yes. I think I speak for most who agreed to this proposal, as anyone who’s agreed to this is someone who got in early and never sold.
Same… I had to flash repay to avoid being liquidated. Backing price was not kept as promised multiple times. Before I get people calling me greedy, my liq price was under $20k Wmemo. Taking out such position when Wmemo was well above 100K is not greedy and its well below Sifu and Dani’s personal position. Management did nothing to keep the backing price despite multiple promises.
Been a supporter since Nov… Danis confirmation of sifus identity is not FUD… its facts. He did nothing to preserve the price or give any reassurance to the community.
We are suddenly a Dao when its convenient. Were we not a dao a month ago?
Snapshot should be taken at the time of Danis tweet. Frogs who were holding through it all should be made whole.
How is that possible?
It would be amazing, but is it realistic?
If we dissolve the treasury we would all get back more than it’s worth now, but not back to our OG investments. The only way to do that would be for the project to make changes, move forward and be successful.
I’m just trying to determine what the best thing to push for is right now.
There needs to be a tier system for those who held through everything, they should get a wMEMO price closer to 100k-140k. One such factor would be days wMEMO/TIME/MEMO were in the wallet, the higher the day count, the higher the wMEMO price.
Yes this should be the only way, not voting whether we should wind down wonderland or not.
reimburssing investors original investment is the best way forward, it will do alot to restore faith in the general crypto community, at the same time not negatively impacting all Frogs.
Dani fixing his reputation is between you, him and his conscious. Leave Wonderland out of your personal matters.
If Wonderland ceases to exist yeah I think that would have a negative impact on the the frogs across all it’s projects. Wonderland surviving and coming back will be a better story. Which title do you prefer, “The rug pull that wasn’t” or “scammed from the inside by whales”?
I agree with this proposal!
Sorry but when you invest you actually agree with the risks, i am down more than 50%, but i doubt that this proposal will go through
I can’t vote with wmemo on snapshot…they want “time” token for voting ??? I have 0,30 WMEMO and 0 time …how can I resolve that please ??
YES! Can we make this happen?
I totally agree with this. If I lost money because of the market, that’s one thing. But one of the biggest selling points for Wonderland was that backing price would prevent major losses. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Instead, of being down maybe 50%, many of us holding from late autumn of last year are now down 80-90% and will probably lose more once the obviously manipulated vote for dissolving Wonderland passes.
Agree the proposal! Should be happen
Yes This is the only way. a snap shot after sifu vote is the dumbest idea…how did that get so far?
Does your proposal include all wmemo/memo holders pre liquidation crash regardless if they are still holding now??
Fully support this but it needs to be done properly. Put in place a governance or management committee and proper strong business fundamentals. So that everything is transparent and we’re all aligned.
Just like this discussion: Bastion Trading/Skyhopper + Management Committee
Sorry, let me clarify the timing… I was buying & holding memo for the past 6-8 months & held my wmemo through the liquidation crash (not leveraged) but finally sold a couple days ago for 60-70% loss. Would this be included in proposal?
So, you are saying that if you sold to retain 20% of original investment, you deserve nothing.
But if you are still holding while retaining 10% of your investment, you deserve to be refunded?
It’s Wonderland, we’re all mad here.