Proposal: Reject Merger & Reimburse wMEMO/TIME holders using Treasury Funds

Do not refund anyone. You should be responsible for your investments. Everyone is losing but only the desperated are calling for shit actions like this to be taken.
I’m happy that us, the small frogs, do not have enough voting power to make such a bad move happen.

Yes, I’m agree with the idea. Let’s vote for it.


Reward frogs who invested their savings & stayed with you through this difficult times, not people who were greedy & leveraged. Burn some down. & Please keep Time & Memo! We all got in because we believed in the project. Don’t want Spell & Don’t want it to end neither. :pensive:


I also don’t want spell but you should stop talking about greedy and levereged ppl
Everyone that invested in an 80k% apy were greedy.
I levereged and managed my investment so I didn’t get liquidated.
Everyone who borrowed should not sleep while the price was volatile, it’s their fault if they didn’t pay their borrow or got liquidated.

Stop talking as if you are better than levereged guys because we were all greedy thinking about our lambos in 1 year just by collecting 80k% apy

What if you didn’t leverage? You still got put in this mess. You’re pressured with liquidations and low sales because others leveraged. It’s all the same. Look at it without emotion. Abracadabra profits when TIME doesn’t do well. It just does. Abracadabra is also in the hands of the DEV team that controls TIME. This is not saying they don’t mean well. They do. It’s just an Ecosystem in the hands of the DEV’s that can also do good for the protocol in better times. However at the moment it’s the cause for many price drops it is what it is. The good the bad and the ugly.

The merger and reimburse for leveraged personal are separate topics. This vote is closed questioning and cannot openly capture valid community snapshot.

I actually have never leveraged once. I have only bought on the way down to DCA and still down a fuck ton of money.


I agree! We the loyal hodlers must be rewarded


I believe it is time for wonderland to take ownership of its greatest asset which is the treasury. Farming as a service works especially in the present market condition. There is zero reason for a treasury of this size to lose money on buybacks - nor is a merger to the benefit of wonderland. Usually the larger bank acquires the smaller bank.

We need to fully implement shared revenue.

Farm as a service which wonderland and Dani and team know well

Focus on restoring the intrinsic value of the token by offering this shared revenue model. Fewer people will see benefit to shorting an asset that yields them a passive growth of value.

Stop additional treasury depleting activity (to include investing) until we have restored the value of the token Wmemo to at least pre 68k wmemo level

Focus 100% on a clear restoration of value strategy

Full transparency of funds (good start with FUNDS tab on the wonderland app)

Appoint team from overlapping timezones so that someone is always at the helm

Appoint marketibg and communications to counter-FUD strategies

Once we have stabilized above 68k Wmemo levels start the process of burning all liquidated supply. Burning supply after stabilizing the price range will help prop up price in the next range - while the revenue share model will keep holders firmly entrenched.

Next focus on a goal based APY reduction (not the punative model some daos use) Utilize price to phase out rebasing - example

At 50k wmemo apy = x example 60,000%
At 60k wmemo apy = x example 45,000%
At 70k wmemo apy = x example 30,000%
At 80k Wmemo apy = x example 25,000%
At 90k Wmemo apy = x example 15,000%
At 100k wmemo apy = x example 10,000%
At 110k wmemo apy = x example 7500%

Use this model until apy = 50%

Once price of Wmemo is at a sufficient level Apy will be zero. However once Wmemo was to enter specific ranges earlier holders are made whole and will likely stay due to revenue share vs taking an opportune exit.

Let Dao vote determine all levels of apy. This will assure those who hold on the riskier end of the curve are always rewarded because right now people are only holding because they are down - that should never be the reason to hold a blue chip asset

Finally, stick to ONE clear and concise direction. Execute that plan and after that plan has been executed move to the next stage of the plan. No more zig zagging. Zig zagging doesnt create momentum it creates head winds. All of this communication of plans that go unexecuted become opportunistic fud.

It was great PR to execute buybacks, but not good PR when we still havent received air drops of assets the community was promised. Also not good PR to discuss a revenue share plan one day, then the next drop a merger plan on the community. Obviously bad communication strategy.

Top priority for this Dao and for Wonderland should be to restore the intrinsic value to the token asset.


100% in favor of this and if Dani and Georgy wants to continue, this is the only way they can gain trust back and people might invest with revenue share, liquid staking etc. The community is big.

Dani needs to repay those who made him millions. Thats the only fair way. The merger is nothing but an insult to all Wonderland investors.

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Man wake up.

This is not about bad investment decisions! Dani and Sifu didnt had the limit buy orders in place like they said. This is their fault. They both got liquidated on purpose to funnel their money out. These liquidations damaged the price for us all. No matter if leveraged or not. The owners hurt their own investors, THATs why the money needs to go back to the investors.


This has gained enough traction to be an RFC right? @diaryofmatt Can you write it up?

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@diaryofmatt Write it up as an RFC please, this proposal clearly has enough traction


100% agree. Sifu publically displayed his liqudation so whales would have a target. He was probably awake when he was liquidated. This is a new type of rug.

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Yes please make into RFC/WIP

This isn’t even a real vote. Idk how you guys don’t even understand this. People voting on this is just symbolic. This is literally in the discussion section, not the RFC.

This proposal only benefits CURRENT HOLDERS and punishes people who sold AFTER learning that a bad actor was in the CFO position. This PROPOSAL WILL NOT PASS!!

We need to be paid out in the same exact way Sifu and Dani pull out their gains.


I agree totally !!!

correct… this is ridic… calm down and we can vote when we see what happens… and the ones that lost faiht… exit… asking for refund… jeez