Proposal: Reject Merger & Reimburse wMEMO/TIME holders using Treasury Funds

To many people have been greedy and irresponsible and played there part in the latest collapse , human nature is to always want more. These people need to realize that all us FROGS that have invested and Hoddled are suffering because of their greed !!!

We need to discuss the positive points of the merging vs the negative ones, objectively. You fudders are only posting negative points without explaining and without even realising they are not negative points, like no more 80000 APYā€¦

Can these be broken into two separate votes? It is not in good faith to connect the two

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dude if they take us to ETH they gonna finish eat alot of frogs with only those gas fees


Fuck I made the wrong vote can you make it so I can change my vote I was hung over

:white_check_mark: Get mad at Dani using personal funds to bail out liquidations due to people taking on risk

:white_check_mark: Throw entire life savings into 1 investment expecting it to be a sure thing only to get bailed out

The only thing that has ruined this whole thing is the stupidity of the people who put money into it lmao
if this passes i hope dani does recover peopleā€™s funds that were liquidated the other day before hand.

Option 3:
Accept merge, reimburse HODLERS that bought at the top and people that hold very long (like me) and lost MUCH because of 3,3 ing, but not with the whole treasury, that would kill the project. Only use so much that is doesnt hurt that much

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Stop the buybacks and stop leveraging. Reward long term hodlers.


I lost everything, I only had a little of my life savings left after Time went down 90% since last year,the bit i had left, I leveraged under the safe tab, My LQ price was around 32000, the problem was also avax & sushi, No one could get out, Really hope this goes through.

Serves you right though lmao you took the risk now you know

Long term holders who have never sold, sidestepped or borrowed, have consistently been forgotten about and seen our share of ownership dwindle through continual manipulation.

There was mention in the discord a few weeks ago by Sifu about potentially airdropping such holders, but nothing. Instead the discussion is always about re-paying those that have been liquidated from borrowing on an extremely risky investment, who have then enabled the price to plummet and have taken the rest of us down in the process.

Ignoring the long term holders is like building the foundation of Wonderland on sand.


I was a long term HODLer (since Nov) but got out yesterday because of the shit show price drop, If I was irresponsibly leveraging and got liquidated I would be getting a pay out. I was a loyal 3,3er and I didnā€™t leverage and for that Iā€™m down like 80%, bitter pill to swallow. Only fair that long term loyal holders (was in for 3 months and never sold), are considered for reimbursement as well.


Why donā€™t you write a proposal on how to specifically target the long term holders. This merger gets the community behind a token on a CEX. Combines forces to fight whale and social attacks. Gets us revenue share in a few days. Pays out everyone cleanly at backing. Letā€™s people rage quit and GTFO so the community isnā€™t as toxicā€¦ Etc.

Thereā€™s a whole list of benefits. If you want long term benefits you have to hold long term. Not 4 to 6 months. If you bought BTC at its peak in 2017 you had to wait years to x3 your money. Two choices unless you propose a third. Sell out at backing. Or HODL like Hodor.

Many of you are screaming what for the ath buyers etc. - much better question imo is how will the since day 1 hodlers be treated? Day 1 I mean September and not November etc.

If someone holds since the beginning, there is no better proof of faith in the project. Exactly those should be considered the most. Not only the 90% price drop but also the accumulated rebases which amount to a minus x9 since september, we have persevered!

By the way: still holding and as said, never sold a penny until now.


I think you guys forget that some of the people who are ā€œlong term holdersā€ are the same whales that have been selling profits daily and putting constant sell pressure on the price driving it down. Do they get equal rewards?

it looks like a big super offert for them :expressionless:

No to reimbursement. Your choice to leverage, others did not. Why should they pay for your gambling?
All pay for greed of a few? Thatā€™s not Frog Nation

Maybe a points system or something? higher points for those who held longer and never sold or leveraged, lower points for regular sells and heavy dumps.


amazing how fast they move when they want to


How do we move this further? How do we stop this from being ignored?