PROPOSAL: Give the remaining holders the chance to get their original investment back

this project is dead man.
the whole crypto space didnt even started yet to beat us up. If you want a fresh restart go for it, but not with our money. If dani gains trust back people will come back until then he shouldnt work with our money, simple as that.

dani proved that he is not able to deliver on his promises. the whole airdrop thing and revenue share were clearly just a decoy to keep us in while the price crashed. open your eyes. Someone who does this to his community will do it again, this was intentional.


Man, Dani didn’t do anything wrong. People accuse him not to communicate about SIFU, WTF could he do, would have been a bomb anyway! And despite is horrible past; sifu didn’t do anything wrong to wonderland, at the opposite he is the one who make 1B from 250M. He was a god damn good treasury manager !! He must be out because someone with a past like this must not be trusted blindly but this has nothing to do with the project itself ! The treasury is still here and someone with DEFI skills can make everything goes back to normal

Did you read my previous post? You really want to sell the treasury and gite it all to the whales that bought yesterday ??? Really ?? I think people are hoping to get their investment back, but except if you bought everything at backing price or under, YOU WON’T !!! Bu the whales have seen buying Millions $ yesterday at 18k are gonna double their money !!! Look at that wallet: 0x86a5905C330325D930830c2A4c7bc16096F10cEF . 130 WMEMO just yesterday !! it’s 2,4 M$, you guys are gonna loose everything when this guy is gonna win 2,4 m$ more !!! Open you eyes guys !!

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An option for the holder to exit is good but with a little giveaway is what i think the most that the treasury should do

I would vote for all wMemo/Memo/Time holders to be reimbursed by the treasury and to reset this whole platform. This is the best of both worlds and would allow Daniele and the rest of the team to be able to do a really positive thing for people who got rekt by these liquidation cascades. If everyone got their money back or as close to it as possible. Wonderland could then rebrand if it wants to, or reformat the platform to better reflect the roadmap. The Team could then dissolve the wMemo and Time tokens and focus on Spell if thats the new coin they want at the heart of the ecosystem, even though MIM would probably be better. Then those who want to reivinvest because they still believe can do so.

Frogs paid $1000s for these $TIME and $wMEMO tokens and to switch to the Spell token which is currently .005 cents, down 78% from its all time high of .03 cents, doesn’t sound like a ticket to Lamboville which was what enticed MOST of us to invest in the first place. Like Daniele said in countless interviews, we invested in this to make MONEY plain and simple.

Since SIFU was a co-founder of this project, after learning more about his past crimes and behavior, this situation we are in now is in alignment with his lifelong criminal practices. Some may credit him for growing the treasury, but in my eyes thats the most important part of his scam.

Ask yourself, who has this massive billion dollar treasury benefited if all the holders are sitting at a 90% loss with a treasury that now sits at half the price it was just a few weeks ago? How much % is SIFU up since this all started? I think if SIFU was really genuine and really loved the frog nation, he would give back ALL of the funds he received from this project.

This podcast covers in detail the the QuadrigaCX scandal that SIFU (Michael Patryn / Ohmar Dahani “all the same guy”) played a role in. A Death In Cryptoland | CBC Podcasts | CBC Listen

Episode 4 of the podcast focuses specifically on SIFU and when you listen to peoples interactions with him it is clear that scamming is his game and it is his means of survival because it is perpetual behavior. One of the stories that stood out to me was when one of SIFUs childhood friends was talking about how they had become good friends and SIFU was over at his house and he discovered in SIFUs bag that he had stolen video games and X-men cards from the guy. While this isn’t as huge as the CIA bust and arrest of SIFU and the rest of the ShadowCrew organization which stole millions of dollars in credit card info, it revealed some fundamental personality traits of SIFU.

SIFU targets and befriends the person and creatively steals from them in a way that they don’t know. This is why I believe Daniele probably genuinely didn’t know at the beginning and when he found out, he probably knew of the blowback that would happen when it came to light and didn’t know how to handle it. Now the entire frog nation ecosystem is in peril all because of the greed of SIFU. Him getting liquidated several times probably helps to aid in the narrative like he’s with us but while he still probably holds millions of our dollars while everyone else is hurting, this is why the TRUST is gone and only a few options will make this tragic situation have some sort of positive ending. Because for some there won’t be a positive ending to all of this. I read a heart breaking tweet yesterday of someone writing a suicide note on twitter, because they lost everything in Wonderland. This is the real world cost of his actions and allowing these liquidation cascades to happen and crash the price multiple times.

Suicide Note:

In my eyes, SIFU is a wolf in frogs clothing, and he deceived us all with a lambo calculator and used Daniele’s ecosystem to enrich himself at the expense of all of us, and rehashed the OHM platform to do so.


Hey dude, seriously you are disgusting ! You quote a desperate guy tweet but have you had the decency to read the poor guy post entirely? (guy who probably don’t exist, as a profile from novembre 2021 who claim to be in crypto since last bear market seems odd to me, wouldn’t be surprise that all this is fake)
Anyway, even if this is real, I found your way to FUD particularly vicious ! Just read properly and the guy is clearly saying he had mental disorders from the start ! Stop using probably fake stuff to manipulate people ! Reading your Sh…it post made me think you are no better than the people you criticize

This isn't just because of the extreme financial difficulty or recent loss that I have experienced. This is merely what sent me over the edge for good. This is the reality of my mental health. I don't have enough in me to claw myself out of this hole.

