Proposal: Reject Merger & Reimburse wMEMO/TIME holders using Treasury Funds

If you have sold, you are no longer concerned by the project. So why take part in the vote? :confused:


share the treasury or whats left of it to all frogs who currently hold

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nopeā€¦go on as planned

why did u sell then? it was ur decision right?

i want the project to go on

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Please yes, and do a snapshot of the old olders who sold for a lot of reasons, please, I stayed for 65 days here and I had to sold today flor personal reason and I was scared about the price, please

this is the txid of my first time buying TIME!! I holded and staked since, please

The first BSGG snap shot for people that held the ā€œdipā€ would be good

Yeah, if rebases are ending I would prefer to have my money back.

100% agree. We all invested in this project under false representation and there have been numerous promises that the devs have already failed to deliver on prior to the Sifu debacle which is misleading and deceptive conduct.

Had ANY of us known who Sifu truly was, none of us would have invested. Not to mention all the false promises that they have failed to deliver on, the airdrop never happened, the buy backs rarely happened and when they did they were way below backing level, Sifu himself has already admitted that the APY offers no monetary increase to our holdings and we were lured in with an 80,000% APY which literally represents nothing, we have not been executing treasury funds as a VC with profits deployed to holders which is what was promised to us and any shred of faith we had in our devs is now well and truly gone.

Had we known any of this information prior to investing, none of us would have invested, and therefore I expect 100% reimbursement for my funds that was invested in this project, in full. As every Time holder is entitled to. Itā€™s a shame that it has come to this as I truly had high hopes for this project and invested substantial amounts into it, but we need to know when enough is enough.

Daniele has a great reputation which was further strengthened during the hack that occurred in his previous project when he reimbursed his holders their funds and I feel this will further strengthen peopleā€™s faith in Danieleā€™s future projects if he does the right thing and reimburses all holders their initial investment. This project did not pan out as expected, itā€™s time to call it quits, do the right thing, and move onto other projects.


They should have switched from memo to wmemo only when revenue share was ready to go. Not leaving everyone in limbo during bear market. terribly run project

What about people like me who never wrap their memo?

Canā€™t be tether or heā€™ll get his buddy to print it. Needs to be anything but tether. Even get it back in avax.

I still have my memo staked ( I never wrapped it ) I believe that we can find a solution and I still believe on this project,but with real professional with excellent backgrounds. Letā€™s take a snapshot of the real stakeholders.
But the real investors,the one who still want to continue the journey want to have real money at the end of the year and not only what they invested at the beginning, if I keep my money into wonderland for a year is to make profit and not just what just what i invested!


I donā€™t agree with this, I donā€™t agree to pay people out of the treasury, not for the leveraged positions, not for those who sold thus destroying other frogs who were holding. Than still these are the ones which they want refund. Ducking pussies all of them when we were supposed to fight the suits you dropped you weapons and surrendered now you want to be compensated. No one said how the war will look like, well here it is and where are you, hiding under your shields playing dead, disgusting. Luckily there are loads of us left

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You are all technically more advanced and since investing in Nov I have lost 85%, but held on. I didnā€™t realize that this investment needs such hands-on by the holders. I have everything in MEMO and have not converted to wMEMO as I didnā€™t understand it and feared a one-way street with no exit. Am I going to fare as well or as badly by keeping my MEMO or should I converted to wMEMO or un-stake entirely? Iā€™m losing my cool since my holdings value has halved in the last 4 days! (Edited from 75% to 85%)

you can change the vote

Call it a day with Wonderland and airdrop treasury to hodlrs with allocation based on a combination of hold period and % of memo holdings. This will ensure max rewards for those who held the longest with decreasing rewards for those with shorter hold periods - this in combination with % based on memo holdings will ensure an equitable distribution.

IMO This is the only equitable and just move that Dani and Sifu could take at this point if to demonstrate authenticity for the vision and virtues they espouse for :frog::frog::frog: nation and Defi. This would also give them credibility for future projects.

And in the meantime all ability to leverage should be halted immediately. Those who were rekt through leveraging should not be compensated.


Agreed. A refund, although sad, is the honorable move.

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Whole heartedly agree with reimbursing. No more cult like following for Daniele - we are done and want to move on.


I agree to a point, Iā€™ll be honest for a moment, I invested x amount at the the end of October, then in November I leveraged 12%, why did I leverage? well I looped my MIM back as wMEMO to raise my MEMO stake using zapper to monitor the rebase increases in MEMO. Iā€™m also happy to say I only invested funds I got through mining so wasnā€™t anything I couldnā€™t afford to lose.
Due to the stop put on the buy back, yesterday I got liquidated, but I still have a position. Should I have exited? or repaid the loan? well for me no, the price had tanked that hard there was just no point. It became all or nothing at that point.
What I didnā€™t do though, was leverage 90% of my position and think Iā€™m going to have Lamboā€™s coming out of my ass hole.
I leveraged a sensible amount, based on the projections and my own liquidity in a project that was seemingly the one of the best of a bad bunch of OHM cloned projects.
If we are going to talk about people who are long term holders, like I imagine you are and myself, the fact I leveraged such a small percentage of my asset, that firstly due to sheer incompetence that was out of my control the whole project took a dump and secondly the manual intervention that should have raised the price didnā€™t happen the only difference between us is that I now has less collateral than you, but still at a 90% loss.
Is it fair to tarnish people like me with the same brush as people who FOMOā€™d in and leveraged such a high percentage of their collateral they were rekā€™d?
In all fairness, I didnā€™t technically take an overall loss because Iā€™ve naturally re-couped my investment the same way as I had the funds to invest in the first place, nevertheless rather than say everyone who invested and didnā€™t do anything, what should be the case is that a limit to the amount of borrowing you did with MIM against your wMEMO should be put in place, as that is a true enough reflection of how sensible people were.
If it was possible to say anyone who leverage 45-50% and over of their collateral was abusing their position, anyone under was a good actor, then to me that seems fair.
Everything else I totally agree with.