PROPOSAL: Give the remaining holders the chance to get their original investment back

Been saying this shit since forever in the Discord server. But as human nature is. People only change and wake up when it’s too late. Stupid people calling themselves apes and frogs. It’s all just an echo chamber. Nothing can start until people study… yes actually study and read what Wonderland is.

Disconnected — 12/16/2021

just don’t. seriously greed is making people wanting to borrow and they then get liquidated. 85k APY isn’t that good enough? 3,3 is here to build the system all the 4,4, or 9,9 is ruining Wonderland

Disconnected — 01/04/2022

Btw just FYI one of the reasons DAO prices like TIME drops so much is because of greedy people like you. Of course you aren’t aware of that because most of y’all don’t think. But because many of y’all do that 4,4 and 9,9 shit (which was never meant to be part of these experimental yet successful DAO structures) many of you guys get liquidated once bigger players like whales sale. Because so many of you unintentionally get liquidated at a certain price, the price of TIME drops further. The price does’t matter but since many of you keep wondering why the price drop. This, amongst other factors. God give you one brain cell! USE IT!

Disconnected — 01/08/2022

Y’all need to be careful with borrowing. Greedy degens borrow because they want more and then get liquidated which drives the price further down. There’s this famous saying: Spend only what you have. Don’t borrow

Disconnected — 01/07/2022

And given the fact that many people are borrowing without fully understanding how it works, people in this community are (all) getting liquidated unintentionally which further pushes the price down.

Disconnected — 01/08/2022

This definitely needs to improve. Especially when the number one goal is education (Daniele’s Tweet) to build a successful project. This channel feels very chaotic. I’m sure they can improve it when they get stricter with rules and find more active moderators to join (edited)

PEOPLE NEED TO STOP BEING GREEDY… AGAIN. CUT YOUT LOSSES, CLOSE THIS DAMN SHIT AND MOVE ON TO THE NEXT PROJECT. Nothing good comes out of losing money in the casino and then doubling down just to lose even more only because they swapped out the dealer and you hope the game has changed. Daniele not once admitted fault, owned his mistakes or took responsibility. This won’t go well if people give this a second chance

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You are right about the leveraging BS, but they stopped it. Same for the buybacks, and now the price is stable again. Whales gonna stop manipulating if we stop giving them the tools for it !

We need a new treasury manager, known and respectable. Buybacks and leverage must not come back.
Revenue share must be in place ASAP and same for the airdrops. wMEMO stacked for a min amount of time before getting rewards of any kind ! No more APY BS, a simple VC fund where revenue are shared with the community! As simple as that, people attract by huge APY and lambo gonna leave (good riddance) and serious hodler gonna stay.


Thats why I reached out to the guy to try to help him and I echoed some of those points you made as well and I hope that he pulls through. I’m not really that worried about getting what I got back and I lost a decent amount, not as much as some but the reason for my post was to show the full extent of SIFUs actions. Because when you really look deeper into, and understand his past behaviors, you will understand why this project can’t go on, and if it does its going to be really hard to be successful because the trust has already been lost by the majority of the community. Everyone holding right now is probably just hoping to break even or close to it, but when I analyze the full scope of the situation it seems that the best course of action for everyone would be to try and pay everyone back as much as possible with the treasury funds and the do a reset on the project. Because you have to admit before the crash, things were getting fishy with rebases ending, and switching tokens ect. Allowing leveraging on Abracadbra which was what created a situation that created violent price action for all holders. This was being promoted as being a benefit of wMemo, and then after switching to wMemo they wanted us to switch to SPELL .005 tokens. All I’m saying is I feel like its going to be really hard to attract potential new investors especially after the trust has been breached from this whole situation with Sifu. Some can say that he did a great job growing the treasury. But i feel it was more the belief in Dani’s vision and the frognation community that was responsible for its growth, and yet despite having the largest Treasury of all the DAOs everyone holding is down 90% yet Sifu is able to ride off in a lambo into the sunset with millions, while the rest of us sit at a significant loss, Dani is left to pick up the pieces and has his great work and ecosystem tarnished. So sorry if my post sound vicious but it is what I believe is best for everyone at this point and could help make the best possible outcome of this bad situation that the whole frog nation / ecosystem is in right now. I urge you if you havent yet please listen to this podcast about Sifus past criminal history. Once you understand his pathology based on his past crimes which are pretty damn big if you ask me, and you analyze where we are now I think you may see things a little bit differently. This podcast covers in detail the the QuadrigaCX scandal that SIFU (Michael Patryn / Ohmar Dahani “all the same guy”) played a role in. A Death In Cryptoland | CBC Podcasts | CBC Listen << Episode 4 is specifically about Sifu.

Revenue share? From what?

i do not agree to your proposal

I agree, give the whole initial investment back to the loyal stakers who have been holding all this time

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If you felt that way the whole time since last year about Daniele then you should have pulled your money out a long time ago like last year. So, no the greedy one is you. Sorry you lost money, but this most likely won’t be the last time or even the next to the last time you are down on an investment.

Simply put you win some and you lose some. When you lose you don’t get to be made whole again.

If we were lied to, changed course of the original plan for Wonderland many times, hid the true identity of the treasurer etc… yes we should get our initial investments back. It’s not a dream, we have been mislead and important info was not disclosed to the investors.



We have to first understand exactly the economic impact of such a decision!!

How much is it going to cost to pay back everyone’s initial investment based on some snapshot, out of the treasury.

Will there be enough in the treasury??

Will there be anything left in the treasury to allow the fund to continue to function??

If the answe to either of these questions is ‘No’, then the value of the fund to investors now must be weighed up against the prospect of future returns if the fund is kept whole!!

Come on people have some common sense!! Do you really want to vote now to cut and run at most certainly a massive loss for who knows how much you’ll actually get, without even considering the option of sticking it out and fighting for the organisation and it’s aims??

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you probably won’t get your initial investment back as it’s unlikely the treasury will cover it so are you happy to take whatever you can get and collapse the fund?

So many assumptions in your response. Did you just assume I didn’t pull out? Did you just assume I invested? Did you just assume I lost money? I good response would’ve been to assess, ask, process information and then respond accordinglyy

3,3 since November. I’d love my investment back.

If you feel a crime was committed then contact the FBI or you local law enforcement agency so they can open a case. Otherwise, you can go the civil route. None of what you cited entitles you to be made whole in your initial investment. Write it off on your taxes.

How did Sifu sink the entire crypto market including even the NASDAQ? Because Sifu is a convicted felon does not mean you get your money back. So please if we got screwed over where is the evidence for such a happening? I don’t think you have much to stand on when even the person you are accusing had their positions liquidated as well.

YES lets continue REBASING high APY product.

If you sold, im sorry to say you are no longer eligible.
Maybe if Dani follows through on helping those who were liquidated, out of his own pocket.
That is a choice the DAO has nothing to do with.


Yup. If you sold, you get ZERO.
You invested and exited.
We invested and we got scammed. :smiley:


Agreed Dani needs to fix this stain on his reputation

agree to your proposal

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I’m pretty torn. I bought in near the beginning and never leveraged, just hodl the entire time, was I greedy? not sure but I did have high hopes for this. I do agree with a lot of people on recouping a bit of funds, but at this point, I’m down so far, I say let’s bring in some new finance people to take over and maybe recoup over the long run, honestly, there isn’t enough money left to give everyone what they initially invested.

I vote no, lets’s get some new people to run this thing and see where it goes