PROPOSAL: Give the remaining holders the chance to get their original investment back

Have you made some profit? :rofl:

Who proposed this clearly has no clue on how to do basic math. At the moment, there is not enough money in the treasury to return the initial investment to all the holders.

Let’s browse the voting result of “Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders”

Let’s use the this data to do an estimated cost of settlement:

95K Time tokens are equivalent to 1338 wMEMO.

Average medium price after liquidation cascade: $25,300 (All time low price $15,554)

Average medium price before liquidation cascade: $65,000 (average of $800 ~ $9k Time tokens converted to wMEMO)

805 wMEMO x $25,300 = $20,366,500 (whales bought after cascade)

533 wMEMO x $65,000 = $34,645,000 (holders bought before cascade)

Total settlement cost: $20,366,500 + $34,645,000 = $55,011,500

Total settlement cost approximately 6.87% of 800mm treasury.

All quitting holders are equally treated, no one bearing loss and no opportunists profiting


If you can provide your wallet address, everyone can trace your initial purchased price. It’s open to public.

Implementation of the proposal:

WIP Snapshot voting

Snapshot wallet addresses of all the quitters

Allocating funds based on the purchased price to each wallet

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This case is nothing to do with ideology. We should examine the quitters claims and arguments and come up with a cost-effective settlement ASAP, so that true believers and winners can stay to revive Wonderland.

The quitters’ arguments and claims:

  1. The founder and development team admitted that this OHM Fork Wonderland project was an experiment failure because the original purpose of the project was mainly for fund raising. The high APY was designed as a gamification to attract investors to build the treasury not sustainable long-term.

  2. The broken trust among holders ensued from the liquidation scandal, a failed merger proposal, the Sifu Gate scandal and the hopeless promises from Wonderland team.

  3. Many long-term holders claimed that Wonderland treasury was derived from their initial investment but Wonderland project no longer can fulfill its original promise which was simply a gamification for falsely infeasible hope.

The quitters’ claims are legit, we just need to come up with a Cost-effective approach to settle the indignation.

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Why are we discussing this matter here? There’s already a more advanced discussion on rage-quitting, which technically talks about the same thing.

Give all your money back? what are you, 12?

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You did write well!
I am concerned @daniele sesta-gallo would even read it or answer it.

We hope so :expressionless:

I wasn’t the author. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
The article link was posted on Discord.

How did you get screwed over?

It wasn’t by wonderland it was by whales…
STOP THROWING FUD AROUND it si not constructive.

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Yes ! Absolutely agree with this !


Hey guys, I hope you had a decent Valentine day, so we can continue less stressful! :laughing:

There is the proposal to vote:


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No the proposal has been hidden … what assholes

What are you trying to link ? There is nothing to vote on at the moment.

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I’m sorry this proposal was not hidden, but rejected by the moderators team.
Let’s try to understand they have their guidelines.

Just to put the info in both places:


I’m down 80% or so. Basically, I only have 20% left of my initial investment. And I still didn’t exit, just wrapped my MEMO. At this point, going to 0 is not really affecting me.

In my case, it wasn’t a life-changing sum of money, but it was still a good chunk of my investing power so to say.

I would agree to this, but I don’t think it makes sense frankly. I mean, it’s not how the markets go. Plus, the prices didn’t only crash because things got out of control and took a downturn, but because of the aggressive bear market spanning over 3-4 months.

TIME Wonderland is a tertiary product (as I categorize them in my brain: ETH, BTC - primary | AVAX, FTM<, SOL, MATIC - secondary | Abracadabra, TIME, Popsicle, Spookyswap, Sushiswap, etc. - tertiary).
This means that it is amongst the last to enter a bullrun properly (however with the most growth potential), and among the first to crash.

In my opinion, the product handled the bullrun pretty well in terms of resistance, at least for the first 1-2 months.

Nevertheless, I believe that it would be better for the protocol to make us more money rather than refund us.

Indeed, there are funds for refunds, however, it would better use that money to generate more value that would be distributed to us, the investors.
I would rather get my investment back + some extra more in the coming 4-6 months and continuing to get a share from the revenue rather than getting all my investment back and crippling the ecosystem.


If you want to quit you can. I was liquidated below “backing”. Everyone is disappointed. So far the community response is just suck it up; no community responsibility for any looses. No bailouts from treasury to anyone. If you lost it was your tough luck. If you allow rage quit you should compensate everyone liquidated under “backing” as well. Face it the damage has already been done. Everyone lost expect the ones causing and profiting from the intentionally caused crash.

Thanks for taking time to respond my opinion. However, there’s no purpose for any further discussion here though, since the Rage Quit option has been finalized by the team at [WIP#5] waiting for Snapshot voting soon.

Want me to close the post ?