I would vote for all wMemo/Memo/Time holders to be reimbursed by the treasury and to reset this whole platform. This is the best of both worlds and would allow Daniele and the rest of the team to be able to do a really positive thing for people who got rekt by these liquidation cascades. If everyone got their money back or as close to it as possible. Wonderland could then rebrand if it wants to, or reformat the platform to better reflect the roadmap. The Team could then dissolve the wMemo and Time tokens and focus on Spell if thats the new coin they want at the heart of the ecosystem, even though MIM would probably be better. Then those who want to reivinvest because they still believe can do so.
Frogs paid $1000s for these $TIME and $wMEMO tokens and to switch to the Spell token which is currently .005 cents, down 78% from its all time high of .03 cents, doesnât sound like a ticket to Lamboville which was what enticed MOST of us to invest in the first place. Like Daniele said in countless interviews, we invested in this to make MONEY plain and simple.
Since SIFU was a co-founder of this project, after learning more about his past crimes and behavior, this situation we are in now is in alignment with his lifelong criminal practices. Some may credit him for growing the treasury, but in my eyes thats the most important part of his scam.
Ask yourself, who has this massive billion dollar treasury benefited if all the holders are sitting at a 90% loss with a treasury that now sits at half the price it was just a few weeks ago? How much % is SIFU up since this all started? I think if SIFU was really genuine and really loved the frog nation, he would give back ALL of the funds he received from this project.
This podcast covers in detail the the QuadrigaCX scandal that SIFU (Michael Patryn / Ohmar Dahani âall the same guyâ) played a role in. A Death In Cryptoland | CBC Podcasts | CBC Listen
Episode 4 of the podcast focuses specifically on SIFU and when you listen to peoples interactions with him it is clear that scamming is his game and it is his means of survival because it is perpetual behavior. One of the stories that stood out to me was when one of SIFUs childhood friends was talking about how they had become good friends and SIFU was over at his house and he discovered in SIFUs bag that he had stolen video games and X-men cards from the guy. While this isnât as huge as the CIA bust and arrest of SIFU and the rest of the ShadowCrew organization which stole millions of dollars in credit card info, it revealed some fundamental personality traits of SIFU.
SIFU targets and befriends the person and creatively steals from them in a way that they donât know. This is why I believe Daniele probably genuinely didnât know at the beginning and when he found out, he probably knew of the blowback that would happen when it came to light and didnât know how to handle it. Now the entire frog nation ecosystem is in peril all because of the greed of SIFU. Him getting liquidated several times probably helps to aid in the narrative like heâs with us but while he still probably holds millions of our dollars while everyone else is hurting, this is why the TRUST is gone and only a few options will make this tragic situation have some sort of positive ending. Because for some there wonât be a positive ending to all of this. I read a heart breaking tweet yesterday of someone writing a suicide note on twitter, because they lost everything in Wonderland. This is the real world cost of his actions and allowing these liquidation cascades to happen and crash the price multiple times.
Suicide Note:
In my eyes, SIFU is a wolf in frogs clothing, and he deceived us all with a lambo calculator and used Danieleâs ecosystem to enrich himself at the expense of all of us, and rehashed the OHM platform to do so.