Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

I agree, but at least we will have the choice to invest in whatever we want after this fiasco. We take a loss of 50% for taking the risk to invest in this but with that amount, we can survive, however 90% down, and waiting to make 3x of profit to break even is just too unrealistic and too speculative to be a fair proposal.

It is upsetting that the events happened this week, but if this project got a solid team behind it, I be long on this project and I think a lot more people would too. No bank could ever give these kind of returns and this isnā€™t a get rich quick itā€™s a patience play and I think some of the community feel the same way. Thank you for being transparent and hopefully move forward with this project!


There are no guarantees but a solid team with this treasury and the current investments could develop an exit strategy for those of you that want out that will treat you much better than just liquidating the treasury


This is defi magickā€™s idea. I dont agree with everything but he has solid points. What do you guys think?


Love this a lot of great ideas he discusses

Believe what you want but thatā€™s a personal opinion with no evidence. Iā€™ve DYORd deeper than every project Iā€™ve ever believed in, listened to every AMA, YouTube, and dug deep into past patterns and Iā€™ve seen no evidence that Dani is anything but exactly who he says he is.

This is a good opportunity for self reflection on why you got into this project. I would hazard a guess you got into it for the wrong reasons and didnā€™t do your DD.

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go on with the projectā€¦ we have all the tools in the toolboxā€¦ lets make it happenā€¦

I obv think keeping the ship intact and building a solid team to keep her steady is the way to go.

I just wanted to point out how very interesting it is that Siam kid is throwing in his resume so quickly. Donā€™t be surprised to see wonderland bounce back Hard AF when the manager war starts and everyone and their mother are talking about how this is going to play out.

Sifu stepping down and handing the treasury over to the community in such a gracious manner was probably the most powerful move anyone in the space of crypto could have made this year. Seriously.

The protocol is insanely solid and the world has been watching Wonderland with wanting eyes for months, hoping it was going to succeed. Cleaning closet so publicly literally couldnā€™t be better and giving the world something to be occupied by is something we couldnā€™t pay for, even if itā€™s starting with a sour taste. The world watching on the edge of their seats as wonderland rebuilds is a marketing campaign you literally couldnā€™t buy.


For instance, here we are trying to figure things out, and currently, the main page for wonderland doesnā€™t even work, it does not even load. We build the treasury instead of gambling with it, paying executives that will not guarantee that we would make 3x to break even is best that most of it be returned to us the investors we take our losses, and with the rest, we can invest in other things as we wish.

Iā€™d be cool with that but if Dani isnā€™t the lead and management isnā€™t just clearing a path for him and making things easier for him then Iā€™d take that payout and just follow Dani. If he bails ship and takes his ecosystem with him then this all falls apart lol.

Sorry man thought your comment was to me hahaha. I was like how does he not see I support Dani and the project

Haha yeah we seem to be on the same page on that. No worries.

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dani needs to go. he was in on it

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yup we have all the tools to build.

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Lets focus on steps needed to Get some solid people driving the train so it isnā€™t just one or two people making all the decisions and we can figure out things from there.


I love this attitude we would be crazy to throw this away with the existing investments and treasury. We just need the right people managing it


To save wonderland you need to do this and also:

  • Dissociate with Dani, the community has lost confidence, or at least vote to dissociate.
  • remove rebasing and APY, people still think itā€™s not stock splits, itā€™s deceptive
  • deliver on promises of profit sharing and airdrop of BSGG ASAP
  • A lot more DAO vote involvement and voting on decisions
  • Rename the project and rebrand
  • Remove Time, and MEMO. There should be one token which you stake for revenue sharing

I had a large position in Wonderland and severely effected by the crypto market downturn in general let alone this fiasco. I am for keeping Wonderland around with fully doxxed teams with the exception of Daniele having any control over the decision making of the team, the direction of the project and future enhancements. He can have a seat at the table but has no voting rights, no authority on priorities or direction, no ability to invest in the project or ability to effect the project in any way except for submitting ideas for the team to review and approve. We believe this project can be viable, but current leadership cannot take this forward. Otherwise, Iā€™m cutting my losses, what I have left.

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I agree on many of your points and why I started this proposal. A solid team would ensure that past promises would be brought to fruition and future ones would only be announced when they are fully developed and ready for deployment

Siam Kidd MAYBE for COO but not CFO.