but hit all the big pools for returns and staking protocols that are legit, pay back the investors with these funds to then sell off. do away with wmemo and time altogether. its worthless now

Agree with you on the need for professionals. I’m also prior military and have a long and successful career in public relations and also startups. I’ve been saying since the beginning (been in big since early November) that we need a professional PR person on the team to present the project to the public and investors in a professional way…editing tweets and proposals, having a strategic vision for advertising and PR, and a unified communication front are just a few examples. Not many people I’ve seen in frog nation understand that PR is necessary for long-term success. Not pitching myself here, I don’t have time to take on new ventures atm. Just wanted to point out that people with experience in all areas should be put together for the new team. This project still has huge potential if rebuilt correctly.

As for the proposal, we need to shoot down the merger and keep the treasury intact outside of providing a way out for those that want it. I’m here for the long haul and I believe there’s a way to allow those that want out to do so while keeping this project moving forward for those of us who want to rebuild.


Would definitely like to find a way to get those who still believe in the project talking separate from the FUD. I think the community would have a lot to share to get some ideas to offer a potential management team


Totally agree PR Marketing and solid leadership with a clear mission and roadmap on how to get there is key to build community confidence.

Im with you I am here for the long haul


I believe that currently, we have to make 3x to just break even, perhaps the treasury can provide us with a loss of just 50% rather than 90% we can invest in any other project including this one once the team is built, instead of speculating that things will be different.

A possibility for sure of a 50% buy out. Honestly to be done properly and potentially maximize your buyout percentage a solid audit of the treasury would need to be done.

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