Proposal: Reject Merger & Reimburse wMEMO/TIME holders using Treasury Funds

Think Dani will probably be building a bunker with shiftu and co. Twitter silence unless he’s been on discord.

I’d like my original investment back but I know that’s a dream. I was a mug who had issues with a wallet so had to stake on hotbit at 5000%apy … 2 months of missed apy before i moved it to a wallet and went through the wonderland app meant I fell a bit harder but here I am. Still holding…while Dani and shitfu were inside trading the funds away. This could of been something if greed wasn’t involved from all sides.

I feel sorry for Dani, victim of his own crime. Genuinely wouldn’t wish it on anyone as it’s only money but life for him will be a paranoid one forever changing his life unless he sorts this. Even then, all those that have cashed out at major losses while the inside trading combined with radio silence from dani/shitfu was going on. I’ve owed the wrong people money before and it’s not a good feeling, literally a peanut compared to the millions Dani and co are deep with. It’s easy to avoid a few folk in the world, not so easy to avoid when everyone knows Dani’s face…I honestly couldn’t be in his shoes, its not like hitting a bank. They hit the people…


You don’t seem to realize the full extent of what SIFU did as a career criminal who has already played a key role in several other multimillion dollar scams. SIFUs mis-management of the treasury is what triggered liquidation cascades twice that brought us from 10k to 200. You may want to do a little research and educate yourself so you can fully understand how we all got fucked by SIFU. A Death In Cryptoland | CBC Podcasts | CBC Listen
Episode 4 of this podcast is specifically about SIFU and his past crimes.

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Given what has happened in the last 24 hours, and the deceit that has been displayed against all WL holders who likely would not have invested with such information, no, I do not think you should be tarnished with the same brush.