Proposal for a properly staffed Wonderland team w/ background checks

My chief concern with buybacks is they attract opportunists and they have exploited every buyback. That money that is being given to opportunists to exploit our protocol is better off farming for us and maximizing value in revenue share. The quicker we began the revenue share the faster we can add value back to the brand. We move the brand from a rebase token stigma to a revenue share brand, like a stock dividend. We keep apy only until we meet and exceed the price of where apy no longer benefits us and i believe this determination is better defined by a price. Upon meeting those price parameters we reduce apy within price range parameters. We kill two birds, rebrand the token value to a revenue share model, and as price moves up we reduce apy. Everyone is happy.

Ive seen many communities conduct a punitive rate cut and its always at the wrong time for someone. At least with the apy reduction in my plan it would be aligned to positive events.

  • Dissociate with Dani, the community has lost confidence, or at least vote to dissociate.
  •   rude if it fails and just dumb if it passes
  • remove rebasing and APY, people still think it’s not stock splits, it’s deceptive
  •  yeah unless it's a line in the profit sharing so it doesn't dilute ownership when we sell it
  • deliver on promises of profit sharing and airdrop of BSGG ASAP
  •   that was always going to happen
  • A lot more DAO vote involvement and voting on decisions
  •   lol let's put parachutes on the race car when no one else is.
  • Rename the project and rebrand
  •  merger
  • Remove Time, and MEMO. There should be one token which you stake for revenue sharing
  •  merger
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Agree with some of your points. A solid management team would be able to assess where we are currently with the treasury, and investments and draft a proposal that allows for a way to pay out the investors and give the project growth


Make a proposal without Dani. I will vote against it. You can vote against this one. Fair is fair.

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Nice proposal. A DAO isn’t a traditional business, but should be ran as such. we are the shareholders.
10k Investor.


I agree Dani adds value. He just needs to be stripped of his control and only given a passive role. Poor decisions have consequences.

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I agree, the only exception,
Why not have different names for those positions (After all, we’re the Frogs)

100% the governing body is different but to be successful it must use some traditional models

HAHAHA all for that we just need the right leadership. We have the war chest (treasury) and solid existing investments. THis has huge potential still with the right people in key positions

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What you think he’s some 13 year old kid who’s just going to sit there and take it. Guarantee 1/3 take a pay out, 1/3 take pay out and go with Dani and his ecosystem and deals, and you can sit with 1/3 with no team and and no movement and see how that goes. Best case scenario for you with that requirement.

We can achieve this with my proposal. Please read and help me get support: A relaunch project that pays daily yields in BTC! Let me show you how - Please read!

None of these are official. Dani is going to post an official one but we need to show people a way through the FUD and there are more of us that believe in the project and need to ensure we all vote. This is to show a potential way forward if the vote shows we are keeping the project alive


Now who are going to pay there salaries. See this is the reason we didn’t have all of these positions before. I vote just to not shut the project down but we dont need all of these positions. I dont want this to turn into traditional finance because that is not what this is.

I don’t want traditional Fi either, but that doesn’t mean you don’t take some of the good/successful parts of it and use them to our advantage. You’re right we don’t need a ton of positions, but a well-developed and effective team is necessary.


There are some here in the community who are invested and would be willing to donate their time, I have talked to a couple. I know I would be willing to donate my time to assist and I was the COO of a marketing company

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Wonderland needs to need the vision Dani has with revshare node staking that is it. This is the way forward. We just need a trusted CFO for wonderland that has a team of investment analyst who can find good deals to bring back yield to the node stakers(that would be us.)

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No I think they should be fully doxxed, we will pay for security if needed but we need faces for the public and shed this ponzi vide the fud made. By being 100% transparent and inviting reviews and audits anyone who would doubt at that point would be laughed at by the broader community. We have a chance to capitalize on this and show the world how it’s to be done. Let’s be the one to set the bar so fucking high we are the new standard. If we build back it needs to be 100% everywhere, our dev team is lacking look at got hub it’s empty. I have yet to see any proof rev share was worked on to me it seemed sifu was going to use abra tech to do rev share, shouldn’t had been hard to copy and paste that code and tweek it for wmemo and not usdt or xjoe. There is no reason why rev share was not implemented by now. The air drop is small compared to there seems to had been no real effort on the teams side and now I believe it’s time to build ground up. Even discord mods should be reviewed and each one renewed for their spot or changed for someone better suited and willing to do the job of getting the real info to the frogs. We had so many break downs it’s not funny. We have bots the mods can use but don’t for messages, but we cannot expect this for free and they should be paid well.


The success of this project, comes down to a doxed team and more transparency then ever. For us to survive. We can recover but we need more structure.

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Agree a restructuring of the sorts. But dani be head of creative, but we need the DAO still incontrol

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in on what? Put up solid undeniable proof that anything happened untoward on WL, other than bad management and the normal bear market in place at this time.