Proposal: Reject Merger & Reimburse wMEMO/TIME holders using Treasury Funds

I don’t think you understand what this is saying. This is not bailing out the liquidated people. This is simply returning the money to the long term investors what they chose to invest in the first place. If we only get 60-70% of what we put in, that is fine. It would be better than converting Time or wMEMO to spell, realising those losses, losing compound interest, and never being able to recover from the losses. Once we merge with spell, the pool for rewards will also dramatically increase so everyone will earn less. People will also sell their spell converted from wmemo and the spell price will also crash. This is why this is the best option if they are looking to dissolve time wonderland.


I know a lot of people are frustrated and want their investment back.
But you should have known about the risks.
There is no certainty in the defi-space, you should know that these are highly speculative investments.

All this complaining how you want your money back and that it’s all the leveraged people’s fault is kindergarten mentality.
No one was complaining when those who leveraged drove the price up to ATH.

If you want your share, just go sell your tokens.

Otherwise vote for the merge, as that currently seems like the only way to get your actual share of the treasury.

also edit the proposal for pay out at 100k wmemo


Agreed, that is nonsense. Repay at time of liquidation price and not a penny higher.

I find this proposal very amusing because it’s almost like you think that a DAO means “everyone has a saying in everything”. It doesn’t and I’m glad that a treasury this big isn’t in the hands of all the people that are holding TIME/MEMO/wMEMO. Let’s be honest, at least half the people don’t know what they’re doing (just see the majority of the comments/questions in Discord).

I’m in Wonderland since October and regardless of what I think about the poor communication and lack of transparency we currently see, the project and the protocol is still owned by their founders. We, the holders, can voice our opinion and help steer the project but ultimately, it’s the founders decision to do whatever they want with the liquidity they own.


What’s with this snapshot taken at all time low? Sounds like people who sold before now are looking for a pay out. The snapshot would need to be current and represent actual holders. Or better yet no snapshot at all. Enable a mechanism to directly trade in your wMEMO for your share of the treasury


Break even never happening. This at least means we get something. Their proposal sinks is even lower

Why I should be responsible for others actions is beyond me.

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Mistakenly pressed opposed. I am in favor too.


Btw, I’m opposed to this proposal (and probably to the merger proposal too)


When these proposals are ignored, and the DEV team does what they want anyway, then we will see that this was never a DAO at all.


What’s with the “snapshot at ATL”? Whatever is in the treasury now is what would be available to pay out. Or is the proposal that only holders at some previous snapshot are payed out with the treasury? And those who bought wMEMO today will not be included?

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Everyone knew the buy backs were manual, in this very forum, more then 50 times requests for locked staking were put up and shot down, taxing sellers was put up and shot down more then once as well, and now that 9’9ers lost all their money and they wanna take their ball and go home. I have lost nothing, what’s in it for me?

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Irresponsible leaders is why this has failed.

that is the only way to stop it. strongly in favor


So, I don’t actually want to be reimbursed. I just want Wonderland to continue to be the autonomous entity that it was billed as. DON’T make it more centralized! I don’t care that spell is on CEXs. WMEMO was supposed to be on a CEX too.

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Everyone hating on Sifu and Dani, but two months ago, the same people were 9,9 and voted on Sifu to continue managing the treasury. Yeah, the price hasn’t gone down because of the mismanagement of Dani and Sifu, who are constantly working on the project, but because of a cycle of liquidation caused by greed. I invested back in November, didn’t leverage, and I’m - 70%; however, so are a lot of other crypto projects. It doesn’t mean the project is unsuccessful, as the treasury is still generating revenue.

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and we do not have much time

Wrong. When we get converted to SPELL we will see a massive sellout, thus we will lose even more. There is no backing price on SPELL. Eventhough Wonderlands backing price might not be the best example, but we invested in Wonderland and i want this mess to be cleared within wonderland and not share our treasury who makes almost in Month as much as Abra did since inception.

It should be done at ATH for the ones the didn’t leverage and stuck with the project.