PROPOSAL: Give the remaining holders the chance to get their original investment back

Agree to this proposal

I agree with this man very much! I initially had invested a nice amount into Wonderland and the (3,3) strat, i believed in danielle very much but things have gone bad and if they could use the treasury to pay us hodlers back what we had invested then that would be the nicest thing to doā€¦

totally agreeā€¦100% agree

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Count me in although Iā€™ve been in since the end of October. I like many was staked on hotbit to start with like true rookies.
Iā€™d be happy if my loss is reduced by all means. Still holding.

Hasnā€™t this already been blocked by the vote on WIP#4??

people who want out should receive what they paid for if they bought below backing price and should receive backing price if they bought above. thats the only fair solution


I throw all my weight behind this ideaā€¦Iā€™m all in

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This isā€¦ absoluteā€¦ genius.

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How many times can we be fleecedā€¦ :frog:+ :moneybag:= :sheep: ā€¦ more wool??? Anyone?

Sale on the open market thenā€¦whats the problem?

Samehere over 75% down - HOLDā€™in
Sort it out!
Donā€™t give DAOs a bad name!

Stop sucking Daniā€™s dickā€¦

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if the want fair price then they can either wait for a good propasal ie becoming a VC or simply sale now and leaveā€¦no one is giving whales all the treasury because they bought below backing. and those who have held when $time was $8000 get nothing due to the huge discountā€¦sorrry nope. You bought below backing then you in with all us bag holders now my friend. You dont get no arbitrage opp here. You want fair value then tell these guys to become a VC and we get rev share from the project.

Oyeah and im tired of squrall or whoever making these lame proposals trying to kick the frogs back into the well ie the ā€œwind downā€ and the ā€œmergerā€ā€¦and some leader needs to stop going back and forth on the fenceā€¦take a stance and stick to it. If the community is TELLLING you what they want ā€¦DO IT or STEP ASIDE.

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Youā€™ll get your investment back by holding onto your time/memo and enjoying the returns afforded to you by the investments made from the treasury.

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Waiting appears too risky for some people who would prefer to leave now. Let them leave.

Too risky? we already 90% downā€¦sooo if they want to leaveā€¦they can simply sale their coin and the ones that want to see the VC through hold and see it through. Its real simple.



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ABSOLUTELY NOT, IF you have sold it

oh man that sucks. Bad timing to try and get made whole on the mistake.

The treasury was not used to stop the liquidations and when put to a vote the time/wmemo/memo holders voted against using any of the treasury to make them whole. The point of collecting a treasury was to invest it; to split it up defeats the propose. The only reason that this has come up was due to the fact that whales triggered a liquidation dropping the price. They may not be able to recoup the funds they spent to do this. If they leave with the benefit of getting out at the treasury backing inside of the low market price they caused it does not seem fair to the frog who survived the collapse. If a companies share price drops the shareholders cannot just show up and take the companies assets.