Please forgive me.

— sc7 (@sdc7_) January 27, 2022

Is everyone here insane? Are you people living in e dreamland?

Nobody and i mean NOBODY can give you the full amount back.

You can either hold it and see what happens or sell and get out. Thats it.

Stop dreaming ffs, this is not a movie.

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Me too, bought 37000 USD, never sold , always hold, never leveraged …since 18th november… I am down now more than 85%


I understand the concerns about whales that only just bought getting a slice of the treasury. This could be overcome by weighting the amount of treasury received based on how long the MEMO was held, and, if any loss has been incurred. I think it’s possible to find the right distribution based on snapshots.

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I think this is the only project I have seen someone asks for a refund of the money If you are not happy with the project take out the money and leave. This is what’s happening with other project why this should be different?
If you guys invest in Btc and after a few months you don’t like it will you ask a refund of your investment? I don’t think so

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Thank you very much I thought only me have this opinion. Thank God There’s more people

Bro im talking to the guy live on twitter messages right now. His tweet was a random tweet that I saw when just browsing the twitter. And when I saw it, it caught my attention because I just had a really good friend commit suicide just recently. I don’t know if you ever studied the great depression, but a lot of people kill themselves when they get financially ruined and feel there is no way out. What I was doing in my post was showing the real world consequences of SIFUs actions. Even though this guy has other issues he is dealing with, this was a big straw for him because he feels like he wont be able to pull himself out of the situation he is in. So maybe you should educate yourself on mental health and on the history of SIFUs dealings because he has committed huge massive crimes in his past that has likely lead other people to this point. So maybe you should go do a little bit of research into SIFUs past before you come at me bro. This is real shit and it’s sad to see.


People who wants to give this shit another chance are the ones who did 9,9 and are greedy again!

Who in their right mind gives someone like this a second chance in the real world? Swapping out leaders doesn’t cut it. Just shut down this whole shit and give investment back to the investors. “For the people right”?

Look up my name on Discord. I 've been saying the whole time that Daniele was unskilled and unprofessional since last year. I’ve been saying that sifu should disclose his identity. But people so called degens kept reacting with cult behavior.

A man who can’t take responsibility or own their mistakes won’t suddenly get those personality trades all of the sudden just because there are just changes happening.

His constant tweets just shows that he’s not a leader. Blaming others but himself


Your idea seems great but I doubt it is possible to go in such details… And the most early ones that have been holding, they will be in profit for example, they won’t accept giving their gains… And people who moved their token? How devs gonna know if you are a long term hodler? I personally moved my wmemo to my ledger address not so long ago, would I be disqualified as long term hodler?
Great idea but not realizable sadly…

People should understand that is a long term project that can still succeed. Will a bitcoin maxi will sell his bitcoin during bear market? Hell no ! People want to get refund (and they might succeed because daniele might let people decide) but it is like selling our crypto during the bear/dip, it is stupid ! If you listen to the news Powell gonna forbid BTC, regulate everything, blablabla… Is it the moment to be fearful? Or is it the time to buy? When the market will go up, and the FUD will be over, wmemo gonna go up like everything else!

I think the main difference is that this is supposed to be a dao where the community decides what to do.

We could just calculate how much money was collectively invested and compare it to how much is currently in the treasury. Whatever the difference is represents our collective loss. Everyone currently holding tokens ends up with the same loss, meaning those that just bought and are in profit would lose money and those that experienced the largest loss would gain. Bitfinex did this when they got hacked back in 2016. They issued a token which represented what they owed and armotised the loss across all accounts. This clearly isn’t fully thought through, but something along these lines would seem possible/plausible.

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Sorry but $40K per wMEMO isnt even close to breaking even.


Dude you have all the right to criticize SIFU, no problem. But I know more than you think about mental health. This guy have serious problem and need help from a professional, a good one and not one that gives you med and let you home… He need to find a purpose in his life, a passion ,a girl or anything really. Money doesn’t make anyone happy. Freedom and love does !

But back to the subject, because it has nothing to do with it. There are scammer and bad guys everywhere in this word. I just didn’t like U use that guys tweet here. It is pure FUD. I understand you loose faith in this project like everyone in this proposal, but the decision you want to vote for is just the wrong one! You and this guys never gonna get your full investment back if we sell now! We all gonna loose. If we put a good and trusty treasury manager, the VC and revenue share could become a nice passive income, and then everyone will want a piece of the cake, suddenly all of this FUD will disappear … That’s how human’s are bro. We just have to go through that mess and we will be fine

Unlikely to get the original back but dissolving the treasury among wmemo, memo and time holders is also alright.

It’s a tricky problem for sure! I understand the markets down I’m holding and dca’g in to all the projects I want to own. I just feel this situation is going to be very difficult to resolve and make profitable when there is so much emotion and mixed motivations about which direction it should go in. Distributing the treasury at least allows people to redeploy their capital how they see fit. And the loss is relative to everything else, selling out of Wonderland to buy into something else with clearer objectives and free from this shit storm, that’s also trading at a discount due to the recent market drop, would be a good outcome.

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Agreed, this is due to poor management.

Guys this isn’t even possible. With the liquidations and the whales eating the treasury I doubt everyone’s original investment isn’t even available. Plus the market is down.

I mean we can run the math. I’d be happy to see it but I’m not voting for an unknown value when there are alternatives. Show me the options and then we can individually choose.

This proposal needs to be rewritten.