PROPOSAL: Give the remaining holders the chance to get their original investment back

Dude guess you are from legal background, by the terminology you used

I completely agree. Investors should get their initial contribution back


agreed. close the project, issue our funds back.

Agree with your proposal.

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Agree to this proposal.

Where to vote for this proposal

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This is a lame proposal.
Tell me which crypto coin project returns original investment back to the holders?

Instead creating lame proposal. why dont create a proposal where people dont take advantage of staking rebase and sell the coin on exchange.

lock in time per staking instead instant make minimum 5 days.
If staking time less than 8h dont give them rebase bonus.

give positive idea to make impact on the project we have high volume in treasury try to make good use of it.


Totally agree with this proposal, lets move it forward!
How do we RFC this?

Unfortunately I feel the same way as @MarketWizard on this, if you exited, that to me means you accepted the loss and are no longer an investor.


The treasury doesn’t have the funds to pay at anything over the backing price.

This idea is stupid.

It’s just ‘buy high sell low’ on a grand scale.

Dumb money move.

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How is this calculation exactly done ?

I like this idea. Did anyone run the numbers to see if it is possible?

i agree 100 % to this !

Respectfully Disagree.

Like probably most of you, I’ve spent the last days pretty much disappointed and frustrated about the recent events, but you should remember that Wonderland is not Sifu. It is a strong team and a strong community.

I really think that this should not be wasted on the first turbulence.

You were all here for the high risk/returns and I sincerely believe most of you don’t understand how a crypto bear market works. At least a temporary one, like this we’re in.

If you look at the charts, you’re gonna see that every other cryptocurrency (no matter how genious its idea is) are bleeding bad.

How this should be different regarding Wonderland?

My opinion is that no refund should be made. Not to stakers, dropouts, leveraged ones nor anyone else. I even disagree with the buybacks! They’re a cancer for the project. Can you imagine a VC Fund garanteeing buybacks to shareholders?

You are here for the risk/return, so stay for the risk/return or GTFO like in any other market.

The project has been delivering some good stuff and has a good vision of future. If it survives the bear market, there’re good chances of it skyrocketing.

So, for me here, my advice is to hold on to your emotions and let the team work!

Best regards, Frog Nation!


I agree, this proposal makes only sense after what happened. No one can be trusted anymore and the treasury needs to be dissolved to wmemo/time holders.

Exactly couldn’t have said it better. Sadly this proposal is populated with a majority of not educated frogs, that have listened to the FUD. They are scared and want to sell the treasury, who is gonna have the big chunk? The whales that bought millions of $ yesterday at 20k. Will be a x2 for them, its crazy… Hope fear is not gonna win or the suits gonna have Fu…ed us deep…

If you guys wait that the market becomes bullish again, the treasury full of ETH and BTC will be worth much more! So will the treasury. If you still want to sell at that time, at least you would loose less money. But selling the treasury NOW is the worst thing to do for everyone, it will kill the project and all the little frogs will settled their losses while whales and fudders will be laughting at us, their pockets filled with the treasury funds…

ps: Look at this wallet 0x86a5905C330325D930830c2A4c7bc16096F10cEF , I have seen him buying 60 wmemo yesterday when at the lowest. Has around 130 wmemo total, all of them bought during the big FUD. Its, 2,6 M$, do you think it’s a small frog wallet?? Do you want to give that guy the big chunk of the treasury?? Just think about that PLS


Bought 1 TIME at 10k, now it’s less than 1k. Trust is lost in this project, so if you want to start a new one, the best thing to do is give everyone back their initial investment, which will give you trust for your next project.

What happened? We discovered someone identity yes, not funds are stolen. “No one can be trusted anymore”, kinda extreme statement, looks like someone is victim of strong fear and lack of judgement…

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Dude getting this treasury was the hardest part of the project, we just have to go through this bearish market and things gonna get better for EVERY ASSETS !! There will not be another project like that! If you bought the top, it’s like every crypto! either you sell at a lost or you HODL and have a chance to win longterm. Plus, the treasury will not be able to give you your investment back if you bought at 10k. The backing is way lower than that…

Put up a vote please if you can.

Its time to end this misery, after we get our money back they can do whatever they want.

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